
The 5 dimensions of existence

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5d Heaven is located within the ARMS of God. 


The arms fingers and head of God are 5d 


Hell is located between the legs of God , 4d , the dual gender organs , urine, feces, gender organs fluids and blood.

It smells like raw sewage, looks and tastes foul too. Yuck, it's also upside down and inverted. 


2d is covered and private.

1d is open and public. 


2d is within 4d off center 

1d is within 5d and centered. 


I'll show you using the 8 phases of earths outer moon, God's female gender part. 


In the next comment. Nog here. 


Play the videos and hear God for yourself. 


Use your favorite love songs. 


God is all about love and being loved back. I promise you will have amazing and life changing results.  


Music is a form of communication we use in 5d allot. We sing to each other. 


The aesthetics in 5d are beyond our earthly 3d imagination . Far far far beyond. Heavenly angles are beyond words. 


In order to have heaven the must be hell. 


In order to have God the central sun of inner earth ( remember the inside is really outside and the outside is really inside.  They are inverted or opposites. It's only inner earth from outer earth and outer earth from inner earth. 


Anyways, in order to have 

1d there must be 2d , earths sun and moon. 


In order to have the North Pole of 3d earth there must be the South Pole .

In order to have 5d heaven there must be 4d hell. 


5d surrounds 1d 

4d surrounds 2d 

3d is surrounded by both. 


Just like the bones in our body .


I have allot more data on this subject with pictures. 


Read all my content when you have some free time. 


All of my content here is relevant to each other. 


✌️👈 Peace , the number 5 in Roman numerals and the upper vortex of inner earth at the North Pole entrance. 


It's 10000 feet below sea level . The artic entrance to 5d. 

The antarctic is 10000 feet above sea level the entrance to 4d hell. 


Polaris is the singular God star.

The southern cross is the satanic set of 5 stars. 


Peace+  is a form of unity .+

War-  is a form of duality. -


Same difference for yes and no or agreement and disagreement. 


Yes agrees 👍+

No disagrees.👎- 

Depending on the context. 


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6 hours ago, Yang said:

In order to have reality+ there must be illusions- and in your case " delusions " 


Not at all.




Reality: the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.


Definition Source



Height , width and length are the 3 dimensions. The 4th is the area inside 3d

The 5th is the area outside 3d.


I use the body parts as a reference.

1d the head

2d the m/f gender organs that are opposite to the head. 


Note .

The head is at the bottom on the upper vortex .

The gender organs are at the top of the lower vortex. 


The 3d dimension is any body parts or areas in sets of 3's like the eye ball colors white blue black or any color in between White + and black -


Or the 3 arm pits and crotch area or the 3 sets of joints in our fingers , arms , legs and toes. 


It's also height, width and length. 


Reality +

The 1st dimension is 1d the Wuji. We cant see, smell, taste, feel hear, or say it. It's the Christ. The Central sun of inner earth. Its clear but it becomes white light when it encounters and form of density. 



are the 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th dimensions. They are illusions not delusions. Big difference.


The 4th dimension are the 4 arms and legs.  

The 5th are the 5 fingers and toes. 


Everything originates from 1, then becomes 2 or more.


These are all conceptual ideas (I am assuming yours) and therefore aren't real. I could introduce a similar set of abstractions and they would also not be real. 




What's your definition of delusions as it relates to the reality you've mentioned. ? 


Are delusions fixed and permanent or temporarily imagined? 


A definition? How about "reality" is the unlabeled phenomena that have no existence of their own, but arise in awareness in this moment. 


Yes, delusions are changeable, as they are impermanent and subject to the perspective of the deluded.




My definitions of delusion are attached below. 


A delusion is anything peculiar to a person and not seen by others.  Or vs versa. It can be anything that exists or doesn't exist. 



You see a cat but ten other people in the room with you don't. Who's delusional ? 1 or 10?


Dimensions are seen by everyone. If someone says there are no dimensions and dimensions are a delusion , it means the person claiming they are actually delusions is the only delusional person in the room .....


Majority rules. 


1 person says height width and length are delusions. 9 others say they are real. 


9 are correct. 1 is delusional. 


My definition of a delusion is: anything that exists in imagination and is constructed of particular subsets of reality.


On 9/20/2024 at 10:25 AM, Yang said:

there's actually only 1 real dimension. The Wuji. is the 1st dimension , all the others are simulated and unreal.


