
What is the dan in neidan and dan tian? 丹

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Just now, Thrice Daily said:

Thankyou, but for me martial arts start with intent, and much of that is cultivated with the heart. Can you dig it?

physically speaking though I totally get what you're saying and appreciate the comment. I should keep the reverse breathing in mind more than I currently do. 

You welcome and thank you! I am not sure what it means by intent and cultivated with the heart. Perhaps, I need to have more clarification from you in to near future.

I am glad that you have considered to pay more attention to the significance of reverse breathing.

8 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

ChiDragon do you focus at all on middle and upper, What do they mean to you? If anything? in

Yes, both mean a lot to me.

First of all let's relate the TCM terminology with the physiological terms.
The upper dantian(UDT) is the mind that control all the body activities. The middle dantian(MDT) is the chest where the lung is located. The lower datian(LDT) is the abdomen. The MDT is where it begins to sustain life. It provides oxygen or chi as fuel to generate energy to keep the body function. As we breathe oxygen(chi) into the lung, the lung is the first organ that uses oxygen to produce the ATP energy to carry out its function. Then, the blood brings in oxygen into the heart from the lung. The cells in the heart will use oxygen to produce the energy for contraction. The contraction of the heart will squeeze the oxygenated blood out to arteries throughout the body. The rest of the body cells will fight for the oxygen.

The cells of the heart and brain do not reproduce if they die. Hence, the constant supply of oxygen is required for these two organs in order to keep their cells alive. 

Under the condition of "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is very important to a martial artist and a Taoist.  To a martial artist, 氣沉丹田,  is at the condition which the body can generate the maximum internal power. To a Taoist, it is the ultimate alchemy condition for Neidan.

However, the ancient people did not understand the physiologically functions of the body. So, they assumed that at "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is the ultimate condition to accomplish the goal of whatever the practice was. Therefore, they only focus on the LDT rather than the other two.


10 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

..... More intensity and strength is my best measure stick to good progress really.


what do you consider progress? 

Progress to me is same as what you have stated. I want keep my ability to breathe deep to sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" at will and to increase my internal strength by increasing the mitochondria density in my body. As I understand, it could be done by slow body movements and slow deep breathing. I believe that I have accomplished by the diligent practice of Taiji.

Thank you very much for your response and interested in the thread!

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4 hours ago, Taomeow said:


Whatcha gonna do about the qi of inanimate objects such as the mountains, rivers, computers, or money?  The sun and the moon and Jupiter?   

Sorry, Taomeow. I don't really know what are you asking.

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3 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

You welcome and thank you! I am not sure what it means by intent and cultivated with the heart. Perhaps, I need to have more clarification from you in to near future.


I've got a funny take on martial arts. For me it's more about how we operate in the empty space around people than in actual contact. This for me is genuine martialart. If I fight I already failed and betrayed my intention not to fight. Luckily I learned some wing chun first so it fits well with this ethic, I don't like to fight, sure my body can make some shapes and I can knock sticks away but I would rather tickle my opponent.

I am glad that you have considered to pay more attention to the significance of reverse breathing.


Thanks, it's something I approach with caution, I naturally don't have the best none structure, had car accidents in my teens, which damaged a foot and opposite knee so I grew up with not much space between the joints and lots of pain. Reverse breathing is helping though and as I go deeper into the guts it is helping me open the hips scrum and lower back, a little is better than nothing for me and I'm very grateful of any progress 

Yes, both mean a lot to me.

First of all let's relate the TCM terminology with the physiological terms.
The upper dantian(UDT) is the mind that control all the body activities.

Do you ever use this for visualization / working with universal energies?


The middle dantian(MDT) is the chest where the lung is located. The lower datian(LDT) is the abdomen. The MDT is where it begins to sustain life. It provides oxygen or chi as fuel to generate energy to keep the body function. As we breathe oxygen(chi) into the lung, the lung is the first organ that uses oxygen to produce the ATP energy to carry out its function. Then, the blood brings in oxygen into the heart from the lung. The cells in the heart will use oxygen to produce the energy for contraction. The contraction of the heart will squeeze the oxygenated blood out to arteries throughout the body. The rest of the body cells will fight for the oxygen.


Very nice to focus on the physical, can't go wrong with a And p, Do you do any meditation for generating living kindness / metta?

Also do you eat much seafood, shellfish is apparently especially

It good for mitochondrial health. If you got a good supply of oysters nearby I highly reccomend..

