
Grounded = More Qi?

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One interesting thing though is that negative ions are good for cultivation, and occur naturally in waterfalls or at the beach when waves crash into rocks, so ideally those would be the best places outdoors to practice.



Edited by -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ-
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From an electrical/electronic engineer point of view, a human being who needed to be grounded is because one works in a laboratory involved with integrated circuits (IC). The idea of grounding is to discharge the electrostatics from the body. The purpose is to prevent from zapping the IC'S. 


A true electrical ground is to wear a strap on the wrist and connected to a copper earth ground to have zero potential on the body.


I don’t know how people could come up with the idea of grounding in martial arts. Grounded, in martial arts, means lock your feet to the ground or floor to keep the body stabilized to maintain balance.

Edited by ChiDragon
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2 hours ago, Neirong said:

I have seen some of their posts, and they are riddled with delusions and internal character flaws.

The statement about yang qi leaking to the earth is absurd, but it comes from people who made claims about

"Visualization is not real practice",
"Mercury Ingestion is safe and sound to promote online",
"Spiritual Practice of non-eating and aversion to food,"
"Damien is the great master of Meditation".



2 hours ago, Neirong said:


It can be read for entertainment purposes, a lot of those pearls of wisdom end up turning into internal memes in actual cultivation circles, but following such advice will likely get a person killed/malnourished.


Thanks for the clarification, now I understand ChiDragon's laugh emoji at my post hahaha:D





2 hours ago, Neirong said:

You do not need to stand in the cosmic space and go above the atmosphere to connect to the heaven-upper channel.
If you go high in mountains you can feel that heaven connection is stronger. It would be easier for most people to sense the upper channel in the mountains, but it does not mean you need to sit on the peak of a tall mountain to even practice.

1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

From what I was taught, there is a slight boost in cultivation when doing it on actual Earth, and also organic substances like wood etc. But not a huge amount that makes it not worthwhile to practice indoors.


You also need to consider that if the ground outside is cold or wet, that won’t be good for you over doing it indoors. Not to mention wind, noise or crackheads disturbing your practice.


Thanks that was the kind of information I was trying to find




1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

Find a good teacher and follow their instructions. Don’t worry about other teachers and lineages, just focus on your own.


You have been saying this to me for over a year now haha:D, I really need to find a teacher, at the moment I can't but I definitely will.

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1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:


Personally I like to practice barefoot on a silk rug because I’m bougie.




I love being in touch -- visually and physically -- with quality natural materials, I appreciate the look of many vintage and antique things made from those materials, and I am convinced that all things plastic are qi-draining.  Ideally I would eliminate them from my environment altogether -- that's a pipe dream but I do the best I can.  (There's a youtube channel by this guy, Rajiv Surendra, who makes videos about the appeal of handmade, authentic, traditional, artisan, vintage etc. stuff he tries to hunt down and incorporate into his immediate personal environment, and occasionally learns to make.  I'm a bit like that too.)  Don't know if it makes me bougie -- I don't do it toward making any particular impression on others if that word presupposes that aspect...  does it? :)   


I keep my meditation pillow, which I made myself, under the bed.  My cat loves to sleep on it whenever she feels antisocial.  

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39 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

A true electrical ground is to wear a strap on the wrist and connected to a copper earth ground to have zero potential on the body.

Please don’t use the C word


29 minutes ago, Taomeow said:

I am convinced that all things plastic are qi-draining. 

The master in my lineage only wears leather shoes so that should tell us something

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1 minute ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

Please don’t use the C word

Tell me why? At least give me a reason without asking.


Ofc I won't use it for external alchemy.

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5 hours ago, Neirong said:


Following public advice from random people on the internet as a cultivation manual is as bad an idea as it can get.


Of course, then you go on an essay long rant of advice thats not only hypocritical and runs counter the very first thing you said


 It is also riddled with mistruths



The statement about yang qi leaking to the earth is absurd


Its not absurd at all,  Yogis have been sitting on animal skins since day 1 during practice for good reason




You just seem to  lack an understanding of how Yang Qi is generated. The last time you and that other person you call a partner were asked to explain the mechanics, you both avoided  the converstation, after already having ducked another conversation about astral projection


To clarify I have plenty of practices that work with the enviornment and field of the earth


Amongst them


  • Practice with trees
  • Practice with Water
  • Practice on Dragon Lines
  • Practice in graveyards


The difference is , I understand the mechanics at play.  So i know what to do, how to do it, and when and where to do it



Visualization is not real practice


What I said was its impossible to generate meaningful amounts of qi using visualization


I believe freeform said the same thing, but you can ask him. Heres what he said below




I actually was taught a practice that uses visualization, most likely the same thing he's referring to,


But I never use it because I have a far more potent alchemical method, that does the same thing a lot better


Feel free to open a thread and debate that if you like, rather than derail this one with your regularly scheduled off-topic diatribes.



