
women must learn to redirect their orgams too

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Hmm...can I GIVE him energy


Once you learn to spin someone else orbit (Santi will show you when you are ready) you should be able to mix energies easily enough with or without any physical contact.


Is your partner is in tune enough to feel it... I don't know. Most girls seem to be able to feel that energy exchange / movement easly but girls seem better at this stuff than guys.


Anyone got any guy field tests? I can push-pull my kung fu training partners with Chi. But we have known each other for ages and being training partners there is a very close relationship. Even then it's only about 60~70% of the time.

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Respectfully Witch, some believe in Karmic repercussions in taking from people unknowingly ... I think the term is "stealing" or "theft" in western society. But, like you, I am a big fan of keeping all options open as long as possible.



Of course it's stealing and there are also karmic repercussions. I think a little karma balancing in this case is quite appropriate, if you ask me.



Once you learn to spin someone else orbit (Santi will show you when you are ready) you should be able to mix energies easily enough with or without any physical contact.


Is your partner is in tune enough to feel it... I don't know. Most girls seem to be able to feel that energy exchange / movement easly but girls seem better at this stuff than guys.


Anyone got any guy field tests? I can push-pull my kung fu training partners with Chi. But we have known each other for ages and being training partners there is a very close relationship. Even then it's only about 60~70% of the time.


Oh, I stand corrected. :) Don't listen to me, I'm a bad influence!

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It's all good, but don't take advice from me either, I'm just some guy on the internet.

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Not unless he knows how to take from those places, which from what I hear is a learned technique. The natural easy place for you to give him energy is through the chest, but he at least has to be open there. And also to want it.


Witch, I am no where near as advanced as you. I AM on your diet now though. Although I confess sometimes I do slip up and drink a diet coke or two. But for the most part I'm on your diet and gyneflex program.


I have a HUGE amount of hangups when it comes to sex. It's a good thing I don't feel emotions easily because the few times I do - especially when the subject of sex comes up - I tend to fall into deep depression.



Once you learn to spin someone else orbit (Santi will show you when you are ready) you should be able to mix energies easily enough with or without any physical contact.


Does he teach this in KAP 1?


Is your partner is in tune enough to feel it... I don't know. Most girls seem to be able to feel that energy exchange / movement easly but girls seem better at this stuff than guys.


I don't know. I only get to see him once or twice a year if I'm lucky. I don't know how to project Chi although the one time I did a quick Inner Smile meditation (when he got up to get a drink while we were skyping) I think I may have inadvertently caused him to black out. I was feeling sick that day but to cheer myself up did the Inner Smile (this was before I had ever heard of Secret Smile) and thoughts turned to him. The moment they did - he passed out on the floor for a few seconds. I know because he told me the exact time when he passed out and it corresponded with when I directed my Inner Smile-Love thoughts toward him. I've never done that again because I got the sense I was like a toddler waving a gun around not realizing the danger of what she is doing.


But when I remember that incident....maybe he can feel my Qi energy? Except that was unconscious Qi projection I think. I don't know how to consciously direct it.


Edit: that I think about it...maybe I was unconsciously TAKING energy from him and that's why he passed out? Because I sucked up so much of his Chi he literally blacked out?

Edited by SereneBlue

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If one person cultivates but the other doesn't - is there a way to safeguard things so I don't unintentionally hurt him.

Yes, but you would have to be extremely skillful in giving it back to him after you have sex. And that requires a lot of intent and being receptive for both partners, which your boyfriend may lack.

But Serene... What do YOU want to do sexually? How do YOU want to connect with the man you love during sex?

It's admirable that you want to satisfy your BF, but the day will come when you will need more then being with someone who can't outgrow a mentality of a 5 year old.


I would say, find a man who is on the same path as you if spirituality is a big part of your life. You don't have to be interested in the same tradition - all spiritual traditions are deeply interconnected.

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......... the day will come when you will need more then being with someone who can't outgrow a mentality of a 5 year old.


I would say, find a man who is on the same path as you if spirituality is a big part of your life.

Edited by mat black

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SB, if I'm reading this right you have a BF who comes by twice a year to do you anal and nothing else???


I don't know what else to say but I would personally DTMFA.


Or maybe I read it wrong, but ???



Jeez, Mal could visit from OZ at least that often and he would do right by you.


I feel I need to apologize for the raw post :blink:

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SB, if I'm reading this right you have a BF who comes by twice a year to do you anal and nothing else???


I don't know what else to say but I would personally DTMFA.


Or maybe I read it wrong, but ???

Jeez, Mal could visit from OZ at least that often and he would do right by you.


I feel I need to apologize for the raw post :blink:


This. That's not a boyfriend, that's a booty call. Unless he's in the military, can't remember.

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Oh hell...


Looks like I'm surfacing again to answer this.


Yes...this would be ideal but in reality it's not going to happen. My BF ridicules Yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, etc as being "gay" and "queer". He wants no part of any of it and has told me so. Not even to humor me. I asked about the anal because he doesn't care for 'regular' sex. Has little to no interest in it. His thing is anal (well that and fellatio). I'm not a fan of anal but since that's pretty much what he's into that's why I asked.


If one person cultivates but the other doesn't - is there a way to safeguard things so I don't unintentionally hurt him. Because as it now stands from what you're saying...I've got 2 choices. A) Either stop cultivating permanently [which of course means dumping KAP and meditation practice ] or B ) dump him.




