
Life, afterlife, immortality and God.

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All we have is life. We have a limited variety of ways to live in life, and we also limit our behavior.  What makes life worth living? Are you living to fulfill obligations to family? Are you satisfied? 


Would you want your life to carry over into the next one? Do you think the environment and laws are the same as here? Do you think the next life will go on forever?


If one believes in a God, the idea is that that God is immortal.  Do you think that God limits itself? After existing for eternity, do you think God is bored? If there is a God, is it the Creator? If so, how do you think the world is upheld? How do you think the afterlife is upheld? Is it someone's job to take care of these worlds, and the souls that are in it?

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I agree that life is all we have, from birth we are on a journey to death. Life and death are the same, we are living and dying at the same time. Everyday I try to live, make the most of what we have.

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2 hours ago, Cadcam said:

All we have is life. We have a limited variety of ways to live in life, and we also limit our behavior.  What makes life worth living?


Finding or knowing the reason you came here and fulfilling that .


Are you living to fulfill obligations to family?


No .


Are you satisfied? 


Yes, very much so .


Would you want your life to carry over into the next one?


I cant answer that as I am not sure if '''your life' is meant to mean 'this life ' or just 'life' .


Do you think the environment and laws are the same as here?


No .


Do you think the next life will go on forever?


No , it changes .  Especially just after death, many traditions talk of a 'second death' .  During this part of the 'afterlife' (before this second death ) it may conform to some of the things you ask about . It seems to be a world of reflections, desires,  'tidying up' and resolving things your most recent life bought up .



If one believes in a God, the idea is that that God is immortal.  Do you think that God limits itself?


I think anything I can think about such a concept (as I see it )  would limit it .


After existing for eternity, do you think God is bored?


That would depend on one's concept of God . Does this eternity run backwards in time as well ? if not  God may 'only' be  13.787 ± 0.020 billion years


If there is a God, is it the Creator? If so, how do you think the world is upheld? How do you think the afterlife is upheld?


Via great complexity .   You might find this interesting in that regard ;


Is it someone's job to take care of these worlds, and the souls that are in it?


Try this :




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These are good questions on life and ultimately linked to death.


Marcus Aurelius said a few things.



Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.



It is not death that a man should fear, but rather he should fear never beginning to live


Each year I contemplate along the lines of , "if I were to die next year, what things do I really want to do before I rest". So in a way death makes clearer one's priorities and values in life.

If I don't live this year according to my values and priorities to the extent that I can, then I will have lived according to someone else's values and priorities, not mine.


If there's an afterlife, how would it look like?, what happens after then? etc, no clue really and I don't believe anyone amongst the living has any clue either.

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I believe we are more than the forms and known parts of our bodies. I believe there are parts not known, and I believe they connect with some outer structure or network. We travel to other dimensions via this, and that is where dreams come from, as well, probably, the place for an afterlife. 


I believe that existence is a structure, and that entities move within it, and can alter its laws.

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On 9/1/2024 at 11:57 PM, Cadcam said:

I believe we are more than the forms and known parts of our bodies. I believe there are parts not known, and I believe they connect with some outer structure or network. We travel to other dimensions via this, and that is where dreams come from, as well, probably, the place for an afterlife. 


I believe that existence is a structure, and that entities move within it, and can alter its laws.


I believe some dreams do come from "nature", nature as in the way the Stoics used the word.

Beyond that, all we have is the imagery we see in dreams and how we experienced the imagery, records or dreams and visions of others. It's tempting to create structures and maps from that imagery, it's interesting to do so, but ultimately we can't know if these correspond to anything.

All we can know is what parts of the dream resonate with us and those which we choose to significance to.

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On 8/23/2024 at 5:07 AM, Cadcam said:

Would you want your life to carry over into the next one? Do you think the environment and laws are the same as here? Do you think the next life will go on forever?


I died in WW2.   Long after I was reborn, I revisited the birth and was very clear: It is not my turn!


But I had to take one for the team.  Such is life! 


Fortunately I am on some parallel timelines where I am more settled.  Mostly I see those in dreams





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