Mercury Ingestion is safe and sound to promote online


Lie #2


Nowhere has either of us told anyone to ingest mecury


What I said is it is used in various ways in real alchemical practice by certain lineages in closed door, NON PUBLIC scenarios


Lineages like these








Of course, not having access to any of these lines, you are unaware of such things, and like many other situations, Im willing to forgive your lack of exposure and knowledge of these matters



Spiritual Practice of non-eating and aversion to food


Yes, all spiritual practices tend to have periods like this where food is either limited, abstained from or turned away from



Thats common knowledge



As for the grounding itself, it is possible to connect to the earth through proper practice without a need to sit or stand on it barefoot.


Well we at least we got one honest point from you, thats a  start

Edited by Shadow_self
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2 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

The master in my lineage only wears leather shoes so that should tell us something


My Chen taiji master and grandmaster both wear shoes for practice that I was told have ox tendon soles.  I found those shoes on ebay and have been wearing them for years -- the soles are neither too "sticky" nor too "slippery" for taiji on literally any surface, the rest is butter soft but indestructible leather, and they are feather light and very comfortable.  Alas, when I wanted to buy another pair of exactly the same shoes in a different color and tried to locate a source, I found out that "ox tendon" is a commercial term that really refers to a particular type of synthetic rubber which "looks and feels like" ox tendon.  Commercial terms that are designed to deceive and misguide seldom fool me...  but this time they succeeded.  No big deal of course...  but I keep wondering what real natural ox tendon soles, the kind Chen Wangting may have worn, might add to the experience...   

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6 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

This. Find a good teacher and follow their instructions. Don’t worry about other teachers and lineages, just focus on your own.


From what I was taught, there is a slight boost in cultivation when doing it on actual Earth, and also organic substances like wood etc. But not a huge amount that makes it not worthwhile to practice indoors.


You also need to consider that if the ground outside is cold or wet, that won’t be good for you over doing it indoors. Not to mention wind, noise or crackheads disturbing your practice.


Personally I like to practice barefoot on a silk rug because I’m bougie.






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5 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

From an electrical/electronic engineer point of view, a human being who needed to be grounded is because one works in a laboratory involved with integrated circuits (IC). The idea of grounding is to discharge the electrostatics from the body. The purpose is to prevent from zapping the IC'S. 


A true electrical ground is to wear a strap on the wrist and connected to a copper earth ground to have zero potential on the body.


I don’t know how people could come up with the idea of grounding in martial arts. Grounded, in martial arts, means lock your feet to the ground or floor to keep the body stabilized to maintain balance.



.......   or  ......

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1 hour ago, Taomeow said:


My Chen taiji master and grandmaster both wear shoes for practice that I was told have ox tendon soles.  I found those shoes on ebay and have been wearing them for years -- the soles are neither too "sticky" nor too "slippery" for taiji on literally any surface, the rest is butter soft but indestructible leather, and they are feather light and very comfortable.  Alas, when I wanted to buy another pair of exactly the same shoes in a different color and tried to locate a source, I found out that "ox tendon" is a commercial term that really refers to a particular type of synthetic rubber which "looks and feels like" ox tendon.  Commercial terms that are designed to deceive and misguide seldom fool me...  but this time they succeeded.  No big deal of course...  but I keep wondering what real natural ox tendon soles, the kind Chen Wangting may have worn, might add to the experience...   


Years back , on a  ;training road trip' visiting instructors around the country , in one place a group of us went out and I noticed one guy had 'moccasins'  on  - not traditional ones, those old fashioned lame 'fashion moccasins '   of the 70s  :D


Me ; " Moccasins !   Where did they come from ?"


