
Kundalini vs Preheaven Chi

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13 minutes ago, GuiKang said:

Are you sure Rigveda 10.189.1 has that meaning ? 🤔


I thought it is talking about earth and sun rotation ?

Good question, I was exploring references to kundalini in Indian literature via AI and it came up with this one. Examining it further 


  1. "ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate"
    "In the vision of cosmic order (ṛta), the Earth is exalted first."
    • Earth (Mahī) is given primacy, much like how kundalini (Earth energy) is the root force that must awaken before ascension to higher consciousness can occur.
    • This suggests that the spiritual process begins from the base (Earth/root) before rising to the higher (Brahman/cosmic order).
  2. "yatra brahmā viśvam idam varīyasi"
    "There, where the divine knowledge (Brahman) encompasses the whole universe."
    • Brahman represents the unified field of consciousness, the goal of kundalini’s journey—to merge the individual spirit with the ultimate reality.
    • The verse suggests that within ṛta (cosmic order), Earth energy plays a fundamental role in the unfolding of universal knowledge, which is essentially the kundalini process.

The verse emphasizes Earth as the starting point of the divine unfolding, just as kundalini is rooted in Earth energy (Muladhara) before ascending.

Union of Earth & Spirit: This verse acknowledges the cosmic interconnectedness of the physical (Earth) and the Absolute (Brahman), which is precisely what kundalini facilitates—raising energy from the base of existence to ultimate wisdom.


It might be an overly imaginative reading, but I can see where AI is coming from. The earth is exalted first, and it is from within the earth that divine knowledge encompasses the universe. 

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On 27/01/2025 at 6:04 AM, Bindi said:

Good question, I was exploring references to kundalini in Indian literature via AI and it came up with this one. Examining it further 


  1. "ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate"
    "In the vision of cosmic order (ṛta), the Earth is exalted first."
    • Earth (Mahī) is given primacy, much like how kundalini (Earth energy) is the root force that must awaken before ascension to higher consciousness can occur.
    • This suggests that the spiritual process begins from the base (Earth/root) before rising to the higher (Brahman/cosmic order).
  2. "yatra brahmā viśvam idam varīyasi"
    "There, where the divine knowledge (Brahman) encompasses the whole universe."
    • Brahman represents the unified field of consciousness, the goal of kundalini’s journey—to merge the individual spirit with the ultimate reality.
    • The verse suggests that within ṛta (cosmic order), Earth energy plays a fundamental role in the unfolding of universal knowledge, which is essentially the kundalini process.

The verse emphasizes Earth as the starting point of the divine unfolding, just as kundalini is rooted in Earth energy (Muladhara) before ascending.

Union of Earth & Spirit: This verse acknowledges the cosmic interconnectedness of the physical (Earth) and the Absolute (Brahman), which is precisely what kundalini facilitates—raising energy from the base of existence to ultimate wisdom.


It might be an overly imaginative reading, but I can see where AI is coming from. The earth is exalted first, and it is from within the earth that divine knowledge encompasses the universe. 

It sounds like your personal opinions in this case.


I have just put the words into meta AI:


That's a beautiful Sanskrit verse!


ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate


Here's a breakdown of the verse:

ṛtasya = of truth/ reality
dṛṣṭau = in sight/ visible
prathamaṁ = first/ initially
mahīyate = is revered/ respected


"Initially, the visible manifestation of truth is revered."

Or, in a more poetic sense:

"The first glimpse of truth is awe-inspiring."

This verse likely originates from ancient Indian philosophy, possibly from the Upanishads or other Vedic texts. It highlights the significance of perceiving truth and reality.

Would you like more information on the context or origin of this verse?


and the second one:


Another profound Sanskrit verse!

yatra brahmā viśvam idam varīyasi


yatra = where/ in which
brahmā = Brahman/ the Ultimate Reality
viśvam = the universe/ all existence
idam = this
varīyasi = you value/ cherish


"You cherish this universe where Brahman resides."

Or, in a more interpretive sense:

"You value the world where the Divine is present."

This verse likely originates from the Upanishads or other ancient Indian texts, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the universe and the ultimate reality.

Would you like more insights into the philosophical context or related concepts?