The cells of the heart and brain do not reproduce if they die. Hence, the constant supply of oxygen is required for these two organs in order to keep their cells alive. 

You sound laser focused do you have any tips on staying mindful about breathing throughout the day while not doing formal training?

Under the condition of "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is very important to a martial artist and a Taoist.  To a martial artist, 氣沉丹田,  is at the condition which the body can generate the maximum internal power. To a Taoist, it is the ultimate alchemy condition for Neidan.


Nicely put thanks.

However, the ancient people did not understand the physiologically functions of the body. So, they assumed that at "sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" is the ultimate condition to accomplish the goal of whatever the practice was. Therefore, they only focus on the LDT rather than the other two.


Progress to me is same as what you have stated. I want keep my ability to breathe deep to sink chi to the dantian(氣沉丹田)" at will and to increase my internal strength by increasing the mitochondria density in my body. As I understand, it could be done by slow body movements and slow deep breathing. I believe that I have accomplished by the diligent practice of Taiji.


Nice thanks for the reminder, anyone reading this should gain benefits for practice of they focus on it. More blessings to you.

Thank you very much for your response and interested in the thread!

Likewise it's a pleasure reading your responses, can I ask about your taiji, What are you working on at the moment?

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30 minutes ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

She means there is qi in things that don’t breathe, so how can it just be oxygen?


5 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

Whatcha gonna do about the qi of inanimate objects such as the mountains, rivers, computers, or money?  The sun and the moon and Jupiter?   


4 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

Sorry, Taomeow. I don't really know what are you asking.

As someone who can see Qi physically, I can confirm that it is not just "living" objects that have Qi. Inanimate objects, such as metal, stone, and wood, glow as well. There is a potentiated energy in about every object you can find; the structure of that energy/information can vary.


You could argue that the quality of the Qi is different, and it would not be wrong; living objects "Qi" would be more dynamic, and inanimate are often more stable. But saying that Qi is just lifeforce and living things is a naive view. On the other side of Life Qi, Death Qi also exists. However, what is more interesting is that inanimate objects also have memories and record events happening around them.


The real reason for this is the nature of consciousness; as you develop, it becomes evident that consciousness is a mental field that has qualities of omnipresence and pervading through everything. In the beginning, your consciousness is located inside your body, and you have barely any awareness outside. But as it grows. The consciousness of a highly developed creature would envelop a city, a country, or even a whole planet, permeating through every object on it.

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5 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

The upper dantian(UDT) is the mind that control all the body activities.


No, your mind is located elswhere


5 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

The middle dantian(MDT) is the chest where the lung is located.


No the middle dan tien is located with the heart. This is actually where the mind is

5 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

However, the ancient people did not understand the physiologically functions of the body. 


I think you'll find they understood perfectly well


Its my opinion  (and several others on this board seem to share this view) that you seem to be the one struggling with all of this

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It’s hard to specialise though Shadow_Self when you’re a Jack of all trades.


(I enjoy reading your comments by the way, Thankyou for sharing for us all)


I get where ChiDragon is coming from though, a bit at least.


Personally I prefer to be an all rounder . I don’t get too deep in any area and maybe not that proficient either,

but prefer the balance.


Health/Structural, Martial, Sexual, Religeous, 


Maybe ChiDragon just wants Martial. 

For me you can listen with mind to Head, Heart or Gut.


In my experience, in the real world, gut is always better. 

Heart and Head causes more trouble. 

ChiDragon, what’s your take on the three treasures? in this case I mean


chi jing and shen :)



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4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

If I fight I already failed and betrayed my intention not to fight. Luckily I learned some wing chun first so it fits well with this ethic, I don't like to fight

If fighting was the first thing comes to the mind is to learn martial arts, then, it was the wrong step to begin with. An intent to learn the art is for health and good character other than fighting. It was considered to be the virtue of martial arts(武德).  However, whether you like it or not, the fighting skill comes with the package. You have the virtue of martial arts, my friend.

4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Do you ever use this for visualization / working with universal energies?

I believe visualization is a western idea which I am not familiar with. I don't know what is the true meaning of universal energies or how to work with it.

4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Do you do any meditation for generating living kindness / metta?

I do meditation in a zazen manner by sitting in my garden with the ultimate breathing method(UBM).


4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

You sound laser focused do you have any tips on staying mindful about breathing throughout the day while not doing formal training?

Ever since I have accomplished the ability to sink chi to my dantian, it had become my normal daily breathing habit with no hesitation. My tip is not to kick the breathing habit. The ample of oxygen supply, the universal source of energy, with keep me alert and focus at all times.

