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Running Man Rock

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'Found by chance '  , Ray Martin, an Aussie journalist was flying over remote Central Australia , happened to look down  for a moment and  .... 'What the hell is that !? '   He took some photographs and decided to come back on land and check it out . Previously he could find no reference to it , including from the indigenous . So, they track out there and fly in by choppers , also taking some indigenous and a geologist . The area is a curved maze of ancient seabed sediments , forming rock then deeply eroded into terraces . The indigenous elder said it was part of her country but  she had not been there , her ( I think ) great grand mother had been there , but not much more knowledge had passed on . From some angles it looks like a huge Aboriginal style painting . Everyone, the geologist but especially the Aboriginals where amazed .









he even has  a heart .






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... at times when flying over the outback I myself have looked down and  'What the hell is that ?'   I actually asked once on a plane , my disinterested fellow passenger , looked away from his book, peered out and down and mumbled " Mc Donald Ranges " and went back to reading .  One friend  that was equally surprised with that view described it as looking down on a huge concrete car park  that someone had dropped a giant placenta on from high altitude .


And 'Channel Country '  ( not that far from Running Man ) .... look down and  "What planet am I on ! ?" 





















{ The 'classic colours' ; ochers , reds , etc of the  Australian landscape  familiar to us  are mostly post -colonial  , post devastation .  In the above post , the documentary on it, in that area , sometimes they would stop and say " In wet season this is all underwater , now its a sea of wildflowers ... all yellow to all horizons ." Then they would stop somewhere else and blue or red or white flowers , stretching all around to the horizon , all one colour .


Bruce  Pascoe writes about it 'Dark Emu ' -  the explosive colourful landscape of pre -settlement }  

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