
Where are the High Level Martial Artists/Fighters at?

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6 hours ago, Maddie said:


so really they are "your country lost the war and is having to rationalize things arts?"


Sort of .  Take this passage for example;


Budō is a compound of the root bu (:ぶ; wǔ in Chinese), meaning "war" or "martial"; and (:どう; dào in Chinese), incorporating the character above for head and below for foot, meaning the unification of mind and body "path" or "way"[4] (including the ancient Indic Dharmic and Buddhist conception of "path", or mārga in Sanskrit[5]). Budō is the idea of formulating propositions, subjecting them to philosophical critique and then following a "path" to realize them.[6] Dō signifies a "way of life". in the Japanese context is an experiential term in the sense that practice (the way of life) is the norm to verify the validity of the discipline cultivated through a given art form. Modern budō has no external enemy, only the internal one: the ego that must be fought.[7]


Or  " Aikido is a budo to harmonise the individual with the Universal Principle and to concord among all peoples. "


or even  " Aikido means 'the Way of Harmonising the Body and Universal Spirit' but in a deeper sense it also means loving the world and all who live in it. "




What is this principle ? 



“Aikido has but one principle—the universal reality of life. In their own nature as living human beings all possess the basic secret of Aikido. The purpose of Aikido is to better people’s lives, to make their spirits blossom and become strong, and by making better people to make a better world. Aikido exists in this principle and this purpose, not in the style of movement or the technical details through which Aikido is taught. If the principle and the purpose are present, any technique can be Aikido. If they are absent, so is Aikido.”

Mitsugi Saotome – The Principles of Aikido












Manchurian invasion.


here is an interview with him,  May 27, 1956 in the weekly supplement of the Yomiuri newspaper (週刊読売, Shukan Yomiuri ;


The Essence of budo

Reporter : Is there sword in Aiki?


Ueshiba : Yes, there is. The sword is the opposing mirrors12 of Heaven and Earth. It represents an act of celebration.


Now you’re loosing me! (laughs) I personally think that a sword is nothing but a murderous weapon. Therefore, I feel sympathy only towards those who look at blades realistically and realize how foolish they are.


The sword is dangerous. One shouldn’t play with dangerous things. Think of the world for once. The world is a site of religious worship given to us. Therefore, we worship the path of Heaven and apply the rules of Heaven to the Earth, and conduct the affairs of state according to the way of harmony. There is no war in Heaven, is there? For tens of thousands of years we have been getting along well with each other. If the Earth is ours, let’s celebrate its beauty and get along well with each other.


The sword can’t be used for getting along. I have a feeling that we will fare better if we make friends without it.


... Japan has become what it is because we have engaged in this type of practice that leads to defeat14. So we have to practice in such a way that will lead to victory. Practice which leads to victory is correct practice. That’s what we should do together.



You are thinking of the Emperor as he was before the war22


I can’t say that exactly.


In Aikido, we never hit the sword of the opponent. All we have to do is raise two fingers and help him.


It’s a very thoughtful budo, isn’t it?


That’s the spirit of Japan. If we keep the past’s competitive spirit, we will continue to kill people and loose our soul.


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On 23/09/2024 at 10:34 PM, ChiDragon said:



This two phrases are very Paradoxal.

It is hard to be translated in any language.


Just reverse the lines, easy-peasy to understand and no contradiction:


moving into the centre, effortlessly leads to stillness; 

being still and centred, effortlessly leads to action.


動 中,帶 静;dong4 zhong1, dai4 jing4; - move | centre | carry | quiet 

静 中, 帶 動。jing4 zhong1, dai4 dong4 - quiet | centre | carry | move



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On 24/09/2024 at 6:41 AM, Nungali said:

Ah , you changed tense between your two statements .  …

English uses verb conjugation (tenses) to express time. Chinese does not have any verb conjugation. 


Edited by Cobie

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48 minutes ago, Cobie said:

動 中,帶 静;dong4 zhong1, dai4 jing4; - move | centre | carry | quiet 

静 中, 帶 動。jing4 zhong1, dai4 dong4 - quiet

Welcome back, Cobie. We missed you for the whole month. The character 中 does not mean center here. Instead it means within.

1. 静中帶動: static within dynamic and
2. 動中帶静: dynamic within static.

In the application of martial arts: 1. the defender is standing still and getting ready for the offender to make the first move.

2. After the first defensive move and get ready to become standing still again for the next offensive move.

It is analogous to Yin within Yang and Yang within Yin.


Edited by ChiDragon
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19 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

…  In the application of martial arts ..

Righto. Don’t know anything about that. Thanks for the info.


19 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Welcome back, Cobie. We missed you for the whole month.


Thank you my friend. :)  Good to be back. 


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1 hour ago, Cobie said:


English uses verb conjugation (tenses) to express time. Chinese does not have any verb conjugation. 



Ahhhh ... so you came back after a month to correct me , although I was talking to someone else , not you , and they where not speaking Chinese  but English .


Hoi Cobie, great to have you back  !   :D

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12 minutes ago, Nungali said:

… they where not speaking Chinese  but English .