Him ; " They are steel capped inside   :)   "


:D steel capped moccasins .... comfortable and deadly   (our style uses big toe kick  a lot )


T. M. , you want some comfy natural shoes ,  come to  my local town and see Bruce  ;


Viking, Saxon, even Macedonian legging boots    :)






Edited by Nungali
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( I do want to be shown the world on a magic carpet  ..... I just wondered if my response would would make you crash )

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Cool thread, very cool. I’d love to hear about some of these things from a Taoist perspective.


These are just beliefs that I’ve accumulated over the years that seem to hold some sway when I practice. 

1/. A, Practicing or just standing on earth is great for grounding, physically we can share electrons with the earth and helps soothe emotions 

1/. B, the earth can help recycle negative emotions. The earth energy has a wisdom and doesn’t think in terms of good and bad, positive and negative all the same, helping bring balance in the human energy system where it is needed. 

2/. Rubber soled shoes makes interacting with Chi, Energy, Electrons of earth through feet difficult if not impossible. Except for when practicing in nature and being engulfed by nature , the effects of being in nature can still be felt with rubber soles as you’re surrounded but best to take off shoes.


3/. Wood transmits energy real well, next is stone , so being in buildings it’s still possible to ground energy through the building structure (easier closer to the ground though, a lot easier) 


4/. Doing good grounding practices (yes visualisations to begin) connecting deeply with earth energy (I go down to the core), a kind of self hypnosis/guided meditation to enable to stay calm in practices no matter what and keep the heart safe can be very important (for the health of the physical heart as well). Especially dealing with psychic energies with others on the earth plane… 


5/. In martial arts using the earth for grounding is like putting the energy outside of the body and even for a split second finding a zero point and coming from a true moment of none action can help line up the body and self to deal with/redirect on coming force from an opponent. 
it creates a great balance in body, mind and I would say spirit.


6/. Sometimes when energy is in a good place for it, the awareness can easily extend to the bottom of the feet and often below the body. You can put your attention there and sense below the body with simple concentration if you try, as you also can above the top of the head etc. 


7/. The earth is vital if you really want to understand the roles of fire and metal (at least) . A deep appreciation of Earth in this sequence is totally required to really get into knowing your vital organs, the functions and corresponding emotions.
All being in a state of interaction and changes.


8/. You can benefit from the earth’s grounding nature internally, simply easily and quickly by breaking your fast and eating food.


thanks for reading I’d love to hear you elaborate on any of my points through a Taoist Lens 


@Nungali @Taomeow @Shadow_self @ChiDragon @Lukks 

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2 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Cool thread, very cool. I’d love to hear about some of these things from a Taoist perspective.


These are just beliefs that I’ve accumulated over the years that seem to hold some sway when I practice. 

1/. A, Practicing or just standing on earth is great for grounding, physically we can share electrons with the earth and helps soothe emotions 

1/. B, the earth can help recycle negative emotions. The earth energy has a wisdom and doesn’t think in terms of good and bad, positive and negative all the same, helping bring balance in the human energy system where it is needed. 

2/. Rubber soled shoes makes interacting with Chi, Energy, Electrons of earth through feet difficult if not impossible. Except for when practicing in nature and being engulfed by nature , the effects of being in nature can still be felt with rubber soles as you’re surrounded but best to take off shoes.


3/. Wood transmits energy real well, next is stone , so being in buildings it’s still possible to ground energy through the building structure (easier closer to the ground though, a lot easier) 


4/. Doing good grounding practices (yes visualisations to begin) connecting deeply with earth energy (I go down to the core), a kind of self hypnosis/guided meditation to enable to stay calm in practices no matter what and keep the heart safe can be very important (for the health of the physical heart as well). Especially dealing with psychic energies with others on the earth plane… 


5/. In martial arts using the earth for grounding is like putting the energy outside of the body and even for a split second finding a zero point and coming from a true moment of none action can help line up the body and self to deal with/redirect on coming force from an opponent. 
it creates a great balance in body, mind and I would say spirit.


6/. Sometimes when energy is in a good place for it, the awareness can easily extend to the bottom of the feet and often below the body. You can put your attention there and sense below the body with simple concentration if you try, as you also can above the top of the head etc. 


7/. The earth is vital if you really want to understand the roles of fire and metal (at least) . A deep appreciation of Earth in this sequence is totally required to really get into knowing your vital organs, the functions and corresponding emotions.
All being in a state of interaction and changes.