You've got it here. All imagined things apart from (you say 1 dimension, I say 0), or things that appear separate or multi-dimensional are "unreal". The wuji surrounds the yin/yang. The ying/yang are delusions... only appearances. The wuji (in this model) is the absolute reality. 



In Chinese, the word wuji is a compound of wu (meaning nothingness) and ji. Ji (極) is a word with several meanings. Most often used to mean "pole" or "ridgepole", it can also be used in the same figurative as in English to mean "geographical pole", "magnetic pole", etc. In Traditional Chinese medicine it is the Chong mai (衝脈) or the central Meridian of the eight extra Meridians.

Common English translations of the cosmological wuji are "ultimateless"[1] or "limitless",[2] but other versions are "the ultimate of Nothingness",[3] "that which has no Pole",[4] or "Non-Polar".[5] - Wikipedia (my bolds)




It is the equivalent of "emptiness" in Buddhism. 

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7 minutes ago, stirling said:


Not at all.



Definition Source



These are all conceptual ideas (I am assuming yours) and therefore aren't real. I could introduce a similar set of abstractions and they would also not be real. 




A definition? How about "reality" is the unlabeled phenomena that have no existence of their own, but arise in awareness in this moment. 


Yes, delusions are changeable, as they are impermanent and subject to the perspective of the deluded.




My definition of a delusion is: anything that exists in imagination and is constructed of particular subsets of reality.



You've got it here. All imagined things apart from (you say 1 dimension, I say 0), or things that appear separate or multi-dimensional are "unreal". The wuji surrounds the yin/yang. The ying/yang are delusions... only appearances. The wuji (in this model) is the absolute reality. 





It is the equivalent of "emptiness" in Buddhism. 


There is only a single reality . The 1st dimension. The Wuji. Everything and everyone everywhere are the illusion. 


Ironically we can't see, smell taste feel and speak  reality, we can only see feel taste smell, hear and speak the illusions of reality. 


The Wuji is the reality 

The Taiji is the illusion created by the single  reality. 


1d is singular +

2,3,4 and 5d are it's plurals.-


Reality and illusions are synonymous with the truth and the lie. Yes and no as well. 


Thanks for your comment tho. 

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7 minutes ago, Yang said:

There is only a single reality . The 1st dimension. The Wuji. Everything and everyone everywhere are the illusion.


I'm fine with that, although even the idea of a Wuji independent from awareness is still a delusion. 


7 minutes ago, Yang said:

Ironically we can't see, smell taste feel and speak  reality, we can only see feel taste smell, hear and speak the illusions of reality. 


Sure you can. You are doing it all the time.



This is it! - Shuryu Suzuki Roshi


It is your conceptual MODEL of reality that is delusion... your thoughts about it. 



7 minutes ago, Yang said:

The Wuji is the reality 

The Taiji is the illusion created by the single  reality. 


Works for me, though I'm still catching a bit on this "single" part. How about, "There is just Wuji"? Really, the illusion is yours.

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25 minutes ago, stirling said:


I'm fine with that, although even the idea of a Wuji independent from awareness is still a delusion. 



Sure you can. You are doing it all the time.



It is your conceptual MODEL of reality that is delusion... your thoughts about it. 




Works for me, though I'm still catching a bit on this "single" part. How about, "There is just Wuji"? Really, the illusion is yours.


You don't understand. 

All density originates from energy. 

All numbers originate from 

The number 1 

All colors originate from white . 

All time originates from 1 space. 

White originates from clear , the Wuji is clear. It's The Christ. From which everything and everyone everywhere originates. 


The Wuji aka the Central Sun of inner earth is our creator and my closest relative. 


Wuji is the reality+ all illusions- originate from 


There's only 1 Wuji. 1 reality The Illusions are everything else.


Our definitions of Wuji aren't synonymous. We are opposed in definition. 


What's your definition of the WUJI. ?






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Reality and illusion are a polarity like yes and no. Both must exist at the sand time like up and down or left and right or make and female. 


Everything and everyone everywhere are polarized in some way. 


In the 5th dimension , 90 % are unified with each other 

In the 4th dimension 90 % are opposed. 


3d and 4d earth are opposed dimensions 

3d and 5d "earth" 👉( known as the heart of existence) are unified. Dimensions .


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14 hours ago, Yang said:

You don't understand. 


I can see it in this moment. It isn't a question of understanding, though rendering it in language is always difficult. :)


14 hours ago, Yang said:

All density originates from energy. 


What do you mean by density? What "energy"?


