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TDB is slow and glitchy at times. Please fix. 


Sean the owner is not around to fix problems that need taken care of. Where is he?

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There is a lot more going on than software glitches.


I'm still waiting for a reply to the thread about updating the logo as the Year of the Wood Snake started today 29 January 2025.


Very poor sport. 

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Dont push it ! 


'They '  might bring in Vertical scope to 'fix' it !




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22 hours ago, Gerard said:

There is a lot more going on than software glitches.


I'm still waiting for a reply to the thread about updating the logo as the Year of the Wood Snake started today 29 January 2025.


Very poor sport. 

Admods don’t get paid for it you know. They volunteer from their own time. I’m grateful for all the wonderful modding and never mind the little picture.



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I have never had a moment of glitchiness or any other issues here. Maybe the op's equipment is the issue. 

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25 minutes ago, Keith108 said:

…. Maybe the op's equipment is the issue. 

Mine too is lately quite slow. I’m in the Netherlands.



Edited by Cobie
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I'm happy to volunteer too and when I do I quickly reply to any queries. If I knew how to design a "snake" using software, I'd update the logo asap to reflect the massive energy shift the new elemental energy brings. 


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37 minutes ago, Keith108 said:

I have never had a moment of glitchiness or any other issues here. Maybe the op's equipment is the issue. 

I have Apple phones, desktop and iPads. All are up to date. 

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If someone has a copy of the background image (preferably high resolution but I can work with whatever we have access to) and put the snake on it? As far as I know there are no restrictions on the snake styling (like there are for dragons) - but if someone else is more informed or has a prefered snake image let me know. I can use the low-res image I can access off the page if necessary but using the original would be nicer and less work (to remove the dragon and recreate the background that would be behind it).


BUT... If there is not really anyone to update the site anymore (or at least not easily) maybe we should just make the upper banner generic / year-agnostic for now until there is someone who can manage the site backend more frequently? 


Also I was checking out the site's backend provider and it's a fairly pricey product - who is footing the bill? 


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20 hours ago, ralis said:

TDB remains glitchy! Slow and sometimes non responsive. 


38 minutes ago, ralis said:

I have Apple phones, desktop and iPads. All are up to date. 



same here, desktop with ubuntu

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23 minutes ago, Jenn said:

it's a fairly pricey product - who is footing the bill? 

wondered the same when I first got here… but then forgot that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. 


It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.


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18 minutes ago, S:C said:

wondered the same when I first got here… but then forgot that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. 


Ha! Interesting I usually think that angle too (especially nowadays - sheesh), funny I didn't as there was a period I stepped away from reading the forum for a few months because some of the people posting at the time seemed to have a strange agenda.


Actually I was thinking along the lines of maybe we should have a way to donate for those who wish too / can, if one person really is paying out of pocket for the software, domain, hosting, etc. 

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We mods, at this point, have no control over the hardware or software, we just keep the peace. Messages have been passed to those who control those things, but we have been warned by the previous mods not to expect quick responses. 


Be grateful that this site exists, or anyone keeps paying for the hosting at all. :) 


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Use the daoist approach !  


If it annoys you , get  a little sticker of a green snake and when you log on to Daobums,  just paste  it on the top right hand screen corner 

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Hi stirling,


Who else other than the site creator Sean, has control over the site?


Thanks Jenn, could you please contact a mod (stirling would be great) and let them know you can update the image so they can pass it on to the powers that be.


Let's all hope this all gets sorted out including software issues.


I'm using iOS and no troubles as reported earlier, only when unloading images from external image hosting sites like imageBB or postimage.



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2 hours ago, Gerard said:

Thanks Jenn, could you please contact a mod (stirling would be great) and let them know you can update the image so they can pass it on to the powers that be.

Yep, will do, I'll get a snake ready to go to put on the background and if I don't hear back on the weekend re: a better resolution original background image I'll just use the banner image and remove the dragon. 


I also see some site issues, it is intermittent and seems sort itself out after a minute or so, but I see slowness and the gateway error below:


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Thanks for your effort Jenn. You are a gold medal winner :)


Same here "gateway time-out" error too. 

More than happy to chip in for web hosting fee services and make sure the site stays up and running. 

Sean or whoever is in charge should make an announcement before they decide to shut down the forum if they decide to let it go. There are others like myself and Jenn so far that are keen to keep the forum alive.


Thank you all :)



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Zero problems here in europe, but could there be issues with AI data harvesting  (I blame lois).   I have heard that is a problem for other sites.    

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6 hours ago, Sherman Krebbs said:

Zero problems here in europe …

“Europe”? I am in Europe (the Netherlands) and I cannot log in lots of times.
I get this message: Gateway time-out Error code 504


And when I do get in it’s very slow and sometimes stops completely. 


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17 hours ago, Gerard said:

Hi stirling,


Who else other than the site creator Sean, has control over the site?


I don't know how much control or ability previous admins had. We'll see, hopefully soon. 

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