
The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

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Chi or Qi is the most confusing term to be comprehended. What is Chi and Qigong? Unfortunately, the first thing come into people's mind is Energy. In my mind, chi is always deal with breathing. Therefore, Qigong is the practice of breathing. To others, Qigong is the cultivation of energy. However, I am finally realized that we are only got it half right. So to speak.

I had looked more closely and investigated what chi is all about. According to the Taoist definition, Chi is one of the treasures in the internal alchemy to acquire neidan. It is clear to me now that there four kinds of Chi in the body. So, we are talking about Qigong is not just the cultivation of breathing nor energy.

There are four kind of chi existed in the body. They are 元氣, 宗氣, 營氣, 衛氣. All the terms has a character on them. The first to do is to ignore the chi character. It is because they a compound character. In this case, the chi character is only a classifier for a substance.
(Yuan chi) : is the prenatal micro-unit that makes up the structure of the human body

宗氣(Zong chi) : is the air breathed from space

營氣(Ying Chi) : is the nourishment from the food that is flowing in the blood

衛氣(Wei Chi) : is the immune system to protect the body from pathogens that might attack the body internally.

The cultivate Chi Qong, it would be involved and include the four kinds of chi. Therefore, the cultivation of 宗氣
(Zong chi) is by improving the breathing habit to enhance the respiratory system. To cultivate 營氣(Ying Chi) is by eating the right food to nourish the human body.

The 元氣
(Yuan chi) and 衛氣(Wei Chi) cannot be cultivated by external means. Hence, by the cultivation of 宗氣(Zong chi) and 營氣(Ying Chi) will take care the 元氣(Yuan chi) and 衛氣(Wei Chi) internally.

Eating food is the easiest to cultivate for nourishment . However, Qigong is the most difficult to cultivate. Especially, people with breathing problems. It require lots of effort and practice to improve bad breathing habits.  Indeed, Qigong can change and improve any bad breathing habit. Finally, the breathing is still plays the major part in the cultivation of Qigong.


Edited by ChiDragon
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