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On 27/01/2025 at 12:04 AM, Bindi said:

… AI: 
… ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate the spiritual process begins from the base (Earth/root) before rising to the higher …


47 minutes ago, GuiKang said:

… AI: 

… ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate … The first glimpse of truth is awe-inspiring …

They’re very different translations. :blink:  


Edited by Cobie

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1 hour ago, Cobie said:



They’re very different translations. :blink:  


GuiKang's is the correct version :) 

Bindi needs to use a better AI bot :P 

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Agreed, my lesson is never trust AI on face value. 

I wonder though, what is “the visible manifestation of truth?”


I just asked for a translation as well, and got this:



The Sanskrit phrase "ṛtasya dṛṣṭau prathamaṁ mahīyate" can be translated as:

"In the vision of ṛta, the first (one) is exalted."

Breakdown of the Words:

  • ṛtasya (ṛta + sya) → "of ṛta" (Ṛta refers to cosmic order, truth, or the fundamental law of the universe in Vedic thought).
  • dṛṣṭau (dṛṣṭi + au, locative dual or singular) → "in the vision" or "in the sight."
  • prathamaṁ → "first" or "primary."
  • mahīyate → "is exalted," "is honored," or "is magnified."


The phrase suggests that in the perception or realization of ṛta (the cosmic order/truth), the first or primary one (perhaps a seer, a principle, or an entity) is honored or exalted.



The Sanskrit phrase "yatra brahmā viśvam idam varīyasi" can be translated as:

"Where Brahman is the greatest in this entire universe."

Breakdown of the Words:

  • yatra → "where"
  • brahmā → "Brahman" (the supreme, the absolute reality)
  • viśvam → "the universe," "all," or "the cosmos"
  • idam → "this"
  • varīyasi → "is the greatest," "is most excellent," or "is supreme" (comparative/superlative form of variṣṭha, meaning "great, superior").


This phrase conveys a sense of a place or state where Brahman is realized as the supreme reality pervading the entire universe. It suggests an ultimate truth or realization where Brahman is recognized as the highest.


And my question of my translation is what is the first or primary one?


Edited by Bindi

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I’m pretty sure this is valid AI kulandini information:  




Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Kundalini's Role in Spiritual Awakening

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, written by Swami Swatmarama in the 15th century, is one of the most influential texts on Hatha Yoga, a discipline that lays the foundation for many modern yoga practices. In this text, Kundalini is not only acknowledged but is seen as a key aspect of spiritual awakening.

  • Kundalini as Coiled Energy: The text describes Kundalini as a dormant, coiled serpent residing at the base of the spine (Muladhara chakra). It is said that this energy is the key to awakening higher states of consciousness.
  • Activation through Pranayama and Asanas: Kundalini is awakened through various Hatha Yoga techniques, particularly through breath control (pranayama) and physical postures (asanas). These practices help to purify the body and mind, making them conducive for the awakening of Kundalini.
  • The Role of the Nadis and Chakras: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika emphasizes the importance of the energy channels (nadis) and centers of energy (chakras) in the body. Kundalini is believed to rise through the central channel (Sushumna nadi) as it moves upwards from the Muladhara chakra to the Sahasrara chakra (the crown chakra), where it leads to spiritual enlightenment.
  • Kundalini's Potential for Liberation: The awakening of Kundalini is considered the gateway to liberation (moksha). It is through the ascension of this energy that a practitioner transcends the limitations of the body and mind, achieving union with the divine (Shiva) and realizing the true nature of consciousness.
  • Kundalini and the Mind: Once Kundalini is awakened, it purifies the practitioner’s mental and emotional states. This purification allows the mind to become still and focused, making meditation and higher yogic practices more accessible.
  • Caution and Discipline: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika also cautions that Kundalini awakening should be approached with discipline and under proper guidance. Without the right preparation, improper awakening of Kundalini can lead to mental disturbances or physical imbalance. The text stresses the importance of gradual and careful progress in Hatha Yoga practices to ensure that the energy rises safely.

