
The 5 dimensions of existence

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Everything and everyone everywhere has a total of 5 dimensions.

The 3 dimensions are height width and length x 2 = 6


Why x  2 ? 


Here's why . 


All cubes or spheres have a 


Front+ and back -

Top+ and bottom -

Left+ and right -


set of sides  which =6 sides.


No matter how you turn the 3d box or spheres you will always have the 6 sides of 

H W and length . 


The inside of the box is the 4th dimension 

The outside of the box is the 5th. 


All of them depend on one another for any one of them to exist. 


There isn't a 6th dimension. 


It's 5 . No more and no less . 


Our human bodies do too. 


The 1st dimension is our heads 

The 2nd are the male and female genders 

The 3rd are the 3 sets of joints in our arms legs fingers and toes .

The 4th is our 4 limbs , the arms and legs .

The 5th are our 5 fingers and 5 toes. 


The math looks like this : 


1x1=1 our head unity

X2 =2 the male female gender organs. Duality 

X3 = 6 the 3 male armpits and crotch and 3 female armpits and crotch. 

X4= 24 the 12 joints in our arms and legs for males and the 12 joints in our arms and legs for females .

X5= 120 the 60 joints in our fingers and toes for males and the 60 joints in our fingers and toes for females. 


When males and females unite as 1,  the math becomes unified .


1    both male and female 

2.   Males and females 

6    the armpits and crotch

24.  the arms and legs 

120. The fingers and toes. 


1x1  1

1x2   2

2x3.  6

3x4.  24

4x5.  120. 


These same numbers apply to time clocks too. 


I'll post pictures in the next post. 


My point is the everything originates from the 5 dimensions of : 


HWL x 2 ( 3+ 3- )

Inside 4 -

Outside 5+ 


Triangles and octagons also have 5 dimensions too. The shape doesn't matter. 








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Does that not depend on 'creating'  (considering that there is ) an outside and an inside ?   The faces of the cube , although intersecting dont have to stop at the intersections  but 'extend to infinity  ) and that extension gives us the duality  principle you observed in it ;


that is, what I am saying is left and right do not stop because they meet up and down ;




although they do here .... for 'convenience' .


The anatomy stuff is interesting ... I am a bit pressed for time atm, I'll check it out more in depth later .


- a while back, I was talking to an amazed guy that had just left a lecture on bees and he said " Did you know bees make honeycomb by tuning into the sacred geometry ? "     - ho hum .  I asked him if he knew that even  snails and molluscs do too , he didnt , so I suggested he contemplate a  spiral shell. Then he got it , but then I added ; so does your anatomy too , and left him with that .


Regarding the underlying  3 pattern and its expression in duality   (good old CH 42  TTC again  ;) )   ;  3 / 4    you might find this interesting




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The 5th dimension is the outside dimension.

Infinity + it goes on forever. 

The 4th dimension is 

Finite. - it is limited by the outside. 


Our 5 fingers and toes are on the outside 🖐️🦶 the outer extremities.

Our 4 arms and legs are on the inside between our TORSO and fingers / toes. Hence the inside. Between 3 and 5. 


When I have access to my laptop I'll post pictures. 


The North Pole of earth is at 0 degrees north , up+ and down - to 180 degrees at the South Pole. then back up to 0 degrees at the North Pole. It's finite 


The equator is 0 degrees left + and right - too all the way around, infinantly. No matter where you go while at the equator it stays at 0 degrees all the around. 


Up+ and down- mean yes +

Left+ and right- means no -

When we nod + or shack our heads - 


It forms a cross ➕ 


It's universal with all languages on earth.  


All languages originate from YES + and NO.-


All the dimensions originate from 1 and end in 2.  In other words 3 , 4 , and 5 are created by 1 and 2. 








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5 hours ago, Yang said:

There isn't a 6th dimension. 


It's 5 . No more and no less . 

There are atleast 22 dimensions in this world, out of which about half are more or less well understood and being explored by Magi.