CD’s first language is Chinese. Do you speak a foreign language? It’s really difficult to learn alien grammar.



Hoi Cobie, great to have you back  !   :D


Thanks. :) I learned some new things in jail that I will use against you. :lol:


Edited by Cobie
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8 minutes ago, Cobie said:


CD’s first language is Chinese. Do you speak a foreign language? It’s really difficult to learn alien grammar.



Thanks. :) I learned some new things in jail that I will use against you. :lol:



being a martial arts thread  ...


"try''  to use against me ....   I know  some '52'  ya know  ;) 




'Reverse chi ball ' .


No Dude !  Dont drive your elbow into his  fist !   Evade the  punch and guard with elbow driving it into one of these points ;





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"The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest.” — Bruce Lee

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On 10/14/2024 at 10:25 AM, Thrice Daily said:

"The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest.” — Bruce Lee


What martial arts have you done TD  ?

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I ain't gonna lie I was wrong, this game of reality is so subjective. There are infinite ways to reach pure self (presence is the best label I can give it, but even that isnt it. It's just beyond) there is no right or wrong way, there is just way. Its not non duality or duality its beyond both, those are both concepts created by the limited human brain. There is no highest level master, there is infinite refinement. If you have a body no matter how subtle that body is, you are still in ego. You can only go off what you have actually experienced. Most of my information has came from the internet so I'm gonna have to get off this thing and experience actual life instead of thinking I know something. Until I meet these "masters" for myself instead of seeing them through a screen its all belief. Disregard all my previous posts and replies, its just ramblings of a person who thought they knew something. This spiritual stuff is kinda overrated. All these techniques make it way more complicated than it needs to be, they are completely unnecessary. Just be completely aware of what you are doing and you will eventually be free, its inevitable. Thats the only "spiritual" practice that truly works for me anyways, thats meditation to me. Goodbye

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13 hours ago, Nungali said:


What martial arts have you done TD  ?

I practice some Ip Man Wing Chun. 
I did a bit of White Crane when I lived around London

and a little FMA , but only heavens six. I like to practice with sticks and empty hand.


it’s a great flow and I’ve adapted my Wing Chun to fit inside it and flower out from it in various ways. 

it’s all I really do, there is a lot in there. So many technical points. But I’m a busy Dad, I don’t have training partners. Now it’s winter I’m back to shadow boxing each day. Or hitting myself with sticks :) 


I got a nice tendon changing classic practice I got taught in Taiwan. I’m back to doing that every morning now.


in the summer I was doing Iron Shirt Postures , Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds.


I tend to do an hour Qigong/Martial in morning. Weight training for an hour in evening (most days) 


And then pray at night. I sleep on rock hard floor so I am awake throughout the night and tend to use that time not for practice but worship/gratitude 


I love training though and miss sparring, What do you get stuck in to Nungers?

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11 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

I practice some Ip Man Wing Chun. 
I did a bit of White Crane when I lived around London

and a little FMA , but only heavens six. I like to practice with sticks and empty hand.


COOL !     I have seen a lot of Wing Chun similarities in what I practiced which was a version white crane and I think FMA is great ... we had one escimador come up here and show us some stuff !  I loved it ... we had fun together , however my 'instructor' at the time was totally lost with it .  Unfortunately no teachers here ... I even went to the nearby city and asked the Philipino  community ... nope .  :( 



it’s a great flow and I’ve adapted my Wing Chun to fit inside it and flower out from it in various ways. 


way to go IMO !

it’s all I really do, there is a lot in there. So many technical points. But I’m a busy Dad, I don’t have training partners. Now it’s winter I’m back to shadow boxing each day. Or hitting myself with sticks :) 


I got a nice tendon changing classic practice I got taught in Taiwan. I’m back to doing that every morning now.


in the summer I was doing Iron Shirt Postures , Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds.


I tend to do an hour Qigong/Martial in morning. Weight training for an hour in evening (most days) 


And then pray at night. I sleep on rock hard floor so I am awake throughout the night and tend to use that time not for practice but worship/gratitude 


I love training though and miss sparring, What do you get stuck in to Nungers?


Unfortunately I am without anyone to practice anymore   :(   Past history ;  High school Jap karate  > Filipino karate - Sikiran' > lame corrupted aikido  > bit of Silat >  Akikai aikido > Shorin-ryu Okinawan karate  > 'Shorin Ryu 'Seito'  - a form of old totally different to modern karate , a family tradition coming down through ;










Ted Lange and others that where his students .


Then my take on it ... which by now I realized contained a lot of the other arts that where 'separated '  before , ie. a lot of the old school stuff contains  things in aikido, ju-jitsu, etc .


Also I studied kobudo ; boken , bo, jo, tanto, sai, karma , ecu , double machete , spear , rope dart . .. and a little bit of 'two sticks' .




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11 hours ago, Nungali said:

Also I studied kobudo ; boken , bo, jo, tanto, sai, karma , ecu , double machete , spear , rope dart . .. and a little bit of 'two sticks' .


Oh man you got quite a base altogether. 