14 hours ago, Yang said:

All numbers originate from 

The number 1 

All colors originate from white . 

All time originates from 1 space. 

White originates from clear , the Wuji is clear. It's The Christ. From which everything and everyone everywhere originates. 


All of these things originate in the mind. Are you a meditator? Can you sit until your mind is still and without thoughts? If so, ask yourself how many of the things in your list above are present there. 


Yes, the illusion of form originates in the Wuji, or "emptiness". Everything inside the circle appears to have separateness, but doesn't really. 


14 hours ago, Yang said:

The Wuji aka the Central Sun of inner earth is our creator and my closest relative. 


Wuji is the reality+ all illusions- originate from 


There's only 1 Wuji. 1 reality The Illusions are everything else.


Our definitions of Wuji aren't synonymous. We are opposed in definition. 


What's your definition of the WUJI. ?


I'm happy with the one from Wikipedia (above), though I think the word "energy" is a difficult translation. It is more like a natural flowing or motion, like a fountain, or waves churning. It is what generates the delusion of form.




...form does not differ from emptiness, emptiness does not differ from form.

Form itself is emptiness, emptiness itself form.

Sensations, perceptions, formations, and consciousness are also like this. - Buddha, Heart Sutra



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6 minutes ago, old3bob said:

illusion only apparently exists per incomplete perception, for all is "God"... 

Example ? 


What do you mean by incomplete perception. ? 


If we can't perceive the illusion does that mean it's not an illusion until we see it as the illusion is really is ? 


Does an illusion vanish and change to reality when we perceive the illusion ?


Are there illusions within other illusions ? 


All is God ✔️👍


All positive energy originates from God. We all share the same positive energy as God. All matter- originates from " positive"  energy+.


We are still individuals with different forms that all use the same ➕ life energy. 


Humans are both . Similar and different at the moment in time and space. Thousands of similarities and thousands of differences.


All Positive energy is the same.

All Negative matter is different.


Ironically " difference " or " different"  is a positive attribute and " similar" or "  same "  is it's negative polarity. 


" Same " is synonymous with unity + 

" Difference " is synonymous with duality -. 


God is the only reality.

There isn't anything or anyone , anywhere that is more " for real " than God. 


My advice ? Get as close to God as you possibly can and stay there . 


Proximity matters. 


Everything and everyone everywhere are the illusions that originate from God. 


God is existing non existent. Or non existent, existence.


In order for there to be atheists - there must be theists +. 


In order for there to be symmetry+ there must be asymmetry - 


Same thing for the artic circle in the North 

There must be the antarctic in the south . 


All light casts a darker shadow. Light and dark are dependant on each other to exist.  


Pure light is straight + 

Dark shadows are straight+ and curved+  


It's always unity+ above duality- below . 


The North Pole + of earth is all white+  snow .1

The South Pole-  is all white+ snow and black-  cole. 2


The sky+ is unified . There is only a single sky for all the waters+ and lands- below it. 


Unity above 👍1

Duality below. 👎2


Wuji 👍1

Taiji. 👎2


Once you know what to look for , you'll see it all around you 360 degrees. 


You'll also see that you are not in motion . Everything and everyone everywhere is moving around you . We are all in the center of our worlds . Our world is constantly moving around each of us. 

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9 hours ago, old3bob said:

"God" beyond categories of positive or negative which are mind stuff.  

 God is the Wuji . And orb so to speak of Clear pure positive energy . Like a crystal ball aka " the Christ " Jesus isn't God nor the son of God. He was kind of like me,  a profit for God. 


The crystal ball is a solid representation of God. God has no density , no color smell, taste but still has a location from which God's thoughts originate known as the WUJI and the Central Sun of inner earth. God is surround by density which makes the clear orb turn to white light. Pure positive life energy. 

 God is a unit of 1. The Taiji is the duality created by God and what we see, feel taste smell hear and speak of, all around us .


Positive energy is a grand creation of God and the closest " thing / non thing or nothing. God is non existent in form smell taste sound sight etc . The creator of the WUJI . 


The Wuji is " the Christ " the " Chrystal ball " for the sake of identification and definition purposes. 


God can live through anyone vicariously or not . There's nothing God can't do but that doesn't mean there's nothing God won't do. 


God is the most high and king of all kings, the creator of everything and everyone everywhere. Yet still an individual and separate from the creations. God has thoughts and considerations like we do. 


