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Brahmakumari Sister Shivani on using willpower to overcome unwanted habits

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Informative article by Sister Shivani of the Brahmakumaris on using willpower to overcoming negative sanskars (habitual tendencies) into positive ones.

Sanskar is an Indian word meaning subconscious impressions that determines a habitual tendency.




Using willpower means exercising our power to choose, to think, to be and to do what we want. Every time we use that inherent power within, it is our willpower in action. How is it that some people take just one week to stop an old sanskar of gossiping, while someone else just cannot resist small talk even after months of trying? Willpower is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. Most of us use it only in certain situations and not always. When we do not use it, we lose it. Each of us is gifted with the same amount of willpower.We can use this willpower to change any uncomfortable sanskar. But we believe that our sanskars cannot be changed.The fact is that we can change them at any moment.


You might feel that shifting from coffee to coconut water is simple, but shifting from getting angry to being calm all the time is difficult. Yes, changing behavioural habits is easier than deep-rooted emotional sanskars. But the method remains the same.


Behavioural habits of eating, drinking, exercising, sleeping or watching TV can be changed with one decision. Sanskars relating to emotions take conscious attention for a few days. The more we use our willpower to change behavioural habits, the easier it becomes to change our emotional sanskars.



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