Skanda Purana and Kundalini in Spiritual Evolution

The Skanda Purana is one of the largest and most comprehensive Puranas, and it has sections devoted to mythology, cosmology, and spiritual practices. It also discusses the concept of Kundalini, especially in relation to spiritual evolution.

  • Kundalini as Shakti: In the Skanda Purana, Kundalini is often associated with Shakti, the divine feminine energy. Shakti is portrayed as the power that animates the universe, and Kundalini is the potential power within every individual. This connection suggests that spiritual evolution is not just a matter of intellectual understanding, but of awakening and channeling this primal energy (Shakti) to transcend the physical realm.
  • The Role of Kundalini in Transformation: The Skanda Purana speaks of Kundalini's ability to transform an individual, not just physically, but spiritually. The process of Kundalini rising is seen as a path to personal divinity, where the individual soul merges with the universal soul (Paramatma). As Kundalini rises, it leads to a higher state of awareness, purity, and devotion.
  • Kundalini and the Three Gunas: The text discusses the influence of the three gunas (qualities or energies) — sattva (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia) — on the individual’s spiritual progress. Kundalini is linked to the transcendence of these gunas. When awakened, Kundalini is said to dissolve the influence of tamas and rajas, leading to a state of sattva, where the soul becomes aligned with divine consciousness.
  • The Path to Liberation: Similar to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Skanda Purana emphasizes the role of Kundalini in achieving liberation (moksha). The gradual rise of Kundalini through the chakras is seen as a journey towards spiritual enlightenment. Once the energy reaches the Sahasrara chakra, it is believed that the individual experiences ultimate freedom, unity with God, and the realization of one's true nature.
  • Connection with Lord Skanda (Kartikeya): The Skanda Purana also links the awakening of Kundalini with the divine energy of Lord Skanda (also called Kartikeya). Lord Skanda is regarded as a warrior deity representing spiritual knowledge and the removal of ignorance. The awakening of Kundalini is thus symbolic of the internal battle against ignorance and illusion, with the aim of achieving victory in the form of spiritual realization.

Common Themes in Both Texts

  1. Kundalini as the Divine Energy: Both texts present Kundalini as a sacred, transformative force. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is a dormant energy within the individual; in the Skanda Purana, it is an expression of the divine feminine, Shakti.
  2. Kundalini as the Path to Spiritual Awakening: Both texts emphasize that the awakening of Kundalini leads to spiritual evolution. It transforms the individual from a state of ignorance to one of self-realization and liberation.
  3. Importance of Preparation and Discipline: Both texts caution that the awakening of Kundalini requires careful preparation and practice. In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, this involves physical postures, breath control, and meditation. In the Skanda Purana, it suggests devotion, surrender to the divine, and purification of the mind.
  4. Liberation and Union with the Divine: Ultimately, both texts see the awakening of Kundalini as the path to liberation (moksha), where the practitioner becomes one with the divine consciousness, transcending the cycle of birth and death.



Getting back to the OP, I don’t think kundalini is equivalent to preheaven qi which is the inherent, limited energy one is born with, stored in the kidneys, and responsible for the basic foundation of health and vitality.



Edited by Bindi

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On 10/22/2024 at 2:07 AM, Eden said:

In my experience the Hindu is opening themselves and aligning their subtle body for this torroidal kundalini energy to start flowing through the central channel... Taoist is accomplishing the same thing just in a different manner


They may well be the same but, in my view, the more important question is:  Do the changes occur in different energy  systems?


It may be that the practice of human spirituality is embedded within greater systems.  My observation is there are three major spiritual contexts operating in this solar system based on:


- intelligent energy (previous system)

- right relationship  (current system)

- spiritual will  (future system).


Conscious choice of the system is important.  For example, I know humans operating within the intelligent energy reality, that would like to activate their hearts but repeatedly report failure.


Generally humans who say: "our god is a god of love" work within the right relationship system.


Still, those 3 systems are embedded in a greater system, and it is rare that a soul-bearing entity is permanently lost









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7 hours ago, Bindi said:

I’m pretty sure this is valid AI kulandini information:  



Getting back to the OP, I don’t think kundalini is equivalent to preheaven qi which is the inherent, limited energy one is born with, stored in the kidneys, and responsible for the basic foundation of health and vitality.