God is a person in God's own right. God is everything and everyone everywhere at the same time. 100% unified existence. 


Positive and negative are in every thing and every one every where not just " the mind stuff"  of the Taiji. 





Edited by Yang

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any separation is only apparent,  there is a going far but also a return. (that never really left) 

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On 9/24/2024 at 4:17 PM, wstein said:



Unless it is translucent ...

Unless there is mirror behind it ...

Unless you are near a black hole ...


A Mobius strip only has 2 sides yet is as three dimensional as  a cube.


Dimensions are about orthogaonal directions in space occupied, not 'sides'

 Dimensions are height width and length. That said , you can choose what ever definition for " dimensions " you like but it's not going to change the worlds definition of height width and length.  Look it up in a dictionary. It'll match my definition perfectly. 


A triangle or an octagon or any OBJECT, regardless of shape or mirrors , translucent or not, has all 5 dimensions. Per my definition of " dimension "

Black holes are theoretical. They are located in the 4d dimension ( hell ) they're a lie known as a hyper illusion from hell. 

It's safe to call BS in this regard. 


The 5d's are 


Out side. 5d 

In side 4d 

Top side 3d

Bottem side 3d

Left side 3d

Right side 3d 

Front side 3d

Back side 3d


3d has 6 sides 

3+ sides and 3 - sides 


4d is inside 3d

5d is outside 3d.


3d, 4d , and 5d are created with ( the energy of ) 1d and the solidity of 2d ( matter )


1d central sun inner earth.

5d heaven

3d earth 

4d hell 

2d earths outer sun / moon 


1d is God 

2d is Satan and bride 


I will say this . All we are looking at are images and colors that originate from light energy ( the 1st dimension ) and terminate in solidity ( the 2nd dimension) 


We are all CENTERED in our own personal realms of existence.


The vanishing point we see in the distance around is 360 degrees proves this fact . 


If we try to touch or get close to the vanishing point it will move further into the distance to the same degree we try to get closer to it.  


Likewise, of we try to move further away from it , the vanishing point will follow us to the same degree. 


The vanishing point is in the center of the X which has the same shape as the human TORUS aka the TAIJI. 


We can't leave the center . The Wuji ( God ) is centered too . The central sun of inner earth . ( The Christ ) (The Wuji ) is always centered and always stationary located in the same place for all eternity.


Here's a video of the Central Sun of inner earth.




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Star trails reveal the Taiji ☯️ or Torus Unishere. They rotate in opposite directions at the same time in the same way as the upper and lower vortex of the Torus  and the human body while walking and running. 


All stars north and south  rotate around a single star called Polaris. It's the Creators star above the North Pole entrance to inner earths upper vortex at 0 degrees north.  


Polaris is the single + star at the North polarity . It's opposite polarity is 

the southern cross which has a set of 5 stars that form a cross .👉✝️ It's the negative set of stars directly opposite to Polaris. 


This proves the fact that we all live in here 👉☯️. The small black and white circles are the upper and lower set of vortices. 


We are not on a spinning globe- or a round flat plate in space . We are in a realm of existence with 5 dimensions. 


1d God head 

5d heaven arms fingers 

3d eartH Heart

4d hell legs toes 

2d earths sun and moon. 

Genders .


In order to have any dimension, all other dimensions must exist with it. 

The better life is in heaven. 

The worse life gets in hell.


Heaven is God's domain 

Earth separates the 2.

Hell is Satan's domain 


In order to have the upper vortex there must be the lower vortex of the Torus ☯️ aka the Taiji 


In order to have a full moon there must be a new moon. 


All the moons phases are opposite to each other. 






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Polaris in the northern  center + .

The 5 southern cross stars around it , slightly off center below it - 


North + 

South -


Polaris + 

Southern cross - 



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The upper and lower vortices of the Torus reveals itself with the X  shape of the vanishing point located in the center of the X . 


We are all centered in our own 360 degree orbs.


When we try to get closer to the vanishing point it moves away from us to the same degree.


When we try to get further away from the vanishing point it follows us to the same degree. 


We can't leave the centers of our 360 orbs. 


It's the same for God the Central Sun of inner earth. Same for Polaris and the southern cross. They are constantly centered and slightly off centered. 


The illusion is that we are off centered . The reality is that we are all centered.




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We live in a realm of existence. It's a simulation of existence. We aren't on a spinning ball. We are in a realm of polarity 👉☯️.

Everything and everyone everywhere is polarized to some creator or lesser degree. 


