
Asking for testimony about Neidan

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1 hour ago, Shadow_self said:


its ok man :) Im enjoying this spirited conversation with TT


 Please tell me if I miss anything here. But from my understandin, to summarize, TT has


  • Called his own practice fantasy via his own definition of what a practice based on fantasy is
  • Posted  multiple sources that support me and contradict him
  • Evaded much of what he was asked by me
  • Went in the other direction when I asked him why the sources contradict him
  • Returned with a quote from a website that discusses martial arts that are not Neidan, from someone who has nothing to do with Neidan

On the plus side, I got to repost some good stuff from @freeform regards why filling the body with Qi is so important from a foundations perspective :) 

Sounds about right. At least some good has come from all this. If anyone still thinks he’s a credible source and still wastes their time trying to learn from him, they only have themselves to blame. 

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2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

Sun Lutang was a famous martial artist. He was not known for Neidan at all.

the guy mistruths Sun now...very bad karma:) very deep ignorance;)



Sun Lu Tang decided to travel around the country to seek further knowledge in Martial arts and Taoism philosophy, especially in the inner alchemy method


14 minutes ago, Sahaja said:

Stone hard perineum sounds painful. Hope it’s not catchy. 

but sticking fingers in one's ears and singing la-la-la i dont hear you;)

2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:

But before that, how about you answer my last post

sorry i cannot in good faith answer a mishmash of random pop-neidan terms randomly strung together into a semblance of grammatical sentences;)

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52 minutes ago, Taoist Texts said:

Sun Lu Tang decided to travel around the country to seek further knowledge in Martial arts and Taoism philosophy, especially in the inner alchemy method

The coordination of movements and breathing was mentioned the same way by all Taiji practitioners.

  1. 3. Movements should be in harmony. No matter which internal martial art discipline, for it is common to all, that your movements should be natural and relaxed. In Sun Style Taijiquan practise, it is especially stressed that one's movements need to be well co-ordinated and smoothly connected like a flow of water. Crucial to the proper performance of the Taijiquan form is correct breathing. Correct breathing is abdominal breathing. Breathe naturally and deeply through the nose into the abdomen, neither holding your breath nor forcing the breath. Allow the pace of your breath to slow down. The mouth should be gently closed and your tongue should be lightly touching the upper palate inside the mouth.

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MOD NOTE: Locking topic to prevent slipping into pointless ad hominem. We've had points, counterpoints, rebuttals, counter-rebuttals, counter-counter-rebuttals, etc. If some one has good reason to reopen or additional points to add, PM me or the other mods about reopening. 

  • Thanks 4

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