Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

Higher level of conciousness

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As it seems to, a few people operate on an higher level and have contact with entitites that people like me do not. Is that a fair statement? If so, is it possible to describe how this manifests?


follow up: the last few months ive felt 

quite strong mentally. Once in a while tho, I fall back to weakness for a period of time. Any advice on how to stay consistently strong?

Edited by NaturaNaturans

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2 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

As it seems to, a few people operate on an higher level and have contact with entitites that people like me do not. Is that a fair statement? If so, is it possible to describe how this manifests?


follow up: the last few months ive felt 

quite strong mentally. Once in a while tho, I fall back to weakness for a period of time. Any advice on how to stay consistently strong?



NN, I don't confer with entities, and you're probably not talking about me anyway.  But I can share this wisdom with you;


That the space from the tip of the monk's finger to the moon is all inner work.  Perhaps you're overly familiar with this, and if so, I apologize.  The inner work is to neutralize all the trigger points within you from childhood, from as far back as you can remember.  Many childhood memories we harbor have rolled downhill for years and have contorted the lens of our vision.  They have resulted in attitudes and actions that remain with us today.  But these very attitudes are the things that prevent us from clarity.


There is a quiet and silent space in you that has all the answers, but it can only be viewed from a place of clarity, that place that is unburdened by previous attitude and experience.  The best place to start, is to figure out what part 'we' have played in whatever's going on in your life today, anything unpleasant.  The trick is to find our own blame, to take responsibility for our actions, to stop blaming others for shortcomings in our lives.


There is something so very powerful about the power of silence.  Wu - wei said in a different way, maybe.  There comes a point where the constant attainment of spiritual knowledge and reading does come to an end.  That's well and good, but it won't get any of us what we want.  We want answers.  We want the truth.  I, for one, have come to realize that it's all the very same thing under different names.  And the way to discern the truth is to listen to the voice inside.  The voice that can be heard once the inner distractions are removed.


Entity?  Maybe.

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51 minutes ago, manitou said:



NN, I don't confer with entities, and you're probably not talking about me anyway.  But I can share this wisdom with you;


That the space from the tip of the monk's finger to the moon is all inner work.  Perhaps you're overly familiar with this, and if so, I apologize.  The inner work is to neutralize all the trigger points within you from childhood, from as far back as you can remember.  Many childhood memories we harbor have rolled downhill for years and have contorted the lens of our vision.  They have resulted in attitudes and actions that remain with us today.  But these very attitudes are the things that prevent us from clarity.


There is a quiet and silent space in you that has all the answers, but it can only be viewed from a place of clarity, that place that is unburdened by previous attitude and experience.  The best place to start, is to figure out what part 'we' have played in whatever's going on in your life today, anything unpleasant.  The trick is to find our own blame, to take responsibility for our actions, to stop blaming others for shortcomings in our lives.


There is something so very powerful about the power of silence.  Wu - wei said in a different way, maybe.  There comes a point where the constant attainment of spiritual knowledge and reading does come to an end.  That's well and good, but it won't get any of us what we want.  We want answers.  We want the truth.  I, for one, have come to realize that it's all the very same thing under different names.  And the way to discern the truth is to listen to the voice inside.  The voice that can be heard once the inner distractions are removed.


Entity?  Maybe.

Perhaps these entities are distractions?

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3 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

As it seems to, a few people operate on an higher level and have contact with entitites that people like me do not.


Are you referring to people who developed their clairvoyance?

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4 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

As it seems to, a few people operate on an higher level and have contact with entitites that people like me do not. Is that a fair statement? If so, is it possible to describe how this manifests?


Consicousness is your upper mental bodies development. With it's development and growth, it begins to expand, you will not only perceive things like energies, energy bodies, entities, even things like past lives, but also dimensions beyond basic three. Magi Adepts have their brain turn into a supercomputer in a sense, it is possible to do many things via "Internal Interface". There are hundreds of functions, each could be called "siddhi".