8/. You can benefit from the earth’s grounding nature internally, simply easily and quickly by breaking your fast and eating food.


thanks for reading I’d love to hear you elaborate on any of my points through a Taoist Lens 


@Nungali @Taomeow @Shadow_self @ChiDragon @Lukks 


I mean this with the utmost respect, honestly


But, unless its in relation to something ive already posted, id prefer if you didnt keep tagging me


I find that the way you write posts is very confusing and im not  exactly sure what it is you are looking for

Edited by Shadow_self
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1 hour ago, Shadow_self said:


I mean this with the utmost respect, honestly


But, unless its in relation to something ive already posted, id prefer if you didnt keep tagging me


I find that the way you write posts very confusing and im not  exactly sure what it is you are looking for

No problem. It was easier than quoting. I figured it would be ok as a shortcut. I’m typically only doing it if you’ve commented on the post so far. 

Apologies if you didn’t comment on this thread already. I like reading your opinions on things. 

So if you were inclined to share an opinion on grounding practices. I’d be all ears. 

Can I ask where abouts do you come from? Where did you grow up. I’m from the U.K. and I’m aware I can slip into a colloquial and slackened grammar style. Are you from the States?

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19 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

So if you were inclined to share an opinion on grounding practices. I’d be all ears. 


My opinion on "grounding" is completely at odds with everything written in this thread


It is not related to connecting to the earth, nor is it a psychological thing


It is related to the stilling and consolidation of Jing

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4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

Cool thread, very cool. I’d love to hear about some of these things from a Taoist perspective.


These are just beliefs that I’ve accumulated over the years that seem to hold some sway when I practice. 

1/. A, Practicing or just standing on earth is great for grounding, physically we can share electrons with the earth and helps soothe emotions 


I dont know what we are sharing but its potent . I have felt this a lot in 'pagan' or Wiccan ceremonies , earth connection very important .  Of course there is the bigger picture , where this connection is  all important ; in certain 'indigenous matters' .

1/. B, the earth can help recycle negative emotions. The earth energy has a wisdom and doesn’t think in terms of good and bad, positive and negative all the same, helping bring balance in the human energy system where it is needed. 


Most definitely  !  For example if someone is having a 'freakout' or some type of 'instability'  and you lie them on the ground they feel  a lot better , seem to calm down  ( in some cases   )  , it doesnt work as good on a floor  (as opposed to 'ground' ) .

2/. Rubber soled shoes makes interacting with Chi, Energy, Electrons of earth through feet difficult if not impossible. Except for when practicing in nature and being engulfed by nature , the effects of being in nature can still be felt with rubber soles as you’re surrounded but best to take off shoes.


I enjoy training in bare feet on grass  .... but  ....  my practice is also very 'material' as well so all those things need to be weighed up  ( what is the ground like ?   prickles, broken glass  ?  )  , I have probably gone soft , I used to go barefoot a lot .


Here is a thing I REALLY notice . here , in summer , a thuinderstorm build up ; I feel progresivley worse and a worse , its hard to describe .... my neighbour  got it as well .  Then as soon as the  first lightening cracks ...... ahhhhhhh , instantly gone away and feels good .


What's that ? Some sort of static or ionic buildup and discharge ?


3/. Wood transmits energy real well, next is stone , so being in buildings it’s still possible to ground energy through the building structure (easier closer to the ground though, a lot easier) 


Oh yeah, wood will 'transmit energy' all right ! 








4/. Doing good grounding practices (yes visualisations to begin) connecting deeply with earth energy (I go down to the core), a kind of self hypnosis/guided meditation to enable to stay calm in practices no matter what and keep the heart safe can be very important (for the health of the physical heart as well). Especially dealing with psychic energies with others on the earth plane… 


You go down to the core of the Earth ?   Interesting , I have similar meditiations , we could have an interesting conversation about that . Do you do the opposite .... ie  'out'  ( into the cosmos )  ? 


4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

5/. In martial arts using the earth for grounding is like putting the energy outside of the body and even for a split second finding a zero point and coming from a true moment of none action can help line up the body and self to deal with/redirect on coming force from an opponent. 
it creates a great balance in body, mind and I would say spirit.


In martial arts I like to use the earth to 'help ground' others   :) 






6/. Sometimes when energy is in a good place for it, the awareness can easily extend to the bottom of the feet and often below the body. You can put your attention there and sense below the body with simple concentration if you try, as you also can above the top of the head etc. 


