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Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

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Much is spoken about the guardian of the threshold. Some say it appears as a supernatural spectre, others a manifestation of one's past karma trying to pull the soul down. 


I'm interested in this subject as the dweller of the threshold has held many questions and interest for many years. The direction I am seeing right now is the dwellers esoteric meaning is man's lower nature which must be overcome in order to bridge the gap to the divine. 


Without conquering the lower nature in man one is held down and not allowed to cross over. Hopefully others have a different point of view they can share to add to this discussion.

Edited by idiot_stimpy

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4 hours ago, idiot_stimpy said:

The direction I am seeing right now is the dwellers esoteric meaning is man's lower nature which must be overcome in order to bridge the gap to the divine. 


Perhaps , instead of lower nature, a better way to see it is a man's rejected nature, which does include parts of himself he rejects eg because of socially introjected rules - but it's not limited to that, it's all of his parts which he rejects. It often includes very creative parts of us as well.


4 hours ago, idiot_stimpy said:

Without conquering the lower nature in man one is held down and not allowed to cross over.


Integrating is a better way to see it, there's nothing to conquer. Integration doesn't mean succumbing to it, not fighting it. It's about bringing it to consciousness. Without integration, one is held down by himself.

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Thank you for both your responses. Integration is a great topic of turning towards and embracing. It seems healing and unifying. Unification vs division. 



“Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."



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Well, not to argue against Manly ( even though he was often wrong, out of date, romanticized ....   but the pictures !   :D ) . The concept above is a bit  .....   'Theosophical' .  And since Manly did use the analogy (or the only example of ? )  Masonry , I might get away with presenting another aspect of this 'threshold guardian ' which is maybe the opposite of that above , that is not internal but external  ... in this case it would the 'Tiler'  . In all ritual he should be there . Certainly in initiation rituals .


.... someone's gotta keep the Cowans out .  And you might be tested as to your level before he lets you in .


We got two of them up in the sky  (at least )  .... look at Scorpius ..... you might see a scorpion with its claws cut off and given to Libra , but down here, some see two guardians  ( at the rear , in the 'tail' )  mid way are the  club and boomerang they have thrown and in the head are the two law breakers  they are pursuing . The broken law was exactly that , a 'penetration' into an area that should not have been made  ( a woman into a boys initiation circle ) .


And they are all over country ;  sacred sites and each threshold of them has a guardian ; if you go there, you better call out . let them know you want to come in, who you are and by what authority you announce yourself  .

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8 hours ago, idiot_stimpy said:

Thank you for both your responses. Integration is a great topic of turning towards and embracing. It seems healing and unifying. Unification vs division. 





Indeed !  In a way it could be the word that sums up our 'mission' .  Not ech individual mission, but the overall plan .


As we hurtle towards Earth for incarnation and our spark passes through the spheres of planetary relationships , each planet or field giving us a certain energy , its our task to integrate  all that  into  a 'self expression'  by 'ironing the bumps out' .


And even in a group process the same can be reflected ,  the individual process forming a model for the social (in a magical fraternity  or 'order'  for example )  and that in turn forming a model for the individual .


" ....

thus we gather up all the threads of human passion and interest, and weave them into an harmonious tapestry, subtly and diligently with great art, that our Order may seem an ornament even to the Stars that are in the Heavens at Night. In our rainbow-coloured texture we set forth the glory of the whole Universe— See thou to it, brother Magician, that thine own thread be strong, and pure, and of a colour brilliant in itself, yet ready to mingle in all beauty with those of thy brethren!  "

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24 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Well, not to argue against Manly ( even though he was often wrong, out of date, romanticized ....   but the pictures ! :D   ) 


Yeah the artwork in his books  is really something else :D  Its probably the only reason I kept the old hardbacks I have :D 

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By the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning,
the King of the Spirits of Fire
By the Lord of the Waves and the Waters,
the King of the Hosts of the Sea,
The fairest of all of whose daughters was mother to me;
By the Lord of the Winds and the Breezes,
the King of the Spirits of Air,
In whose bosom the infinite ease is that cradled me there;
By the Lord of the Fields and the Mountains,
the King of the Spirits of Earth
That nurtured my life at his fountains
from the hour of my birth;
 By the Wand and the Cup I conjure;
 By the Dagger and Disk I constrain;
 I am he that is sworn to endure;
 Make thy music again~!


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