3 hours ago, Yang said:

The 4th dimension is 

Finite. - i

Each and every dimension is Infinite. That is even in the definition of a dimension. You may measure an object that falls into it, but not the dimension itself.

Nobody have seen or knows where our Cosmos ends or starts. Even the easiest and most simple two dimensions XY axis, has no end or start.



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The ancients saw three ideal ( non' material ' )  energies , generating  6 modes, producing 'reality'  (or 'Earth ' )  - 10 'spheres'  ( with 22 significant connections)  with perhaps an 11th  sphere  separated (in ' the abyss' between ideals and mode


" In string theory, physicists tell us that the subatomic particles that make up our universe are created within ten spatial dimensions (plus an eleventh dimension of "time") by the vibrations of exquisitely small "super-strings". "




Mmmmmmmmm     .....

' M Theory' anyone ?





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What occult shenanigans could have caused a simultaneous posting about dimensions (see my latest response to you in Supremely Unpopular Opinions)?  I didn't see this one as I was writing -- you didn't see mine either, judging by the timing...  Yikes.    

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Ya know, I havent done magick here for a while .... after the last 3  (or was it 2 ? ) stunts I pulled (affirmed by the posts time stamps )


could be time for a  3rd ( or 4th )    ;)


or was that just it ? 

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The 5 dimensions of existence are : 

1 +

5  +

3 +/- 

4 -

2 -


It's a Torus sphere .

5 leads to 1 👍

4 leads to 2 👎

3 leads to 5 or 4 👍👎 after death . It's called earth. 


I use our human body anatomy as a reference. 


Our head is 1 

Our arms/fingers are 5

Our heart is 3 

Our legs / toes are 4

Our gender organs are 2


1 is the wuji creator 

2 is the taiji destroyer 

3 is earth 

4 is hell 

5 is heaven. 


It looks like this in yin yang terms. It's perfect semetry. 


1 God + wuji 

5 heaven +

3 earth +/- 

4 hell -

2 Satan - taiji.


Heaven + or hell - is where we go after we die here on earth. 


Any dimensions above 5 are still in the 5th dimension. It's a Torus loop. There can be a trillion dimensions but all of them are still within the 5th dimension. Or 4th . The 4th and 5th are low density spirit dimensions. 3d is the human dimension. It's high density. 


This will make more sense when I add pictures.  

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there's actually only 1 real dimension. The Wuji. is the 1st dimension , all the others are simulated and unreal.


The thalamus is in the exact center of our skulls. Its the human WUJI so to speak . Its where our thoughts originate while on earth .


The Wuji is in the center of inner earth known  as the central sun of inner earth . Its our creator in heaven. Its God. Its where every thing and every one , everywhere originates from . Its where our creators thoughts originate from .

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No dimensions. No concept of dimension. No one to perceive, conceive, or even believe in a dimension.


At the same time, countless dimensions, appearing moment to moment, conceived as false divisions, and collapsing into emptiness when stillness is remembered and allowed to well up as the base. 

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For humans , 

The head is + 

The 5 fingers and toes are + 

The  4 arms and legs are - 

The  2 gender organs are - 


For God our creator 


Upper vortex. + Heaven

The head is + 

The fingers are + 

The arms are - 



Lower vortex - hell

The sun and moon are - 

The legs are - 

The toes +


Like the 8 phases of the moons cycles.


The upper vortex is 

90 % + and 10% -

The lower vortex is

90% - and 10% + 


Earth is between them at 

50% + and 50 % - 


The 3 realms are in spectrum form and on average . + 


The god head is the Wuji 

The sun and moon are the Taiji. -


There's a little bit of positive in the lower  - vortex 

There's a little bit of negative in the upper +  vortex.


It's all perfect unified duality. Like the TORUS Unishere we all reside in knowingly or not. 


Heaven is 5d the the unified dimension 

Hell is 4d the duality dimension. 


Earth is between them called the heart + and earth-


The heart is in heaven.