< nods >


7/. The earth is vital if you really want to understand the roles of fire and metal (at least) . A deep appreciation of Earth in this sequence is totally required to really get into knowing your vital organs, the functions and corresponding emotions.
All being in a state of interaction and changes.


I am a western hermeticist so I have never really understood  the concept of  metal element - I do use 5 bit the four regular ones with 'spirit' (or 'quintessence ' )


8/. You can benefit from the earth’s grounding nature internally, simply easily and quickly by breaking your fast and eating food.


Yep .


4 hours ago, Thrice Daily said:

thanks for reading I’d love to hear you elaborate on any of my points through a Taoist Lens 


@Nungali @Taomeow @Shadow_self @ChiDragon @Lukks 


This probably looks messy , half the replies inserted and bolded and others like this one , separate    <shrug>  I can only do what   computer / site allows me to .

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2 hours ago, Shadow_self said:


My opinion on "grounding" is completely at odds with everything written in this thread


It is not related to connecting to the earth, nor is it a psychological thing


It is related to the stilling and consolidation of Jing

Fair play, thanks for chiming in,

and as I say sorry about the add if you hadn’t been in the thread so far. 

Stilling and Consolidation of Jing, interesting thanks 🙏 

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33 minutes ago, Nungali said:

You go down to the core of the Earth ?

Yeah through all the layers one by one I settle on their qualities. Earth, stone, rocks, granite, minerals, crystals and precious stones, magma etc. I really try to hone into just how massive the earth is and where I am on it. Tiny , yet part of it. Totally protected by it…

33 minutes ago, Nungali said:


 Interesting , I have similar meditiations , we could have an interesting conversation about that .

Yeah sure it’s very protective the earth I find. I’m pretty sure I picked up the meditation from one of Dr Usui first students for Reiki…


I always practiced it with Reiki. Now it is a stand alone practice and I try to do it daily now.


Do you practice Gratitude? I include gratitude in Qigong for the organs and thank them everyday for the work they do. 

It is a process and I feel very worthwhile one. Gratitude

33 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Do you do the opposite .... ie  'out'  ( into the cosmos )  ? 

I do reach into the cosmos yes. Mostly I tend to meditate on stars and ponder the reality of stars and their cycles, how they impact solar systems and galaxies. I don’t tend to get too deep it’s more like a humbling really and gratitude practice. 

When I reach out of my own energy field though I make it a sincere wish before hand that I only reach out as far as grounding will allow. 


Thanks for replying in depth by the way I enjoyed reading. 

Yes with grounding I became very aware when training in massage therapy. It’s no good closing my eyes and doing a ground for 30 seconds, and then getting deep into someone’s personal energy. I don’t think that offers protection. 

I think grounding needs to be in balance with reaching out, and there should be great confidence in the ability to ground, stay grounded and return to grounding calmly if anything suddenly appears in a practice or treatment. 

Grounding the shock of you will rather than have it effect my energy and bodily systems. 

In most hands on cases though it’s more to prevent a draining of my own personal energy, in the early stages I think we could call it compassion fatigue. From wanting to help too much. 

Do you practice grounding everyday as an active part of your routine?

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35 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:


Do you practice grounding everyday as an active part of your routine?

Since when grounding becomes a special practice, I wondered!
I thought grounding was just the set the feet firm on the ground for leverage and stabilization of the body. The purpose of grounding is to keep the body in balance while doing some violent moves. All the energy are coming within the body rather than externally. The source of energy is from the glucose and oxygen.

People had been saying, all along, that we are absorbing yang-chi(陽氣) from heaven by waving our hands up in the air. Standing on the ground will absorb the yin-chi(陰氣) from earth. These traditional concepts are already outdated. We have better explanation contributed by a more reliable source which is modern science. Why are we ignoring the more reliable sources other than those unconvincing fictional stories told by some so-called gurus and masters. Sadly, some are wasting money in buying books with outdated source of information.

Edited by ChiDragon
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43 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Yeah through all the layers one by one I settle on their qualities. Earth, stone, rocks, granite, minerals, crystals and precious stones, magma etc. I really try to hone into just how massive the earth is and where I am on it. Tiny , yet part of it. Totally protected by it…

Yeah sure it’s very protective the earth I find. I’m pretty sure I picked up the meditation from one of Dr Usui first students for Reiki…


I have several practices ; trying to image the relative sizes  of myself sitting on the earth and its size .


