
The Downvote Feature!

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9 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:




I just realized how close that symbol is to




An emblem of the 2nd degree (on a black background)  ; a downward wedge of light , plunging through and illuminating darkness




" My brother, on this occasion of you passing through the ordeal I present to you this emblem ..... 'The Sacred Downvote ! '








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9 hours ago, Miffymog said:

I like @ChiDragon!


Ah, there we have it !


A down vote on a post means you dont like someone !


Good Lord !  I get this all the time ; being a director on three boards ... in community meetings :  " Sorry, bad idea for these reasons ; 1 2 3 4 5 6 .....   so I vote no . "


Proposer : " Ohhhh Man !  I thought you where my friend !???  "




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6 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

I only see three members are in favor of it. The majority is not.


But we have not had a vote on downvote ... how many will upvote the downvote ?


What sort of 'election' counts no votes as the majority ? 

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5 hours ago, Cobie said:


But does it say that? This is my interpretation of the characters.


天 地 不 仁 

萬 物 芻 狗  

聖 人 不 仁 

百 姓 芻狗 


Nature is not humane,

all bodies disposable;

the Emperor is not humane,

all people disposable.


The First Part of DDJ Ch 5 is not in the Guodian. Chars MWD A:


天 地 不 仁  tian1 di4 bu4 ren2 

以 萬 物 為 芻 狗  yi3 wan4 wu4 wei2 chu2 gou3 

聖 人 不 仁   sheng4 ren2 bu4 ren2 

以 百 姓 為 芻 狗  yi3 bai3 xing4 wei2 chu2 gou3 





Okay fine, now how does that work if we replace what I said  in response to what I was responding to ?


ie. how much does it change my contextual point ?


and by the way , such a question does not imply  that  I dont like Cobie      ;) 

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3 minutes ago, Nungali said:


But we have not had a vote on downvote ... how many will upvote the downvote ?


What sort of 'election' counts no votes as the majority ? 

Well, that is not a bad idea. I just hope this 'downvote' icon was meant to be applied to CD only. I just don't want to see other members get discouraged and banned themselves from TDB permanently.

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5 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Thats beautifull 


... and the first precept of hermetics   :) 


You wanted to penetrate the Eleusinian Mysteries ?   The writing across the arch of the first doorway was  'Man, know thyself .'



tempImageAyMHfN.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=02333c498bd468a642d116aa7584b9afec854066ea5e30eae890b59e16a4453e&ipo=images  272.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0c136506abd01015ea04f74cfe1ea3a6a619faa8398ea8f763b16e22edd71e7c&ipo=images  Knowing-yourself-is-the-beginning-of-all-wisdom.-1024x457.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=24f086320577ee44db60b5e327225973c2bee865a3aab2945f94304b22346a1d&ipo=images 



know-thyself.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5f9a2e45a2173922eda3b3531bcbbb05e28727f3e2623a7a6ca8007b3f1d6244&ipo=images    1*UhJ622rGsq6Bnf2iGXLPxw.jpeg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1c7c25e1351dc3d449215da7fdb31f57b74b5869889c90a641e7eb67e487d091&ipo=images




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5 hours ago, Cobie said:


The traditional character for ‘qi’ is 氣 . The character has 2 components:

气 qi4 - air

米 mi3 - rice


气 + 米 —> 氣 

air + rice —> qi 

oxygen  + food  —> energy




Always good to see your translations ... however sometimes  your logic seems awry ....


The above shows oxygen might be an ingrediant of air , but not its equivlence  .  IE  Qi  = Oxygen .


Wrong .   By the above logic  Qi  =   Oxygen PLUS food .


Go on .... explain to me how 'Chinese logic' is different   .  :) 


( Noooooooo ... that was rhetorical . )



Edited by Nungali
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4 hours ago, ChiDragon said:

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 In terse English
01. Sky and Earth have no mercy,
02. Treating all things as straw dogs.
03. Sages have no mercy,
04. Treating people as straw dogs.
05. In-between-Heaven-and-Earth
06. Is like a wind box,
07. Vacuous but inexhaustible,
08. Dynamic but invigorating.
09. Excessive words accelerate failure.
10. Prefer to stay being neutral.


Even looking at point one , how does that fit in with my original response considering its CONTEXT


or has that fallen by the wayside as the wheels follow the ruts ?

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4 hours ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

@dwai this too. We must educate with the iron fist of the downvote. 





It seems nicer than an  'up fist '  .

Edited by Nungali
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35 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Well, that is not a bad idea. I just hope this 'downvote' icon was meant to be applied to CD only.


I just put in a report on you for suggesting that moderators put in a down vote feature that was meant to apply only to cross dressers ... Sean will be furious ! 


I just don't want to see other members get discouraged and banned themselves from TDB permanently.


Meh , IMO too many people see too much importance  about who pressed what under their own posts .


I have a heap of likes   :)  ... how many YOU got ? 






Edited by Nungali
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1 hour ago, Nungali said:

How about we replace it with this  ?   ....




Don't you think this is a nicer way to slap somebody's face with a little humor without hostile intention?

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12 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Don't you think this is a nicer way to slap somebody's face with a little humor without hostile intention?


Eeeeegh ! 


1.  If I use down vote there is NO intention that it means a slap in the face , on my part . If YOU feel a slap in the face , that is something for you to look at and work on .


2.  Look at the cats faces ... one is sad and hurt and the other has 'evil delight' .


3. Its physical abuse .


4.  Yes, it is humerous ... but why ?   Please explain  why , not a rhetorical question .


5. Your whole analogy about slapping someones face and a mere down arrow is really over the top, if you think about it .  Obviously your ego is bruised , and you did feel a bit knocked off your perch ... but IMO TTBs is about growth and development ... as a well as ;selling your wares ' . I am not too keen on the second one , but 'tough titties' to me .


[ Are you an American ?  I do find their culture has engendered in them , more of a feeling of upset, outrage, anger , not looking at the underlying issue , etc . when criticized or insulted  .  I really noticed that at work with mixed USA and Aussie crews with a big mix of various  other  cultural individuals . ]


6. You cant seem to disassociate hostile intent from all the other things a down vote might mean , even though its been explained in all sorts of ways .


7. I have never  drawn more points of criticism from such a short phrase before !  


8 . Persistent little bugger aren't you ?    ( meaning  you 'hold fast to your perceptions amidst a sea of alternative 'pointing out and explaining ' . )

Edited by Nungali
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That’s a cool idea tbf. I’m half with you and half with ChiDragon. 

for the sake of mental health 😂 



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1 hour ago, -ꦥꦏ꧀ ꦱꦠꦿꦶꦪꦺꦴ- said:

Half half you say?





That's what I call a Taoist downvote:D


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Sorry NaturaNaturans!  In a very abstracted theoretical way I can get behind what you are saying.  But the "Christians" have low-key traumatized me with their bullying my-way-or-the-highway ways.  

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Just now, liminal_luke said:

Sorry NaturaNaturans!  In a very abstracted theoretical way I can get behind what you are saying.  But the "Christians" have low-key traumatized me with their bullying my-way-or-the-highway ways.  

It was a joke my Friend ;)

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1 hour ago, Thrice Daily said:

Yes. That’s totally cool, @ChiDragon has to get behind that.


would you support this change @ChiDragon:) 

Yes, I definitely will support anything that is related to Taoist philosophy. I think that is a great idea. The Yin-yang downvote icon warms my heart.


PS I have felt the peace and harmony amongst our TDB friends already.

Edited by ChiDragon
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8 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


Ah, OK...I thought maybe but wasn´t sure.  Thanks!


Yupp, that dogma has allready been pushed on way to many billions.

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