
Where are the High Level Martial Artists/Fighters at?

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44 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:






I hope you got the deeper part of the joke .


Plenty of youtubes showing 'gun defense '    where the offender sticks the barrel into someone's back or stands within arms reach  and they 'jitsu' them  ... riiiight !


I was visiting a dojo a while back, they had weapons on the wall including plastic hand guns . me ; " You are not teaching people deference against guns are you ? "  he said he was , since no one else was around   he goes " Pick one up and I will show you ."  Okay dude   :rolleyes:


So I take one up, walk away from him turn and point the 'gun'  "Give me your wallet ."   He takes it out and  in hand offers it .


"No no , put it on the floor and kick it over here ."  he does . I squat, keeping aim and eye on him and pick it up and pocket it . And he  smirked ;  " Its just my going out wallet , only got a 20 and no cards in it . "   I amide the gun at his kneecap and said 'Bang ! " thats for being a smart arse  !     .... and I hope you dont teach your kids to give lip to the guy with the gun ! "

Edited by Nungali
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2 minutes ago, Nungali said:



I hope you got the deeper part of the joke .


Plenty of youtubes showing 'gun defense '    where the offender sticks the barrel into someone's back or stands within arms reach  and they 'jitsu' them  ... riiiight !


I was visiting a dojo a while back, they had weapons on the wall including plastic hand guns . me ; " You are not teaching people deference against guns are you ? "  he said he was , since no one else was around   he goes " Pick one up and I will show you ."  Okay dude   :rolleyes:


So I take one up, walk away from him turn and point the 'gun'  "Give me your wallet ."   He takes it out and  in hand offers it .


"No no , put it on the floor and kick it over here ."  he does . I squat, keeping aim and eye on him and pick it up and pocket it . And he  smirked ;  " Its just my going out wallet , only got a 20 and no cards in it . "   I amide the gun at his kneecap and said 'Bang ! " thats for being a smart arse  !     .... and I hope you dont teach your kids to give lip to the guy with the gun ! "

I did boxing, as ive mentioned before. Some people at the gym there, practiced kali sakaran (self defence). Never tried it my self thou, but is it legitimate?

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4 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I did boxing, as ive mentioned before. Some people at the gym there, practiced kali sakaran (self defence). Never tried it my self thou, but is it legitimate?


Probably  .  Sikiran exists in many forms , traditionally its a village foot fighting system where they continually flog each other with fast complex kicks  , full contact .  The version I did had devolved to a 'karate' form , but it still retained some unusual kicks , the instructor (Filipino  ) had remarkable speed, flexibility in the hips  and reflexes  .

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Just now, Nungali said:


Probably  .  Sikiran exists in many forms , traditionally its a village foot fighting system where they continually flog each other with fast complex kicks  , full contact .  The version I did had devolved to a 'karate' form , but it still retained some unusual kicks , the instructor (Filipino  ) had remarkable speed, flexibility in the hips  and reflexes  .

Yeah, and If skilled enough you could survive an encounter with a person with a knife?

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1 minute ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Yeah, and If skilled enough you could survive an encounter with a person with a knife?


'could'  and ' survive '   being the  relevant  words

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13 hours ago, Nungali said:



Thanks for sharing this Documentary. I just watched the first five minutes with some food.

Looking forward to returning to it..


I’ve had a little training with a Guro who got the chance to train in 2 or 3 systems in the Filipines. A westerner but I think sincere and arduous, his stuff was great to watch.

While I only got to spend time briefly with him. I’ve trained often over the years drilling in the basics. I feel that goes a long way energetically. 

I prefer to have some training in person. Mantak Chia and Bruce Frantzis I’ve not had the chance to contact in person. Even for a minute would be awesome as their works in their books have been most beneficial over the years.


Have you practiced much internal martial arts or more only the hard external stuff?


Also did you follow any Qigong systems over the years?

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9 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Thanks for sharing this Documentary. I just watched the first five minutes with some food.


 actually, I remember being so impressed with his view and philosophy about it,  ( the latter half of the vid , I think  ) I am going to watch it again



Have you practiced much internal martial arts or more only the hard external stuff?


