
Newcomer introduction

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My name is Shane. I am a 51 yr old seeker of truth/knowledge. At the age of 15 I ingested morning glory seeds and began meditating on truth/ knowledge/purpose. During my meditation I had a profound experience. For lack of better terminology, the voice of God came to me. I say for lack of better terminology because to say it was a voice doesn't even begin to describe it. It was as if it emanated from the center of every cell in my body and from every point in space outside my body. I didn't so much hear it I experienced it as if all senses were "saying it" i heard it seen it felt it smelled it tasted it. Anyways the voice asked me why do you seek this knowledge. Then I heard a different voice ask me if it was for personal gain. I came to realize that the second question came from me due to its presence. If there was not an aspect of me that wasn't searching for personal gain then the question wouldn't have been asked. Anyways that was one of the things that set me on this path. I've circled around taoism for years and am now ready to dive deeper into taoism. It is a pleasure to be here and I look forward to discussing the tao. 

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Hi Smudge, welcome to the forum. :)



Edited by Cobie

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