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In Which book does Wang Liping write about this memory exercise?

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I have read about a memory exercise supposedly described in one of Wang Lipings books where one tries to remember everything one did throughout the day from the moment one got out of bed. Can anyone tell me in which of his books he writes about this?

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Daoist Internal Mastery, by Liping Wang (Author), Livia Kohn (Editor), Mark Bartosh (Translator)

Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu, by Wang li ping (Author), Richard Liao (Translator)

The practice is called Zhineng Gong or Attaining Wisdom and Potential, in Opening the Dragon Gate you have a description of that exercise too.

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On 2/18/2025 at 1:48 AM, markern said:

I have read about a memory exercise supposedly described in one of Wang Lipings books where one tries to remember everything one did throughout the day from the moment one got out of bed. Can anyone tell me in which of his books he writes about this?


You go backward in your memory, from the last thing you did that day back to the previous one back to the previous one, reconnecting everything in reverse, then go to sleep.  Got it from a seminar.  Very simple -- yet helps one combat fragmentation and realize how much of the day they were aware and conscious, and which parts their body or their mind disconnected from and sleepwalked through.  Can be a fractal -- you can get a broad sketch of your day (I did this, and right before this, I did that, and that was preceded by such and such actions, etc.), or you can go into an infinite number of details.  Ee.g. instead of "got undressed before going to bed" you remember "took off the left sock before the right sock" (can you remember?) or instead of "made boiled eggs" -- "cracked the boiled eggs on the left side of the counter, boiled the eggs for 6 minutes, turned the burner down, put the pot on the burner and turned it up," whatever.   

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