Edited by ChiDragon

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As has already been stated in this thread, different practices have evolved to use the same words for different things, as well there are different levels of perspective. Here is yet another one. 


Lower dantien encompasses the entire physical body. Dan refined here involve enhanced flow of metabolites and hormones, to tissues who have increased efficiency and durability. Anything that can be objectively measured, even electricity.


Middle field is what's usually referred to as the aura. Technology has just scratched the surface of mapping a toroidal vortex via superconducting quantum interference detection, but lacks the resolution to sense intricacies of multiphasic encoding wherein our thoughts and feelings resonate. Medicine of this cauldron "removes dust from the mirror of the heart," smoothing out the little packets of turbulence propagating throughout the external orbit.


Upper stage, you'll have to ask a celestial about that.

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3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Health/Structural, Martial, Sexual, Religeous, 


Maybe ChiDragon just wants Martial. 

With the practice of any kind, all the of above come with the package.
I am not just want all martial. I am in the 性命雙修, dual cultivation of mind and body.

3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

ChiDragon, what’s your take on the three treasures? in this case I mean


chi jing and shen

精氣神( chi jing and shen) are the esoteric terms used by the ancient Chinese Taoists specialized in alchemy. If people talking about neidan(內丹) without mentioning these three terms, then, they knew nothing about neidan.

These three treasures are the major ingredients are used in the alchemy. The final product become a neidan.

I had posted the explanation of the three treasures. I need to look for it again. I wish Cobie is here to help me. She is good at that.

Edited by ChiDragon

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1 hour ago, Nintendao said:

As has already been stated in this thread, different practices have evolved to use the same words for different things, as well there are different levels of perspective. Here is yet another one. 


Lower dantien encompasses the entire physical body. Dan refined here involve enhanced flow of metabolites and hormones, to tissues who have increased efficiency and durability. Anything that can be objectively measured, even electricity.


Middle field is what's usually referred to as the aura. Technology has just scratched the surface of mapping a toroidal vortex via superconducting quantum interference detection, but lacks the resolution to sense intricacies of multiphasic encoding wherein our thoughts and feelings resonate. Medicine of this cauldron "removes dust from the mirror of the heart," smoothing out the little packets of turbulence propagating throughout the external orbit.


Upper stage, you'll have to ask a celestial about that.

“Upper stage, you'll have to ask a celestial about that.”


I love it, I’m glad I’m not the only one that exercises caution around this point.


It’s very interesting what you are saying about the tech. Amazing to think we may decode it in this way. 

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3 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

精氣神( chi jing and shen) are the esoteric terms used by the ancient Chinese Taoists specialized in alchemy. If people talking about neidan(內丹) without mentioning these three terms, then, they knew nothing about neidan.

@Thrice Daily
These three treasures are the major ingredients are used in internal alchemy. The final product become a neidan.
The ancient Chinese Taoist alchemy, originally, started externally by baking the elements in a cauldron. However, it was done ridiculously included some poisonous ingredients such as mercury and lead. Thus the elixir instead of prolong life but shorten life. Therefore, the Taoist came up with another idea with the thought of internal alchemy. They had thought of using three intangible ingredients inside the body. They are 精氣神( chi jing and shen).

In internal alchemy, it was assumed that the body is the caldron as in external alchemy. The three major ingredients inside the body are as follows:
is a unit substance that makes up the structure of the human body.
氣(chi) is the vital life source that keep the human body alive
(shen) is the soul of the body like the vital sign of the body.

The external uses fire to bake the ingredients in a caldron. In internal alchemy, Taoist perform meditation by breathing the chi(oxygen) into the dantian to bake the three major ingredients. The idea was to have 練精化氣,

Here is the Taoist terminology for 練精化氣, refine jing to chi:
English translation:
Refining the jing to transform in to chi, is the Taoist terminology. It is first stage of qigong in the fundamental internal alchemy process. Then, the whole process is refining the jing to transform in to chi, refining the chi to transform in to shen, refining shen in to the void. Refine the void integrated with Tao. In internal alchemy, using jing, chi, shen as the basic fundamental, the prenatal jing and the prenatal chi should be refined together, transform them to a light and pure no-form compound substance. Refine it to a "dan body" which means after  the body was returned back to the prenatal form.

BTW Qigong means the practice of breathing here. Void is return back to the innocent stage of oneself.

The esoteric explanation was hard to interpret and comprehend. That's why I say it sounds fictional to me.

Edited by ChiDragon
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