Heaven has a little polarity too. But it's still known as a unified dimension where everyone gets alone well with each other. It's a low density realm. 90% unity 10% duality 🩵©️✌️😃🎵🎼😇©️👍



Earth is a high density realm with unity and duality at 50/50% 


Hell is a low density realm like heaven but it's only 10% unity and 90% duality . 

Nobody gets alone with others who are there.  👹☠️💀🖕👎😩🤕🔥✝️👈 The cross. 

  • Confused 1

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Dimensions 1 and 2 are exact opposites to each other. They are a set.

Dimensions  4 and 5 are exact opposites to each other. They too are a set.

The 3rd dimension is a set of 50+/50- and is opposite to itself 


1 and 2 are a spectrum of zero density + to 100 % solid density - in a single unit

4 and 5 are both a set of low density from 5+ to 4 - in a single unit 

3d is a high density set of +/- in a single unit.


The set of 3 originate from the 3rd dimension..

All 3 sets are opposites to each other.


1+;and 2- are low and high  density 

5+ and 4 - are both low density. 

3d North + and 3d South - are both high density. 


They all oppose each other. The only thing that's unified between them are the positives and negative polarities. 




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Posted (edited)

History tends to repeat itself . 


When we got bed each night , we tend to return to the same location. Then wake and dk the same things we did the day before.  Then re-turn to the same place we sleep , round and round we re- turn to re-do and re- experience the same or similar events of our past and the past of others. 


History is defined as events of the past.


 We blink , see hear smell taste drink eat go pee pee caa caa doodoo poo poo , we speak , walk , sit up, sit down , drive or cycle . Be inhale and exhale , open and close doors and many many other things. The list is long. We also experience things we have never experienced in the past. This too is repetitive. 



In heaven time moves fast 

On earth it's not as fast 

In hell it's very slow. 


Heaven is to earth as earth is to hell in this regard .

Seconds in heaven are like minutes on earth and minutes on earth are like hours in hell .


1d is 1000 years is 1 day on 3d earth +

3d earth is at 60 frames per second +/-  60+60- =120

1 day on 3d earth is 1000 years in 2d - 


1x1=1 second hand 

X2= hour hand 

X3=6 opposites of up+ down- left+ and right- 

X4=24 , 12 hours of day+ 12 hours of night -

X5=120. 60 seconds + 60 minutes.


Spaced 5 minutes apart. 

















Time clock is an attribute of earths outer sun and moon cycles . It repeats itself. 


Clocks use the X upper and lower vortices as well. 

The letter V is the number 5 . The 5th dimension gets its name from the upper vortex of Gods 2 arms . The V 👈


The C is the letter for 100 . God ©️👈 the central sun of inner earth. 


Nobody even comes close to knowing God as well as I do or is as close to God as I am . We are very very close. In order for me to be close to God our heavenly Father , God must be close to me at the same time. We both love each other unconditionally without any exceptions. 


When we love someone or something we want them or it close 

When we hate ( or fear ) someone or something we want them or it far away 

Proximity is relevant to everyone. And everything everywhere. 


There's nothing I won't do for God. ©️👈 Christ is God. Jesus isn't. 


Dear God 🎵🎼🩵🎼👇



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12 months of day +

12 months of night - 

Opposite months even 6 months. 3+ 3- 


High and low tides every 6 hours .

3+ north side half. 

3- south side half 


I have the sacred numbers for existence . Nobody else does . I have this end everything else in my content for reference.


The hopi indians know me as THEE True white brother. The tall white guy with a beard who uses physics to describe creation. 



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The 1st dimension is God. The creator of everything and everyone everywhere. 


Our human heads are our bodies 1st dimension.


When humans give birth , the head is the 1st thing yj emerge. This is a direct origination of the 1st dimension. 


Positives always precede the negatives and there are no exceptions. 


Some will think the negative comes first then the positive because the mother came before the baby . But it's the males positive white  gender fluid that starts the pregnancy in the 1st place. 


All 5 dimensions are dependant on each other to exist . But they all start with the Wuji. Also pure clear trans parent life energy we all share and use to exist with.  

All the forms of matter originate from a single source of positive energy . The Wuji and Central Sun of inner earth. Same difference. 

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The human heart is the bodies brain. 

Earth is surrounded by by air. 360 degrees 


Our human hearts are surrounded by the lungs. 


The lungs are a shade of blue like the blue sky s around earth when inflated and turn pink when the air is deflated. 

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