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Forum gobbler !

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' Vertical scope'   bought out my history forum .      It started with a series of scam announcements  about  ' problems' and 'help behind the scenes ' how its faster now , assisting with managing the site and 'supporting the community ' and a whole lot of , frankly , BS   about help and consideration... until I point blank asked  " Did you buy the forum ? "  and they admitted yes .


Which of course caused a member backlash as no one likes being bullshitted to .  And that caused evasive responses and the usual stuff you get when dealing with 'big biz' .  :rolleyes:



Beware of forum gobbler ... 


search ;  " vertical  scope buying up forums " . 


"hey guys. i was just researching VS and came across this thread. so, i my experience can be of any help to others, i am gonna pas the word the best i can.

recently 2 forums that i help operate were bought by verticalscope. once they accuired the forum, they completely spammed the site with google ads, gave all site sponsors a 300% increase in their rates, and even began charging long time members to be able to view the areas that were once free for them to see.

if you truly care about the community that you have spent years working on, you will not sell out to VS. they are only there for the money and dont care about any part of their member base besides their wallet. the sites that i am talking about are and they are cornering the market on all motorcycle forums and are even going as far as sending threatening letters to any offspring sites that want to remain free. they are threatening legal action because they now "own" copyright on everything as small as similar colors beign used. example, the suxuki GSX-R has a distinct logo on the side of the bike. has that R in its site logo. now any other gsxr related site who displays the same suzuki logo has received a threatening letter from ther lawyer to remove the site and or logo.

please dont sell out to VS, no matter how much they offer you to do so.

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