
The Downvote Feature!

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2 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

If that is the case, then, both icons should be removed to avoid hostility among members. That is the Taoist philosophy of Wu Wei, 無為. Since this is a Taoist site, lets encourage the members to practice the Taoist behavior.


It does .


Its so much easier to click on an icon than to write a 'down vote '  post .





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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Yes, that is applied to the things, in general, with the yin-yang concept in Yijing. However, when it was applied to human behavior, it is about peace and harmony only. That is what Laozi advocates in the TTC. That is the cultivation of Xing and self discipline and mindset for good behavior.



"Heaven and earth are not Good
They treat the thousands of things like straw dogs.
The Wise Person is not Good
He treats the hundred clans like straw dogs.

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Yes, that is applied to the things, in general, with the yin-yang concept in Yijing. However, when it was applied to human behavior, it is about peace and harmony only. That is what Laozi advocates in the TTC. That is the cultivation of Xing and self discipline and mindset for good behavior.



"Heaven and earth are not Good
They treat the thousands of things like straw dogs.
The Wise Person is not Good
He treats the hundred clans like straw dogs.

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Well, It's all in the heart. 
Is there a need to show one's anger?


and now the downvote has become an expression of anger ?


Are you sure that is not a receptive feeling ?

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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

When I was a child, my mother used to tell me that we have a troll in our stomach. When we ignore it, it grows and grows. But when you recognize it, it explodes. Sun (truth) turns the troll (chaos) to stone (kills it).


More wise mothering :  the twins where being atrocious ... fighting, bitterness, anger , yelling .... "That's enough ! " Mum declares and issues two buckets of soapy water , two sponges and two squeegies



" YOU !  Clean the outside of the windows , while YOU Clean the inside of the  same window." Now the fight continues either side of the glass , but they are right in each others face , but can not access each other . So they start doing rude signs and pulling faces at each other ... the faces get more grotesque and rude trying to outdo each other , they are pressing their faces against the glass and making all sorts of distortions ... that eventually cause amusement  , then laughing ... now they are trying to outdo each other by making the other laugh more .....




I have done it with adults  .... got their negative energy up so much, in myself , supported it ,  added to it  ... to the extent they started laughing and seeing how silly it was in the first place .


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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Now, a child becomes an adult. Unfortunately, perhaps it is a necessity to do some cultivation to subdue our childish behavior.


What a pleasant way of giving someone's opinion a downvote



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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I think this is a clash of culture. Here were i live, not being able to speak ones mind, be honest, protect people and fight back is considered weakness, not virtue. Isnt it curious that some philosopher dont want you to ve rebelious? A little too convenient?


" The meek shall inherit the earth "


(after they are dead :P  ) 

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Well, IMHO. It was a very hostile behavior just with a tap on the icon. It generates a hidden uncomfortable feeling between two members.


Errrmmm   between members  and   a  member  ?

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Yes, it is. We do have a clash of culture in TDB. People come to study Taoism but not accepting the idealism of Taoism.


Ummmm ....


your idealism of Taoism ?


- Idealism ... good choice of words there !

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:


Welcome back!

You are fast! I edited to a more moderate tone in about 30 seconds but, you caught the first edition of my post :)

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59 minutes ago, Nungali said:


and now the downvote has become an expression of anger ?


Are you sure that is not a receptive feeling ?

It works both ways, perhaps to a light extent.

Edited by ChiDragon
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4 hours ago, Taomeow said:

1. Either preface what you write, which constitutes only your personal opinion,  with this all-important disclaimer:  "IN MY OPINION."   

 If I know it's a fact, then, why treat it as an opinion. If it is logical with common sense, why should I treated like it is not. I don’t use somebody's opinion for reference. Perhaps that is why we don't interact with each other much. Peace!

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40 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

 If I know it's a fact, then, why treat it as an opinion. If it is logical with common sense, why should I treated like it is not. I don’t use somebody's opinion for reference. Perhaps that is why we don't interact with each other much. 



In my opinion, you routinely treat as "facts" many ideas of your own design.  I avoid interactions because otherwise I would be compelled to keep debunking, refuting, disproving, or otherwise disturbing your "peace and harmony."  I think it's unfortunate that you you don't seem to see the difference between opinions and facts when opinions under scrutiny are yours. 


When your "logical common sense" compels you to pronounce things like "qi is oxygen" and what not, my peace and harmony are disturbed whether I make it known or not.  If the spirit so moves me, I may make it known via the downvote button.  Contrary to your opinion, this doesn't signify anger or hostility.  More like exasperation.   


51 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:



Yes, of course.  But may I remind you that Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is a taoist book, and one of the most important ones in the taoist canon at that. 