For any normal person, sudden expansion of consciousness without proper guidance and prior training/preparation will be a traumatic experience, often paired with irreversible damage. There is a reason why so many people interested in esoteric arts are insane/inadequate.

4 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

quite strong mentally. Once in a while tho, I fall back to weakness for a period of time. Any advice on how to stay consistently strong?


Same as with other practices, upper mental bodies also require energy and investment to grow,. But not the energy developed in qigong/neigong, but the energy of a higher grade. The one that is developed via magic tradition training for example.

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On 18/10/2024 at 4:51 AM, Neirong said:


Consicousness is your upper mental bodies development. With it's development and growth, it begins to expand, you will not only perceive things like energies, energy bodies, entities, even things like past lives, but also dimensions beyond basic three. Magi Adepts have their brain turn into a supercomputer in a sense, it is possible to do many things via "Internal Interface". There are hundreds of functions, each could be called "siddhi".

For any normal person, sudden expansion of consciousness without proper guidance and prior training/preparation will be a traumatic experience, often paired with irreversible damage. There is a reason why so many people interested in esoteric arts are insane/inadequate.


Same as with other practices, upper mental bodies also require energy and investment to grow,. But not the energy developed in qigong/neigong, but the energy of a higher grade. The one that is developed via magic tradition training for example.

Interesting I really enjoyed reading that Thankyou. 

When my grandparents died I had visitations from them. It was accompanied by smell, sometimes visions and sounds, especially upon waking in the morning, I could smell their cooking, shaving cream smells.


At first I shrugged it off and it was happening in the day. I got a bit freaked to be honest. I was 21 or 22 at the time and it was a bit much.


So I went to a spiritualist church that was actually on my road only a 1 minute walk away. 

I just figured they would have the answers and be able to explain. I turned up at the time specified, and sat in the rows of chairs with the other visitors . It was quite busy, I’d say 25 or so people packed into a small bit brightly lit room. 

A speaker got up to address us from the front. Anyway long story short, he did his bit, channeled some interesting bits confirmed by members of audience etc


Then he did something unexpected, he asked us in the audience if we have anything. I closest my eyes and reached into my mind. I seem something heard a name,, and then started voicing it to the room.


it was all much more experimental than I thought and I stuck around after but no one really had a clear answer on what I was experiencing, they all just seemed to have their own ideas and it didn’t really help answer my questions.


I went home and felt like I was on my own with it. I had awareness but did I want to develop it??? 

I went back a few times but decided it wasn’t for me, although the development was pretty easy for me in the beginning and was strengthening each time I did it, it just felt a bit (what’s the point, I didn’t want to use something like that for a thrill or entertainment and thought even if I am helping people, who are what am I really communicating with)


I dropped the curiosity and left. I’m glad I did…


For staying grounded,


1/. I eat the same things everyday (just deviate a bit, I can fast though and I’m used to it so I still stay grounded) but I still eat the same amount of food loosely each day and add fats (hormones) Protein (muscle-strength-concentration) carbs (bit more energy)


2/. Exercise Daily and or get 10,000 steps…

it’s really the best to stay grounded. Also I did this for a while. To continue practicing but without going into any visual/auditory, vision like experience.


I did everything eyes open and more relaxed just felt body moving , keeping with the visceral physicality of the body, but still doing qigong movements let’s say. And I’m meditation , meditated with eyes open not closed. 


In closing it was Reiki training I think helped the most in teaching me Grounding and I was encouraged to call on the Angels , especially Arch Angel Michael , I have to say it worked. It was always much quicker than calling on my spirit guides or trying to deal with unwanted attention with my own ingenuity. 

Michael was always much faster. 

I hope the Entities don’t bother you too much. It’s a constant fight, dark and light…





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Constant fight between dark and light doesn't sound all that comfortable.  But I get what you're saying, in a yin yang sense.  Once the development of good character has been attained, there is a constant core inside that is your grounding.  Stay to your core, they say.  In this day and time, it seems particularly urgent.  The way, the answers, are all inside us already.  And the answers all err on the side of love and acceptance.

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