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1 hour ago, johndoe2012 said:


The problem is expectation, not desire. 


Here there is no longer a frustration if desire is not met. Just peace and quietness. 


Awareness has no problem with desire. 


Look at identity when seeing frustration and expectation. Then the problem goes away. 


Well said, and could also be applied to a number of other traps that beset the path. One thing i liked about the Ge Guolong interview, near the end of the usual mound of boilerplate, he talks about how reclusion is great for learning, but returning to the everyday grind is what really puts it to the test. 


On 9/15/2024 at 12:07 PM, Taoist Texts said:

he [Guolong] is a chinese  scholar which in china means a bureaucrat, a state functionary. as to how rigorous his personal practice is any, there is no data.

I've heard a few times how the powers that be seem to have an interest in portraying Taoists to the rest of the world as weird tree-huggers hanging out in the mountains, certainly not shrewed badasses hiding in plain sight.


On 9/15/2024 at 8:10 AM, Taoist Texts said:

[from amazon review of Guolong book]… I am guessing that Huang Yuanji's original writings (of which only a fraction are in this book) would be of use to a more advanced practitioner

Luckily our neighborly and dashing rapscallion Dr. TT has provided a free sample, which also might've been missed from that other thread.

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7 hours ago, johndoe2012 said:


The problem is expectation, not desire. 


Here there is no longer a frustration if desire is not met. Just peace and quietness. 


Awareness has no problem with desire. 


Look at identity when seeing frustration and expectation. Then the problem goes away. 


Not quite


Expectation does not stir  and scatter JIng the way Desire does


I expect to wake up tomorrow. I have no burning desire to, to be perfectly honest


You have confused expecting an outcome vs the desire for one,


Without the desire for the expected outcome. There is no frustration

Edited by Shadow_self

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