It's definitely not.


Its type of Yin Fire (not pure Yin) post natal Qi.


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15 hours ago, GuiKang said:

It's definitely not.


Its type of Yin Fire (not pure Yin) post natal Qi.


Do you mean kundalini is a type of Yin Fire post natal Qi? Assuming you mean this, I agree, though I think it’s a powerful way to reinstate yuan Shen which then affects yuan Qi positively. 

Edited by Bindi

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On 31/01/2025 at 7:53 AM, Bindi said:

Do you mean kundalini is a type of Yin Fire post natal Qi? Assuming you mean this, I agree, though I think it’s a powerful way to reinstate yuan Shen which then affects yuan Qi positively. 

Did you learned this from a teacher ?




that's your assumption based from different opinions / from books ?




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7 minutes ago, GuiKang said:

Did you learned this from a teacher ?




that's your assumption based from different opinions / from books ?




I state this from experience. When approached correctly, kundalini clears all emotional and mental blockages, which until then cloud the clarity of yuan Shen. I think there is a historical problem with how people have worked with kundalini. What should be part of a natural process has been disrupted by interference and impatience. Not surprisingly, kundalini has become misunderstood and marginalised, to the point where it is now seen as not being required at all. My personal experience counteracts this, though I understand for now I am a lone voice on this. Time will tell. 

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Amusingly heavenly qi isn’t healthy. You spend your whole life chipping away at a block of marble and you want more?!

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On 03/02/2025 at 6:45 AM, Bindi said:

I state this from experience. When approached correctly, kundalini clears all emotional and mental blockages, which until then cloud the clarity of yuan Shen. I think there is a historical problem with how people have worked with kundalini. What should be part of a natural process has been disrupted by interference and impatience. Not surprisingly, kundalini has become misunderstood and marginalised, to the point where it is now seen as not being required at all. My personal experience counteracts this, though I understand for now I am a lone voice on this. Time will tell. 

Oh dear,


I do not know what to say about this and my 2cents, please find a teacher. 


I wish you the best 🙏

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2 hours ago, GuiKang said:

Oh dear,


I do not know what to say about this and my 2cents, please find a teacher. 


I wish you the best 🙏

I had a teacher for a while, she was able to directly see what was happening in my subtle energy system and in my physical body, and what I learnt from her was absolutely invaluable. Unfortunately she’s dead now. Interestingly, her skills were developed through dream work which I guided her in, in a way I created my own teacher! If you or anyone else knows someone with the specific talent of seeing subtle energy directly I’d be more than happy to hear about it, real feedback in real time is a rare treat. 

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7 hours ago, Bindi said:

I had a teacher for a while, she was able to directly see what was happening in my subtle energy system and in my physical body, and what I learnt from her was absolutely invaluable. Unfortunately she’s dead now. Interestingly, her skills were developed through dream work which I guided her in, in a way I created my own teacher! If you or anyone else knows someone with the specific talent of seeing subtle energy directly I’d be more than happy to hear about it, real feedback in real time is a rare treat. 

How about you try to stop practising your "Kundalini training" for a while like months and see if you can see the world differently ?


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1 hour ago, GuiKang said:

How about you try to stop practising your "Kundalini training" for a while like months and see if you can see the world differently ?


Kundalini isn’t something I 'practice' like a technique, it’s a natural unfolding. I could stop engaging with it, but that wouldn’t mean kundalini stops, it would just mean I stop paying attention to what’s happening internally. When kundalini, an entirely natural consciousness that inhabits the central channel when awakened organically, has full reign, it’s not something that can or should be stopped, that would be like saying, "Stop feeling or stop thinking for a few months and see what happens." It just doesn’t work that way.


I understand that kundalini is not part of your belief system, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fundamental part of how consciousness integrates and transforms—it’s just something you haven’t encountered yet. Maybe take some time to read about kundalini before trying to debate it out of existence. Gopi Krishna’s experience is a good example—he forced the process and paid the consequences, but it was unstoppable. I’ve also found Swamij insightful, as he emphasises the importance of clearing the side channels first. https://swamij.com/kundalini-awakening.htm




Kundalini is innate for all people: At the base of the spine, subtler than the physical body, lies the Kundalini energy, or spiritual energy, in a latent form. Regardless of what religious, spiritual, or meditation tradition one follows, the awakening of this energy, by whatever name you call it, is a most innate and essential part of spiritual advancement, unfoldment, or realization.