The same with  'VITRIOL'  practice  ... which is more than a practice ... its a 'premise'  : 


Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem which translates into “Visit the interior of the earth, and by rectifying what you find there, you will discover the hidden stone (philosopher’s stone)”.


I have another one where I visualize according to other learning ( 'scientific' )   eg;


Scientists may have finally found the cause of a mysterious, crystal-forming layer that surrounds Earth's core — "leaking water" that trickles down from Earth's surface and reacts with our planet's metallic heart.



43 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

I always practiced it with Reiki. Now it is a stand alone practice and I try to do it daily now.


Do you practice Gratitude? I include gratitude in Qigong for the organs and thank them everyday for the work they do. 


Certainly , it is one of the MOST IMPORTANT practices one can have . And it should be 'grounded' via 'offerings ' .


Its a very big part of my indigenous teaching as well .

It is a process and I feel very worthwhile one. Gratitude


I do reach into the cosmos yes. Mostly I tend to meditate on stars and ponder the reality of stars and their cycles, how they impact solar systems and galaxies. I don’t tend to get too deep it’s more like a humbling really and gratitude practice. 


 One meditation I do  ;  Batrachophrenoboococmomachia   :) 



Within His skull exist daily thirteen thousand myriads of Worlds, which draw their existence from Him, and by Him are upheld. _ I.R.Q. iii.43

0.  Let the Practicus study the textbooks of astronomy, travel, if need be, to a land where the sun and stars are visible, and observe the heavens with the best telescopes to which he may have access. Let him commit to memory the principal facts, and (at least roughly) the figures of the science.

  1. Now, since these figures will leave no direct with any precision upon his mind, let him practice A:


    A. Let the Practicus be seated before a bare square table, and let an unknown number of small similar objects be thrown by his chela from time to time upon the table, and by that chela be hastily gathered up.

    Let the Practicus declare at the glance, and the chela confirm by his count, the number of such objects.

    The practice should be for a quarter of an hour thrice daily. The maximum number of objects should at first be seven. This maximum should increase by one at each practice, provided that not a single mistake is made by the Practicus in appreciating the number thrown.

    This practice should continue assiduously for at least one year.

    The quickness of the chela in gathering up the objects is expected to increase with lime. The practice need not be limited to a quarter of an hour thrice daily after a lime, but increased with discretion. Care must be taken to detect the first, symptom of fatigue, and to stop, if possible, even before It threatens. The practised psychologist learns to recognise even minute hesitations that mark the forcing of the attention.

  2. Alternating with the above, let the Practicus begin this practice B:


    B. It is assumed that he has thoroughly conquered the elementary difficulties of Dharana, and is able to prevent mental pictures from altering shape, size and colour against his will.

    Seated in the open air, let him endeavour to form a complete mental picture of himself and his immediate surroundings. It is important that he should be in the centre of such picture, and able to look freely in all directions. The finished picture should be a complete consciousness of the whole, fixed, clear, and definite.

    Let him gradually add to this picture by including objects more and more distant, until he have an image of the whole field of vision.

    He will probably discover that it is very difficult to increase the apparent size of the picture as he proceeds, and it should be his most earnest endeavour to do so. He should seek in particular to appreciate distances, almost to the point of combating the laws of perspective.

  3. These practices A and B accomplished, and his studies in astronomy completed, let him attempt this practice C:


    C. Let the Practicus form a mental picture of the Earth, in particular striving to realise the size of the earth in comparison with himself, and let him not be content until by assiduity he has well succeeded. Let him add the Moon, keeping well in mind the relative sizes of, and the distance between, the planet and its satellite.

    He will probably find the final trick of mind to be a constant disappearance of the image, and the appearance of the same upon a smaller scale. This trick he must outwit by constancy of endeavour.

    He will then add in turn Venus, ~Mars, ~Mercury and the Sun. It is permissible at this stage to change the point of view to the centre of the Sun, and to do so may add stability to the conception.

    The Practicus may then add the Asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The utmost attention to detail is now necessary, as the picture is highly complex, apart from the difficulty of appreciating relative size and distance.

    Let this picture be practised month after month until it is absolutely perfect. The tendency which may manifest itself to pass into Dhyana and Samadhi must be resolutely combated with the whole strength of the mind.