God's domain .+

The earth is in hell. 

Satan's domain.-


Heaven +

Heart 👍+


Hell -


( Notice the spelling )


Earth sun + and moon - is Satan + and his bride - .


The central sun of inner earth is God. +


God is a hermaphrodite and has both genders in 1.


It's always unity + above and duality - below. 


Hell -  and heaven+  are low density spiritual realms in the same way our dreams are when we sleep . No solidity. Just images and imagined solidity, smells, sights, sounds, speech, and taste. 


Earth is high density and solid realm . 

Heaven and hell are low density realms. 


V is the number 5 originating from the 5th dimension.

The upside down V has the _ symbol inside of it .



God is 100 % 

Our five fingers/toes are 50% on each side of our body .


       ©️ 👈 

50 🙌 50


The letter c means 100 in Roman numerals. It stands for the central sun of inner earth. Aka the WUJI. 

AKA THE GOD HEAD. The creator of everything and everyone everywhere. 


I'll show you how the 8 phases of the moon relate to heaven earth and hell in the next few comments. 


Heaven is 5d +

Earth is 3d +/-

Hell is 4d -





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The Wuji " central sun of inner earth is in the upper vortex V " the arms of God " 

The outer sun and moon are in the lower inverted vortex  " A " the negative vortex. 


Together the form an X . 


I know I've said Central Sun and it is central.  


If you extend your arms over head and make a circle around your head with fingers touching each other,  your head will be centered. 


5d and 4d are spiritual energy realms. 3d is a spiritually physical realm.


We are not on a spinning+ globe- . Or a stationary- flat+ plan. 


Flat+ earth and globe - earth are a polarity.


Men have flat chests +

Women have orb breasts -

Both are directly about our hearts.


Earth is God's heart.


Heaven is a unified realm but there's a little duality within heaven. There has to be .


Hell is the duality realm with a little bit of unification. There has to be. 


Polarity is key to understanding life and creation .


We must consider evil and goodness, not just goodness to have a good understanding of life. 


Read all my content from 5 years ago to the present for a better understanding of life. It won't take long.


Understanding the logic of life is like understanding the logic of a video game or chess or computer science or playing the piano. 


Once you get a good grasp of the logic, you'll excell in ways you've never imagined you could. 


Everything and everyone everywhere is based on yin yang polarity.


There's only 1 positive energy in life . The 1st dimension. The Wuji. 


There is an infinite quantity of negative forms that all come from the single positive energy source. 


Use the sky as a reference.


There's only a single sky above us but there are many different forms below it. Land, sea, lakes, rivers and life forms. 


The sky originates from the Wuji . It's singular .


The liquids and solids are it's duality below it . It's plural. The Taiji. 


All number originate from the number 1.

All colors from white. 

All things from the Wuji. 


Men are solid during sex 

Women are liquid during sex . Both men and women use allot of air during sex. 


Men have morning wood at sun rise.

Women have high and low tides with the cycles of the moon .


The sun is God's male gender.+

The moon is God's female gender. -


Inwards is the female gender organ.

Outwards is the males gender organ.


The air is primarily for our head.

liquids / solids are primarily for our bodies. 






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Our human heads , like the central sun of inner earth is perfectly centered. 


Like the number 1 , there's only 1 way to be centered but there's and infinite number of ways to be off center. 


There's only 1 white but there's an infinite number of different colors that all originate from white. 


Positive energy is flat. There's only 1 way to be flat. But there are an infinite number of ways to be un-flat. 






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On 9/20/2024 at 10:25 AM, Yang said:

there's actually only 1 real dimension. The Wuji. is the 1st dimension ,


Better expressible as NO dimensions.


On 9/20/2024 at 10:25 AM, Yang said:

...all the others are simulated and unreal.


They are mind generated delusions that have no reality of their own.

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1 hour ago, stirling said:


Better expressible as NO dimensions.



They are mind generated delusions that have no reality of their own.