- swamij



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13 hours ago, Bindi said:

Kundalini isn’t something I 'practice' like a technique, it’s a natural unfolding. I could stop engaging with it, but that wouldn’t mean kundalini stops, it would just mean I stop paying attention to what’s happening internally. When kundalini, an entirely natural consciousness that inhabits the central channel when awakened organically, has full reign, it’s not something that can or should be stopped, that would be like saying, "Stop feeling or stop thinking for a few months and see what happens." It just doesn’t work that way.


I understand that kundalini is not part of your belief system, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fundamental part of how consciousness integrates and transforms—it’s just something you haven’t encountered yet. Maybe take some time to read about kundalini before trying to debate it out of existence. Gopi Krishna’s experience is a good example—he forced the process and paid the consequences, but it was unstoppable. I’ve also found Swamij insightful, as he emphasises the importance of clearing the side channels first. https://swamij.com/kundalini-awakening.htm



Yes , It is innate but my question do they circulate as it supposed to ?


common people nowdays without proper training, won't have that rise much and/or circulate properly.

That requires lot of intensive training for having that rise (i.e.

different breathing & bandha techniques, balancing Ida & Pinggala, etc)


I am not talking here without knowing it, in fact I have been trained in different schools of modality and I am not here to debate with anyone.


so if you mentioned you had that with natural unfolding, maybe the term kundalini that we talk are "different" one or perhaps you were born differently.












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On 2/3/2025 at 9:45 AM, Bindi said:

When approached correctly, kundalini clears all emotional and mental blockages,


My own observation is that the causation is the other way.  When the emotional and mental blockages/traumas are cleared the energy flows that we call kundalini can occur without damaging the subtle bodies.


Pushing kundalini energies through contaminated bodies can do damage that carries over into later incarnations.


In my view humans that cannot control their thoughts need to avoid techniques that force energy flows.  Much damage can occur - for a long time.



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1 hour ago, Lairg said:


My own observation is that the causation is the other way.  When the emotional and mental blockages/traumas are cleared the energy flows that we call kundalini can occur without damaging the subtle bodies.


Pushing kundalini energies through contaminated bodies can do damage that carries over into later incarnations.


In my view humans that cannot control their thoughts need to avoid techniques that force energy flows.  Much damage can occur - for a long time.



I agree with your general thrust, and only feel the need to clarify my position. The clearing that has to be done before kundalini is in the two side channels, these are mental and emotional complexes, when kundalini is forced I believe it ends up clearing the side channels as well as the central channel and this is Gopi Krishna’s experience, it’s unnecessarily dangerous and damaging, and I doubt this sort of forcing even brings one to the ‘Self’ which after all is the aim of any method. 

The central channel is a different matter, this is the channel that I believe kundalini clears, this is the channel it’s not possible to clear without kundalini, this is the channel where all underlying karma is rooted out. Think about it logically, after the side channels are cleared kundalini is naturally awakened, and as she rises she can’t help but clean. The possibility of kundalini awakening in the central channel and having no karma to clear and rising immediately and effortlessly is a trillion to one, you would need to be born with no karma, which is so rare as to be impossible. 

What I have found through experience is that doing things in what I consider to be the right order, clearing the psychological level of emotions and thoughts, at the same time creates the subtle body infrastructure that will go on to be used by kundalini as she makes her way upwards, allowing that progress to not be overwhelming. I had guidance in how to create certain subtle energy infrastructure, which made it relatively easy for me, I think without guidance it would be a lot harder on a person, I personally can’t even imagine how some things would be formed that are required, so the whole topic is quite complicated, but once emotional and mental complexes are resolved, and this subtle body infrastructure is in place, kundalini does exactly what she needs to do in the central channel. 

