
Hot Shower X Cold Shower

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2 minutes ago, Lukks said:

I do the same, very few showers, maximum 2 every week and my skin is great. Unfortunately summer here is too hot and I need to take more showers, but in winter it's not a problem.


I'm like to have one shower a week, I believe some of the earlier quote that water does kinda wash away the qi. I mean water is perfect to cleanse most things for fresh use, eg crystals, spaces.


2 minutes ago, Lukks said:

Yea I heard about this chlorine thing but I think you should be fine, I grew up takin 20-30min hot(very hot) showers locked in the bathroom, a lot of steam inside and I never had a problem (not that I know haha), so I think you should be fine with this, maybe it's not that much of a problem.

I say this because I used to do this all the time and never had a problem but maybe that's just me, maybe it can be really dangerous, I'm just sharing my thoughts.

 I don't want to encourage anyone to take a 40min hot shower and get poisoned lol

Also, it can differ chlorine amount in water in different countries so yea maybe they use less chlorine here I don't know, just food for tought.


Yeah I heard something about this. I keep my showers quite brief. The Chlorine thing though, I heard in swimming pools is not cool. I remember reading someplace that swimming three times a week with all the chlorine is worse than not going swimming at all, when you weigh it up. Gains to Losses.


2 minutes ago, Lukks said:

Hot or warm water all the way haha

I only drink cold water when it's summer and I really feel the need to drink something cold, besides that I will drink warm water even in summer.


Yeah the Japanese method was like this. The wisdom was in the timing though. The method said, never drink before 2 hours after meal or shorter than one hour before meal. So I'd set my alarm for two hours after eating, drink water then have a one hour break then eat. Sounds excessive but it was highly healing... I also didn't drink anything while eating. It was more power than i ever could of imagined sticking to this every single day..


2 minutes ago, Lukks said:

IMO stimulants are bad so I avoid all of them, I think I read this somewhere in a meditation book but I can't remember the name, but it said that all stimulants are bad, I think it's something related to TCM.(Please someone correct me if I'm wrong)


Good for you mate. I'm the same, for the sake of ceremony though I might partake in something, in moderation and to be part of the experience, Cant build a strong daily practice though if taking stimulants regular. I like the take on it in the Bhagavad Gita "the three Gunas" really cool way to look at that if you've not yet checked it out. Its not Taoist but it's bang on I think generally speaking. I used to read it before I made the decision to stick with the Chinese side (I thought I had to choose at the time lol) Cool Book though, used to read it along with Raja Yoga stuff and Thomas Cleary in my early 20's great stuff that was.


2 minutes ago, Lukks said:

BUT I OFTEN see people taking their coffee and practicing qigong, coffee is the only legalized drug haha (at least where I live it is) so I really don't  know.

I know I think its right, If we must drink it, its better after practice for sure. It helps me stay fasted for most of the day though so, swings and roundabouts. I only have it without milk and sugar so it's def not a food. I don't tend to eat till later in afternoon, suits me best I think. 


Do you practice fasting mate? I hear cold water can have a bigger effect on increasing dopamine when fasted and caffeinated

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3 minutes ago, Cobie said:


Wow that's not bad for Wiki that, what a meaty read.

Wish I could go without showers, training twice a day though and ending up dripping with sweat its not really possible. 

For years I went without deodorant and aftershaves though, sweat is way better for the hormonal system than parabens.. 

Great wiki article that thanks...

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just put a nice big slug of coffee on top of the sliced ginger I had in my mug left over from the tea/ginger this morning. 


It tastes great, who knew :) coffee and ginger, problem solved :D

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