You will have to define the difference to me .  I have not not done anything that specifically identifies it as such , but I might be doing it anyway .


Also did you follow any Qigong systems over the years?


Same answer ... I never did anything CALLED Qigong ... but sometimes ,when I have shown someone some of the stuff I do ,  who knows about stuff like that ,  they have said;  'Thats like Qiqong ." 




Edited by Nungali
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5 minutes ago, Zorro Dantes said:

What is high level but life or death in the terms you lay out…see supremely unpopular opinions 

I don't know. I think if a practitioner can embody a whole system well. 

That might constitute high level.


I don’t know though personally I will always consider myself a beginner I think. I only really practice basics.

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Agreed ,  its  not first place but last resort .


Some people dont stop until they come up against 'last resort' .... if they dont come up against any one or thing like that  , they become 'unstoppable' .  Its part of human nature for some .


Check your  'Budoism'.   ;)

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Ah the unstoppable force meets the immovable object…


My favourite film illustrating this point is Collateral… 


Still, it was an early morning for my this morning, very early and I’m not going to lie. It was an excellent session with the sticks. I’ve found some absolute gems Gem 💎 💎 💎 💎 💎   in the practice , they will probably keep me going for years, maybe even ten.


I’m using Beach wood though as my light practice sticks are strangely missing. They are heavy and so it’s quite different training. Gotta watch the elbow joints (and shoulders) 


Still great training. Blessings to all 🙏 

And @Nungali, you were right to recommend that fma player through the video you shared. It is ideal information for the trajectory I’m on, so again, Thankyou. 

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On 23/10/2024 at 6:10 AM, Nungali said:

they become 'unstoppable' .  Its part of human nature for some .

I tend to keep my training secret largely, and return to basic rudiments if people watch or at a class. Just have slow respectful beginner mind.


My daughter though I teach some stuff to. She loves it, a couple of days ago she asked me if I can become a teacher. She said, oh please Dad. She is just 7. Man something in her voice made me think about doing it.


Great Responsibility. Maybe one day, get permission to teach. 
I’ve been very respectful so far, and don’t teach as I’m not qualified. I might have to though…


Anybody here qualified to teach Martial Arts, or have experience doing so, any thoughts?

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2 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

My daughter though I teach some stuff to. She loves it, a couple of days ago she asked me if I can become a teacher. She said, oh please Dad. She is just 7. Man something in her voice made me think about doing it.



Learn from this guy, teach your daughter first.



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3 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

🎞 Nice clip, Thankyou Master Logray… 

🥋 He looks like a solid guy

Lots of nice tutorials…  


You may also take a look at this one  https://www.instagram.com/wudangzixiao/


He is the fellow disciple of the earlier one.  He also teaches in Spain.  On the video alone, he seems to have a more advance level, probably due to starting from younger age.  If you can't go to China now, learning from these "resellers" in the west would be a possible option.   Because it would be a waste if you learn something now, and shift to another totally different system in China later.  And there are principles and system conflicts too. 


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10 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

I tend to keep my training secret largely, and return to basic rudiments if people watch or at a class. Just have slow respectful beginner mind.


My daughter though I teach some stuff to. She loves it, a couple of days ago she asked me if I can become a teacher. She said, oh please Dad. She is just 7. Man something in her voice made me think about doing it.


Great Responsibility. Maybe one day, get permission to teach. 
I’ve been very respectful so far, and don’t teach as I’m not qualified. I might have to though…


Anybody here qualified to teach Martial Arts, or have experience doing so, any thoughts?


Yes, a lot and also a lot of 'remedial work'  . I urge any teacher to try and teach their students in a way the student can comprehend it ! To this end you might want to look into 'types of learning '  ; some people need  visual, some hands on some theory , some need time to digest , we are all different .   I liked sometimes to teach with no words used whatsoever .

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On 31/10/2024 at 8:42 AM, Thrice Daily said:

Or auditory like me ;) 


Cool answer… 


Cheers Nungers B) 


but please tell me, what do you mean by remedial work in this context?


