
What would you do...

What Would you Do?  

9 members have voted

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  1. 1. What would you do if you met a stranger in a public place and started a conversation. You start discussing random topics, and then there is one which both of you feel strongly about. You feel one way about it, and the other person disagrees with you

    • Try to understand their perspctive
    • Try to explain your perspective
    • Agree to disagree
    • Argue vigorously about it
    • Start calling them names
    • Resort to fisticuffs
    • All of the above

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  • Poll closed on 09/15/2024 at 05:00 AM

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1 hour ago, doc benway said:


Opinions just aren't that important.


Someone should make the above statement into a bumper sticker or, better yet, a highway sign.  Just my opinion.

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I think it depends on the subject matter of the disagreement and the magnitude of the issue over which we disagree.   If it's about something of very minimal importance to me, I might offer a different perspective.  How do you pick a really good watermelon at a store?  Some people just cross their fingers and hope for the best.  Some look at external signs they were told to look for.  No!  Put your ear to it and knock on it with your knuckles.  A hollow sound bodes well, a dull thump -- forget it.  If they disagree, let them eat a watermelon that's neither sweet nor ripe, who gives a damn. 


But when something bigger is at stake, it's a lose-lose situation.  If I say nothing, I'm betraying myself.  Oh, every fucking time!  If I say something, a pointless argument may take place -- not my chosen pastime. 


Hermits had a point.  

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7 hours ago, dwai said:

How do you think it changes with people online? 


It is really hard to take the fight to the physical level  ....  "  Do I have to hop on a plane and come over there ?  !    :angry:   "

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Dont YOU start Luke !   I may not be able to afford to fly to Mexico .... but I can row there  ! 





" Damn that Liminal Luke , now look what he has got me into !  " 

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3 hours ago, Nungali said:

Dont YOU start Luke !   I may not be able to afford to fly to Mexico .... but I can row there  ! 





" Damn that Liminal Luke , now look what he has got me into !  " 


Just think -- with our new ability to down vote posts I might be able to get you to jump in your boat without saying a word.  Tempting, very tempting...

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17 hours ago, Nungali said:

Dont YOU start Luke !   I may not be able to afford to fly to Mexico .... but I can row there  ! 





" Damn that Liminal Luke , now look what he has got me into !  " 

(you have seen the movie, right?)


hey old man in the sea don't kill the marlin just let him pull the rowboat for you...

Edited by old3bob

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Dwai,  I'm not sure where it is first recorded or written but there is the  quote: "Gandhi himself never ruled out violence absolutely and unreservedly. He conceded the necessity of arms in certain situations. He said, “Where choice is set between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence… I prefer to use arms in defense of honor rather than remain the vile witness of dishonor…” is easy to find on the internet.

Edited by old3bob
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On 9/15/2024 at 2:41 AM, snowymountains said:

Otherwise, realistically, who would bother debating someone they don't agree with e.g. on the bus stop 😁

...I've actually done this quite a few times, though not always at a bus stop. Never had it devolve into fights either, but it doesn't always change opinions for anyone involved, so it's kinda neutral. Nonetheless, I do come away with at least a slightly better understanding of the other party, so it's worth it for me!

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On 9/15/2024 at 5:51 AM, dwai said:

I’ve seen absolute random strangers discuss and even vigorously debate politics and sports in public places (like tea shops in India). You’ll be surprised how alike interactions IRL and OLL are. :) 

I’ve had debates with complete strangers on a train (36 hr train ride through India). 

Only thing is; mostly IRL people do it for fun, or simply to counter boredom. Some even strike up great friendships. 



Dude !  Thats in India !   ....   I could not  get a meal at 'Swami's Underinflated Indian Restaurant '   (Infamously cheaply  catering to students from Sydney Uni - next door , for many years )   without  the owner trying to engage me in the latest in Indian politics - which I didnt have a clue about nor an interest in .  He even had his own political 'slogans' and philosophies painted on the walls inside ;


Eg .


" One can not always right injustices - but one can embarrass the guilty . "  ... also the main wall had a picture of him beneath Ghandi and a slogan ;  ' N. Pondisawarmi .... Australia's answer to Mahatma Ghandi " 


I have even seen him and his mate get into a huge argument in the middle of a busy night , central stage , between the tables , about Indian politics , of course.


{ It really amped up .... yelling, chest swelling ,  in each others face , spit flying.  I was with a friend who traveled through India a lot, she said ; " This will go on for a bit, they will get more and more agitated, get to the point of near fisticuffs, it will seem , then they will agree that after all, they are both Indians , make up and re affirm their friendship . "    -    And that is exactly what happened   :D  }





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38 minutes ago, Nungali said:

How come the voting got locked to new voters ?   



There’s a timer on the polls 

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52 minutes ago, dwai said:

There’s a timer on the polls 


Polls come with automatic timer ?


Was that an election ?   :D  


Booths are now closed .


At the risk of being a bit current affairs political  (but this is for a different reason ) , we just had state election, the liberals 'lucked out '  why ?


Their organization forgot to register them for candidates in time   :D   


Imagine how pleased their candidates where  !  ... or confused voters all over the place finding their party had no representation on the ballot .

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or point to the sky and ...  " Lookit  that !   is that a UFO ! ??


and when they turn to look .... leg it .

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