The FMA is complicated. It’s way beyond me too. I dig the history though and the reality they had to face on the shores of oncoming invaders (lot of catholics too from what I hear) 


It’s a great passion to think of the men and boys training near the shores, warming up as boats sailed towards them. I like the romance of that. Protecting the family. It doesn’t get much more passionate than that. 

The “heavens six” is a lovely thing to learn . If you haven’t already, it might wake up some of your former training styles. I bet it does…

There is some great music you can listen to at the same time too… 


Try this…



Do you have a recommendation of any training drills that branches off /work well with Wing Chun??


White Crane is cool isn’t it, wish I’d stayed round London longer for this. Pretty good school over Richmond end I think.

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15 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Oh man you got quite a base altogether. 

The FMA is complicated. It’s way beyond me too. I dig the history though and the reality they had to face on the shores of oncoming invaders (lot of catholics too from what I hear) 


see below *


It’s a great passion to think of the men and boys training near the shores, warming up as boats sailed towards them. I like the romance of that. Protecting the family. It doesn’t get much more passionate than that. 


Mr Nishihira  on why train martial arts ;  " Protect your family "

The “heavens six” is a lovely thing to learn . If you haven’t already, it might wake up some of your former training styles. I bet it does…


yeah cool, but isnt that just a broken down figure 8 ?   meaning if you hold your sticks like they are  a staff ( hold their ends together )  and do a figure 8 then spread the sticks and timing , it turns into a heaven 6 .  I do them  both 'up'  and  'down' .  I got a bit beyond that , showing the escrima guy some Okinawan dance and how some  moves evolved from that. We also explored some empty hand against weapons and weapons taking .  Escrima has got a few tricks there !  Apparently he won a championship in Pilipines  ... but like me, he says  thats just a flogging rumble with no finesse , I prefer the drills and the art .

There is some great music you can listen to at the same time too… 


I am searching for a great vid ; Sikiran Moro - the footwork .. but I cant find it ; its  this guy and mates *  practising to drumming   ( see post below )


* this guy , from 1;05   and turn this music DOWN   (a shocking replacement for the original which is in time with movement )  :




Its the footwork and 'tricks' that come from their traditional use of sword and shield  ,  sword and shield attack from above navel why you have this to deal with at your base   :blink:

I will try to find the other  vid  and post it later ....





Try this…


Thats Dan !  :)


I had his first book, personally autographed .  The front page says


*  FMA  across the top


a slogan  " We killed Magellan  "   and a logo underneath    :D 





Do you have a recommendation of any training drills that branches off /work well with Wing Chun??


Not sure about drills, but similar techniques , I posted them in a vid previously  (here I think )


White Crane is cool isn’t it, wish I’d stayed round London longer for this. Pretty good school over Richmond end I think.


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Really like this guy, thanks for sharing him. He has got a real beautiful way about how he does what he does.


Nice One. 

I may start implementing some of his drills. I’ll have to find a partner now to start training with. I got the bug back… 


This is Heavens Six.

I prefer it empty hand and let the six strikes morph into Wing Chun blocks and strikes, with different footwork so it’s multidirectional and flowing rather than static.







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22 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

I prefer it empty hand and let the six strikes morph into Wing Chun blocks and strikes, with different footwork so it’s multidirectional and flowing rather than static.

This is more like a cultivation of the mind other than just hand movements. The mind has the control the hands to coordinate the hand movements.

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16 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

This is more like a cultivation of the mind other than just hand movements. The mind has the control the hands to coordinate the hand movements.

I keep telling my daughter that when she’s plays piano

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1 hour ago, Thrice Daily said:

Really like this guy, thanks for sharing him. He has got a real beautiful way about how he does what he does.


Nice One. 

I may start implementing some of his drills. I’ll have to find a partner now to start training with. I got the bug back… 









he's great and has a good philosophy  * .  I found him after I started  looking at at some Sonny Umpad **    and  ... WOW ,  confirmation !  meaning that I saw him doing a lot of stuff that I would do against my own 'instructor' as i insisted his  knife work and particularly his knife 'defense'  he was teaching was downright dangerous ... I  would be continually 'cutting'  him with a withdraw after an attack  - he got 'instructors syndrome'  - got used to people being compliant with his techniques  - boy did he embarrass  himself in front of that visiting escrima guy ..... that really made me think my time with him was over !


( just one of the things he did ;  he was standing facing the escima guy, both with sticks ,  Escrima guy says " Show me your ready fighting stance."   and 'instructor ' bends forward  and places his sticks on the ground - exposing the back of his head to him - and then stands up and goes into some type of half karate half boxer   ready position  !   When he was bent forward , eyes down and exposing the back of his head to the other ... I could see the other's sticks twitching  :D   but he controlled himself .. I had  arms crossed, casually, one stick under one arm, the other resting on the other shoulder,  he asked me the same question ... I just nodded  and  " have a go " ... he could tell from one look :  " See , he is already in it ... your 'ready stance' should be stance you are in right now   ."      So many problems with this guy , I left  - just like nearly every other 'student' of his, except now, I think 1 guy left ... sad . )


anyway , on to the GOOD ones :


I would have  Jay Jasper as my 'Guro'   any day !   :




Its all good , especially 4:40  Jasper meets Sony (teacher )


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