Sanity Check Posted 5 hours ago In the bible, Moses ascends Mount Sinai for 40 days. Within a span of 40 days the israelites transition from a God fearing society to a cult of cow worshippers. This illustration of society falling apart without the guidance and leadership of a single person highlight the hierarchical arrangement of christianity being sup optimal. In historical terms, when people think of progress or advancement they envision a single individual blazing a trail. They think of a single person revolutionizing science, religion, art or another institution in a way which dramatically changes the way people think about things and how they live their lives. The elites of history are always reading and learning. Working hard to gain knowledge. Moving towards achieving peak productivity. Their potential for growth and advancement are usually maximized. If history is defined by elites maximizing their potential, with the potential of the poor being wholly untapped as a static constant. If the poor someday unlock their potential. If poor israelites of past eras achieved this feat. Would they have been able to resist their transition to cow worship in the 40 days Moses spent on Mt. Sinai? While christians tend to emulate the centralized hierarchy of Moses and prophets of past eras. It might be said there are advantages to many striving towards maximizing their learning potential, rather than a select few. In terms of civilization and society, the greatest progress that could possibly be made would be by the poor maximizing their learning. As that is where the largest potential gains can possibly be made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites