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Illusion - an idea or belief that is not true, or something that is not what it seems to be.


Its interesting that much of our internal world is built up of various ideas and beliefs. Our hopes, dreams, preferences, likes and dislikes, our fears, build on a ball of ideas of who we are.


Understanding the idea of a dream, when something is seen to be real but then becomes unreal, the power of these balls of ideas begin to weaken. 


When the dream is understood to be a dream, is the waking up from following an illusion and holding onto something that wasn't even real to begin with. 

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The difference is that in a dream state what you experience as reality is entirely non-dual. You both create it and experience it, at the same time. In dream, objects follow whatevs laws you impose on them either unconsciously ( in a normal dream) or consciously ( in a lucid dream ).


After you wake up, apples will always fall from trees though and never fly towards the sky, no matter how much consciously or unconsciously believes that.


Dreams though sometimes are genuinely felt experiences and the affect and thoughts they left us with may well carry over when we are awake.


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