In order to have reality+ there must be illusions- and in your case " delusions " 

Very similar in some ways but not the same. 


Height , width and length are the 3 dimensions. The 4th is the area inside 3d

The 5th is the area outside 3d.


I use the body parts as a reference.

1d the head

2d the m/f gender organs that are opposite to the head. 


Note .

The head is at the bottom on the upper vortex .

The gender organs are at the top of the lower vortex. 


The 3d dimension is any body parts or areas in sets of 3's like the eye ball colors white blue black or any color in between White + and black -


Or the 3 arm pits and crotch area or the 3 sets of joints in our fingers , arms , legs and toes. 


It's also height, width and length. 


Reality +

The 1st dimension is 1d the Wuji. We cant see, smell, taste, feel hear, or say it. It's the Christ. The Central sun of inner earth. Its clear but it becomes white light when it encounters and form of density. 



are the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th dimensions. They are illusions not delusions. Big difference.


The 4th dimension are the 4 arms and legs.  

The 5th are the 5 fingers and toes. 


Everything originates from 1, then becomes 2 or more.


What's your definition of delusions as it relates to the reality you've mentioned. ? 


Are delusions fixed and permanent or temporarily imagined? 


My definitions of delusion are attached below. 


A delusion is anything peculiar to a person and not seen by others.  Or vs versa. It can be anything that exists or doesn't exist. 



You see a cat but ten other people in the room with you don't. Who's delusional ? 1 or 10?


Dimensions are seen by everyone. If someone says there are no dimensions and dimensions are a delusion , it means the person claiming they are actually delusions is the only delusional person in the room .....


Majority rules. 


1 person says height width and length are delusions. 9 others say they are real. 


9 are correct. 1 is delusional. 



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We can only see 3+  of the 6 total sides of 3d at a time.


3+ are the objective+ sides.

3- are the subjective-  sides.


No matter how you rotate or turn the box , only 3 can be viewed at a time. Even if it's an orb or a triangle or a octagon. The shape makes no difference. 





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On 9/19/2024 at 3:18 PM, Yang said:

Everything and everyone everywhere has a total of 5 dimensions.

The 3 dimensions are height width and length x 2 = 6


Unless it is translucent ...

Unless there is mirror behind it ...

Unless you are near a black hole ...


A Mobius strip only has 2 sides yet is as three dimensional as  a cube.


Dimensions are about orthogaonal directions in space occupied, not 'sides'

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32 minutes ago, wstein said:



Unless it is translucent ...

Unless there is mirror behind it ...

Unless you are near a black hole ...


A Mobius strip only has 2 sides yet is as three dimensional as  a cube.


Dimensions are about orthogaonal directions in space occupied, not 'sides'

There are many definitions for "  dimensions.  " 


Our 5 toes and fingers are the 5th dimension.


The 6 sides of a box or orb are the 3rd . ( Hexagon ) 


The in side and out sides  are the 4th and 5th dimensions .


The top and bottom sides , left and right sides, front and back sides are the 3rd dimension. 


I use every day no nonsense facts. NO gibberish. No Tom foolery or shenanigans No ballywhoo. 🙂 


It's all polarity based.


I will add that the 5th or 3d heart dimension is right side up facing forwards and centered. 


3d earth and 4d hell are upside down , reversed and facing backwards and off center. 


1d and 2d are a +/-  polarity.

3d North +  and 3d South - are a polarity. 

4d -  and 5d  + are a polarity. 


It's a  set of 3 polarities that all originate from the 3rd dimension of existence. The same 3d sides of height width and length. 


Please tell me more about your dimensions. Or your definition of dimensions. 


Give me some examples to work with in the same way I have in my threads. 


Here's 1 of many songs God sings to me from time to time. We are VERY close. 🤞👈.


We communicate through love songs . I'll post some more soon. 



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Dear God in heaven, 

Holy be they name. I love thee with all my heart .

🩵👈 🎵🎼🎶🎼 ©️👈




In reply to me from God in heaven.





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