
My first question here, about multi-orgasmic practice.

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Hello guys.

This is my first message i here. 
I hope i write it on the right forum.


I've just read the book "The multi orgasmic-man" and i'm tottaly new to this field.

i have so many question but i'll start from this:

in the 3rd exercise i should forcefully push out the urine while "pulling up on the perineum".

English isnt my mother-language so i'm quite not sure what does it mean "pulling up on" something.

at first i thought that mean "contracting" the perineum, but when i tried to contract the perineum it stops the urinating.

it's impossible to do them both.

Did i get the exercise wrong?



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8 hours ago, denele said:

… i should forcefully … 

Imo best to never do anything “forcefully”.  Welcome to the forum. :)



Edited by Cobie

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Welcome denele. Chia is easy to misinterpret. How are you feeling otherwise?


Edited by Nintendao

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