In general I would also say that I disagree with the idea that kundalini goes to the crown and efforts to stay there are actually the goal. Again from experience kundalini does travel up to the crown but then falls back down to the centre point of the body, where she waits patiently for the gifts of the crown to come to her, think of a tree whose fruits ripen in their own time, and drop down when they are ready. I think people have been making a huge error in staying in samadhi trying to ‘steal’ these fruits by forcing kundalini to stay in their crown for x amount of time, as long as they remain in samadhi. Not having followed a natural course, they crave the fruits and steal what isn’t ripe, which doesn’t lead to any real satisfaction. True satisfaction I believe comes with aligning with the Soul in the causal body, the fruits that fall when ripe just facilitate this alignment, they’re part of the overall system. 


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3 hours ago, GuiKang said:

Yes , It is innate but my question do they circulate as it supposed to ?


I don’t think so


3 hours ago, GuiKang said:


common people nowdays without proper training, won't have that rise much and/or circulate properly.

That requires lot of intensive training for having that rise (i.e.

different breathing & bandha techniques, balancing Ida & Pinggala, etc)


As I wrote in my response to Lairg, I don’t think that kundalini yoga will achieve the right circulation either, as these yogis seem to get stuck grasping at the crown, and not gaining real satisfaction in the long term from this. 


3 hours ago, GuiKang said:


I am not talking here without knowing it, in fact I have been trained in different schools of modality and I am not here to debate with anyone.


so if you mentioned you had that with natural unfolding, maybe the term kundalini that we talk are "different" one or perhaps you were born differently.

I took a very personal road, time will tell if this road is the right one to achieve full alignment of my three bodies, physical subtle and causal. My journey isn’t finished, my insight isn’t absolute, but I can discuss my perspective as I understand it at this moment. For your part, doubting my claims is entirely valid, I’ve doubted all claims of achievement myself, I think when someone has achieved a final state they should be able to prove it satisfactorily. 

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6 hours ago, Lairg said:


My own observation is that the causation is the other way.  When the emotional and mental blockages/traumas are cleared the energy flows that we call kundalini can occur without damaging the subtle bodies.


Pushing kundalini energies through contaminated bodies can do damage that carries over into later incarnations.


In my view humans that cannot control their thoughts need to avoid techniques that force energy flows.  Much damage can occur - for a long time.



This is true.

will cause what people called it  "Kundalini Syndrome"



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On 6-2-2025 at 10:28 AM, Bindi said:

I understand that kundalini is not part of your belief system, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fundamental part of how consciousness integrates and transforms—it’s just something you haven’t encountered yet. Maybe take some time to read about kundalini before trying to debate it out of existence. Gopi Krishna’s experience is a good example—he forced the process and paid the consequences, but it was unstoppable. I’ve also found Swamij insightful, as he emphasises the importance of clearing the side channels first. https://swamij.com/kundalini-awakening.htm


thanks for that link, found some interesting thingies

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I did some research and looked into 12th-century yoga texts, and there was nothing about kundalini rising up the central channel. There was a notion that it is some sort of chakra in the palate and nothing else. Therefore, the idea of rising power seems to be a modern concept that was invented recently (perhaps when the British invaded India)

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Quick ChatGPT check:


Kundalini in Classical Texts 


a) The Upanishads (c. 1000 BCE – 500 CE)

The earliest references to kundalini appear in the Upanishads, particularly the Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad, Shandilya Upanishad, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. These texts describe kundalini as a dormant energy at the base of the spine that rises through sushumna nadi when awakened.


Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad (c. 9th-10th century CE)
"When the sleeping kundalini is awakened by the grace of the guru, then all the lotuses and knots are pierced, and the prana rises upward through the sushumna."


b ) Goraksha Samhita (10th-11th century CE)

Written by Gorakhnath, this text discusses the awakening of kundalini and its movement through the spine.

"Kundalini, when awakened, moves through the sushumna and reaches Sahasrara, where the yogi experiences supreme bliss."


c) Hatha Yoga Pradipika (14th century but based on older teachings)

Swami Swatmarama, compiling earlier tantric and yogic traditions, describes sushumna nadi, kundalini, and their role in enlightenment.

"When the sleeping serpent (kundalini) is awakened, she moves upward through sushumna and all the chakras are pierced."



Edited by Bindi
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