There's a time for peace and a time for war -- what I do have a harder time with is the use of the closing exclamation "peace!" at the end of a post in the sense "I'm not going to consider your arguments no matter what they are."  But that of course is just my personal peeve.     


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10 hours ago, Nungali said:


" The meek shall inherit the earth "


(after they are dead :P  ) 

Haha yess, and blessed are tho who giveth to the temple. The gods will reward thy manifold. 

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17 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

Is the new Downvote feature really necessary for a Taoist environment? IMHO I think it creates a hostile environment among the TDB members!

Are you seeing more and more people downvoting your posts? 

If so, what does that tell you about your posts?


Or, an egotistic person might think the problem is with the down-voters.  That there might be an axe to grind.

I wonder how many other members get their posts downvoted enough to warrant an anti-downvote post? 


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we have teased you enough by now. Now it is time for some genuine advice. If you feel people are downvoting you unfairly, you should try telling them that it is toxic and that they are wrong. I think that is the best solution ;)

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1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

we have teased you enough by now. Now it is time for some genuine advice. If you feel people are downvoting you unfairly, you should try telling them that it is toxic and that they are wrong. I think that is the best solution ;)

Thank you for your advice. No body is wrong here. They are just have different knowledge about things here. Those who are always against me are acting the same way here. It seems to me that the majority here are acting pretty fairly. That is what I have expected. It is human nature.  I am not upset with anyone here. They have all the rights the reject my ideas. Please don't forget we have an ignore option here for people to choose.

Edited by ChiDragon
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I´m an essay writing kinda guy and I like it when Bums express disagreements in essay form.  But what if a would-be poster knows in advance that argument, no matter how logical or textually supported or well thought out, is futile?  It seems unfair to demand that Bums who want to voice objections do so by writing paragraphs that will never be considered.  

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5 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

I´m an essay writing kinda guy and I like it when Bums express disagreements in essay form.  But what if a would-be poster knows in advance that argument, no matter how logical or textually supported or well thought out, is futile?  It seems unfair to demand that Bums who want to voice objections do so by writing paragraphs that will never be considered.  


I do like the downvote feature for its neutrality, much better then using the :D

When I just want to say, "I do not agree " without writing an essay downvote arrow is better,


the smiley adds a denigrating aspect, i laugh at it, which may be perceived as they laugh at me and/or my ideas.


so I upvote the downvote feature as an easy and neutral way to say: I do not agree with the content of this post.



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5 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

I´m an essay writing kinda guy and I like it when Bums express disagreements in essay form.  But what if a would-be poster knows in advance that argument, no matter how logical or textually supported or well thought out, is futile?  It seems unfair to demand that Bums who want to voice objections do so by writing paragraphs that will never be considered.  

Every system needs checks and balances. I am all for our community's ability to self-regulate—the moderators (as we all know) are volunteers who love this community and want to see it flourish - but one must respect their time and energy expenditure in maintaining the conditions conducive to healthy interactions and exchange of ideas.


I recognize that members might have strong opinions on the various topics discussed here, with their own experiences and analyses. However, it is also possible that these very strong opinions can become their blindspots, and they might be unable to see the impact of their vociferous attestations on the community in general. 


As Lao Tzu says in the Daodejing


Deal with the difficult while it is yet easy;
Deal with the great while it is yet small. 
The difficult develops naturally from the easy,
And the great from the small;
So the sage, by dealing with the small,
Achieves the great."

I look at the down-vote feature as a way to deal with difficult situations while they are still small. 

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I do half agree with ChiDragon on this…




Its good when there is a bit of pressure. That’s how diamonds are created.


Really though if it’s all plain sailing in life you are not really challenged in terms of the virtue you are generating. It’s easy when it’s easy, when it’s harder it’s more of a test of character.




Its all a big illusion anyway. I mean ask the Buddhists. They like a good row on here. Even though everything is meant to be emptiness and everything is just more of the same , phenomena, and that’s all illusion anyway. 

Also the fact that suffering is a surety that only a grasp of Buddhism is really likely to help with , then causing eachother to suffer with clashing points.


I love it though me, I see the lightheartedness in it. Luckily. 

ChiDragon, I think the other bums are thinking of you if they down vote really and are trying to help you improve your style of commenting. It can be quite helpful no?


Otherwise how would you know if your comment hits badly… 


I feel for you a bit though because it seems like you really like to drive home the basics most of the time, and I think your attitude towards consistency is really cool. 

I come off a bit over opinionated sometimes as well. I have to remember to state that it’s just my opinion.




but with arguments, try not to get sucked in. It’s s good test of character. Like you I agree, if people are coming on here to argue and enjoy doing that they are probably missing the point of the forum.


Peace and Love Man


Thrice D

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