    Let the Practicus then recommence the picture, starting from the Sun, and adding the planets one by one, each with its proper motion, until he have an image perfect in all respects of the Solar System as it actually exists. Let him particularly note that unless the apparent size approximate to the real, his practice is wasted. Let him then add a comet to the picture; he may find, perhaps, that the path of this comet may assist him to expand the sphere of his mental vision until it include a star.

    And thus, gathering one star after another, let his contemplation become vast as the heaven, in space and time ever aspiring to the perception of the Body of Nuit; yea, of the Body of Nuit.


When I reach out of my own energy field though I make it a sincere wish before hand that I only reach out as far as grounding will allow. 


A good 'firm' magical principle :


O. Learn first --- Oh thou who aspirest unto our ancient Order! --- that Equilibrium is the basis of the Work. If thou thyself hast not a sure foundation, whereon wilt thou stand to direct the forces of Nature?


43 minutes ago, Thrice Daily said:

Thanks for replying in depth by the way I enjoyed reading. 

Yes with grounding I became very aware when training in massage therapy. It’s no good closing my eyes and doing a ground for 30 seconds, and then getting deep into someone’s personal energy. I don’t think that offers protection. 


We used to put on a lot of festivals at my place , that included massage therapy , a few would be there offering their services  (nowadays its different back then they where not charged for at the festival ) I have seen some do massage ALL DAY  .. wow !  One guy was tireless , came every year and did ... I dont how many ....   continuous .... thats  devotion !  And requires good 'grounding' and balance . !


We are about to HOST another one next weekend  - but not put on by us , nowadays we lease our festival site ;



I think grounding needs to be in balance with reaching out, and there should be great confidence in the ability to ground, stay grounded and return to grounding calmly if anything suddenly appears in a practice or treatment. 

Grounding the shock of you will rather than have it effect my energy and bodily systems. 

In most hands on cases though it’s more to prevent a draining of my own personal energy, in the early stages I think we could call it compassion fatigue. From wanting to help too much. 


A good friend of mine suffers from that !  I have been showing her the value of selfishness  ;) 

Do you practice grounding everyday as an active part of your routine?


Usually ;




(Its an old adage  in  ritual magick practice , when someone gets too 'out there ' ;  " Go and do some gardening ! " )


here is a random 'practice'  that does both  (grounds you and lifts you up ) ... a friend of mine took me to a special place - ancient rain forest , up on the mountain ... a HUGE ancient tree  with a hollow inside and a split at the base like a big cave , you can walk in without ducking ... look up and you can see through an opening through the branches and up to the sky . 10 mins in there will do it  :) 




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53 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Since when grounding becomes a special practice, I wondered!
I thought grounding was just the set the feet firm on the ground for leverage and stabilization of the body. The purpose of grounding is to keep the body in balance while doing some violent moves. All the energy are coming within the body rather than externally. The source of energy is from the glucose and oxygen.

People had been saying, all along, that we are absorbing yang-chi(陽氣) from heaven by waving our hands up in the air. Standing on the ground will absorb the yin-chi(陰氣) from earth. These traditional concepts are already outdated. We have better explanation contributed by a more reliable source which is modern science. Why are we ignoring the more reliable sources other than those unconvincing fictional stories told by some so-called gurus and masters. Sadly, some are wasting money in buying books with outdated source of information.


The first part of what you said is entirely valid and relates to grounding physically and regarding 'motor skills' .  I have even posted here that is how 'chi' works  (  gravity base ,  and 'alignment ' ) .... its a 'belief system' that allows us to 'get all that in order ' ; that is if I try to align  and do everything correctly , its too much and does not work .... BUT if I imagine I am using the four principles (and one is 'extend ki' ) ... it works .   but that met with a LOT of disfavor  here    ;)  .



Wasting money ?  Books ? 


try it yourself ... thats the way through .


You might have  noticed I do not reject science ... I am a 'neo-hermeticist ' which means I embrace both worlds ... and they are just two of the ways to view and understand it .


Here is something to chew on ; science accepts placebos  can work  .....   interesting


A GROUP of people see something science cannot explain ?   'Group hallucination  '  .... really ?    :D 


Something that can influence something else apart from it by no influential connection  ?  Nah ! That used to be poo-pooed as 'magic' ... now we call it  'quantum entanglement '    ;) 

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The Taoist defined that your abdomen is the dantian. Thus abdominal breathing is the same as dantian breathing.

Edited by ChiDragon

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