Stuff people picked up from  'our instructor '   (I've since left )  , including ;


Not being able to learn a form , even the first one , after months of training .... 2 hrs with me and they got it .


Suggesting inappropriate techniques for self defence , eg. very slight  , small Asian woman , told to do this, do that or whatever , then follow up with punch (which she was never taught to do properly anyway )  . She thought she could defend herself  so I "Punch me  !    .....   harder .... harder  ! .... as hard as you can ! "    Nope  - very frustrated .   Try again and kick me in the groin  ...... OOOOOF !   ...  now run ! "   And her friend , similar :   Too scared to hit . " Slap me upside the head "   Nah !  .... eventually  " Look ! Pretend I am Tony Abbot !  ( then our current anti-migration / sexists  PM ) .... "  SLAP !   ...  " Oh !  sorry ! "  :D 


Crazy bunkais  that didnt work either . I introduced new ones that did ; Instructor ; " You have been 'moonlighting ' and gong to another instructor ! " :rolleyes:


And his unarmed defence against weapons  !  My God, where would I start !



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On 10/30/2024 at 7:40 PM, Thrice Daily said:

I’ve been very respectful so far, and don’t teach as I’m not qualified

This is the way.


I'm a little whippersnapper compared to most of yall, but I'd like to think I'm at least a bit experienced in the arts. My sifu has always taught us not to teach if we are not specifically told we are allowed to, and I agree with him.


Martial arts is a matter of life and death (in a self defense context) so poor teaching could very easily get someone killed. Add in that if ya suck, ya may not even *know* that ya suck til it's too late.


Very basic rule of thumb (from my personal, limited view) is: if you cannot use it in a live situation reliably against an attacker that means to take you out, you should not teach it. This alone will disqualify many "teachers", but going further, you then need to be able to take this move from full speed to as slow as possible so that the students can see and comprehend it. This is difficult enough that I know of pro-level fighters unable to do it (try making a 360 kick slow enough to take a minute without losing your balance, yall tkd folks)!


Thus, even though I'm confident in using most of what I've learned in a live situation (including chain whips, meteor hammers, spears, swords, knives, in addition to bare hands), because I do not have the control to slow those things down enough, I have no delusions about being able to teach.


I just wish more folks thought this way, cause then martial arts would be a lot less watered down.

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I like that !    Its hard with  'tricky kicks' but we tended not to use those ..... slow mo with chain whip ?  Thats a good trick  ( :) ) . Bit I found doing that pretty valuable , and it was part of how i taught people forms and the subtlies of applications of those forms techniques . That was one of the learning blocks ... bad  instructor would never slow down , or really explain ... just 'floor you' for his explanation, so people stopped asking . The I would later take them aside and show them .


Of course the guy has 0 students left now .


I would often imitate  those old lame '6 million dollar man '  action 'speed'  - that are supposed to represent fast action but are actually just slow - mo  :D ( who thought of that ! )


Yeah .... I would make the noise too  ;  "   .....     th th th th th ....  "      :D 



" Shiho - nage ..... oooops !   "



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7 hours ago, Nungali said:

slow mo with chain whip

When applicable, of course! You can only go so slow with momentum-based weapons lol


I'm actually working on my roundhouse and hook kicks with this for the next few months (at least). The specific method I'm using is facing left, do a slow and controlled roundhouse til I'm facing right, chambering, then going the other way with a hook kick. Both sides, ofc. But it's been doing wonders for all the little muscles that don't get easily worked other ways, and has been very good for improved control, speed, and power.



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@Paradoxal that sounds like fun. Specificity training is good for the soul I think. I went through a phase of only training chin ups. Most days I’d do it 3-4 times a day (grease the groove) 


Training ‘ladders’ so the warmup was in the exercise. Do one chin up, have one breath, two chin ups have two breaths, three, etc , trying each day to get closer to 10.


So I got a question for all on the thread. If there is one martial move you have in the bank and favour the most what is it.


it could be a training drill or a single move, punch, kick, lock, throw etc


what would be your top drill or move you would recommend a fledgling martial artist to train into their arsenal, and why?

Edited by Thrice Daily

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