The above sounds like someone who doesn't care enough to "humor" you. If you don't mind the question, what do you get out of this relationship? Based on your posts here, you seem very interested in cultivation, yoga etc., by ridiculing these, he ridicules you, he should know this. If he doesn't, tell him. Open communication can work wonders for couples, and guys can, for some reason, be really dense when it comes to understanding what their partners want/need.


I don't know. I only get to see him once or twice a year if I'm lucky. I don't know how to project Chi although the one time I did a quick Inner Smile meditation (when he got up to get a drink while we were skyping) I think I may have inadvertently caused him to black out. I was feeling sick that day but to cheer myself up did the Inner Smile (this was before I had ever heard of Secret Smile) and thoughts turned to him. The moment they did - he passed out on the floor for a few seconds. I know because he told me the exact time when he passed out and it corresponded with when I directed my Inner Smile-Love thoughts toward him. I've never done that again because I got the sense I was like a toddler waving a gun around not realizing the danger of what she is doing.


But when I remember that incident....maybe he can feel my Qi energy? Except that was unconscious Qi projection I think. I don't know how to consciously direct it.


Edit: that I think about it...maybe I was unconsciously TAKING energy from him and that's why he passed out? Because I sucked up so much of his Chi he literally blacked out?


DO NOT blame yourself for him "blacking out" while skyping with you. It is more likely that he was on something or just sick. There are things called coincidences. This sounds like a prime example of one.

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Serene, maybe I am not the right guy to advocate you since right now I am celibate, but I think you need a heart connection. That comes first and then you can spice up your sex life. But to me it looks like you get only the spice and not the real nutrients of the real food. Here some info about Tantra for women that may interest you:



Edited by steam

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Although I think Bodri probably has got some very good info he has the psychology of an angry, arrogant 13 year old boy and is generally full of shit as far as I can see and extremely inflexible in his views so I never really take what he says very seriously.

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Although I think Bodri probably has got some very good info he has the psychology of an angry, arrogant 13 year old boy and is generally full of shit as far as I can see and extremely inflexible in his views so I never really take what he says very seriously.


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Forgot to say above book is taoist and written by a woman trained with Chia and in HT system, but wanting to be more feminine in her approach.


Link is no longer working and I can't recall the details of the book :(


edit: it's back now, glitch in the matrix or patriarchal plot to subvert womens power :)


Exploring The Hidden Power Of Female Sexuality: A Workbook For Women (Paperback - Jul 2001)

by Maitreyi D. Piontek (Author)

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Here's Maitreyi Piontek's website --


The power of the breasts and uterus! Yes the "O at a D" is through the vagus nerve cervix connection.... as I had confirmed to me in full-lotus action. haha.


Link is no longer working and I can't recall the details of the book :(


edit: it's back now, glitch in the matrix or patriarchal plot to subvert womens power :)


Exploring The Hidden Power Of Female Sexuality: A Workbook For Women (Paperback - Jul 2001)

by Maitreyi D. Piontek (Author)

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"...see the true mind and have enough mercy to help."


From the above link. Gives a whole new expression to "mercy f*ck"!


I felt that the author of the article really seemed anti-men (not "yin" particularly) and seemed to accuse them of all kinds of "dirty" stuff.


Surely this is a misunderstanding?

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Hey I'm male but Kate you must be really lucky! haha. Or at least you know who is really in charge! haha.


"...see the true mind and have enough mercy to help."


From the above link. Gives a whole new expression to "mercy f*ck"!


I felt that the author of the article really seemed anti-men (not "yin" particularly) and seemed to accuse them of all kinds of "dirty" stuff.


Surely this is a misunderstanding?

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"Hey I'm male but Kate you must be really lucky! haha. Or at least you know who is really in charge! haha."


Except that I don't :lol:


As for luck - depends on what kind. Seems my pre-heaven is not so good. Until I found this out from a variety of alt practitioners, I was all kinds of stupid (I mean I still am, but I don't much believe it anymore;-))


Who's in charge?

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You've got great energy and you're nice. Chunyi Lin reads your past lives but rarely says unless you need it for healing. So if you ever need a healing you can call him for phone appointment! haha.


"Hey I'm male but Kate you must be really lucky! haha. Or at least you know who is really in charge! haha."


Except that I don't :lol:


As for luck - depends on what kind. Seems my pre-heaven is not so good. Until I found this out from a variety of alt practitioners, I was all kinds of stupid (I mean I still am, but I don't much believe it anymore;-))


Who's in charge?

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Thanks Drew!


You know what? I think I do need to be healed from the things I mentioned (yes pre-heaven and whatever up to the point I go "Ah shit so THAT's what I've been doing all this time;-)")


Presently debating (by myself;-)) the merits of slugging through things or being "zapped" by a qi-gong dude. I'm afraid that any zapping would be like that blue light the flies get trapped and zapped in;-) No seriously, my previous ego is pretty much dead but my heart still aches and I've got some real dumb low frequency stuff going on at 3rd C (based on my understanding). It can make for a relatively silly and light-headed 6th (although since KAP, everything has improved x10)

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Well if you're doing KAP -- yeah you're heart-chakra energy is good -- aching is a GROWTH sign actually because you have to open your heart first before it can be broken! haha. That's why real healing is intense because to open the 3rd Eye you have to first get past the broken heart stage! So anyway the qigong master healing is more bliss, more love, more light, and more money! haha. I can't afford it myself ($100 I think for a phone healing!) so.... my dad paid for my school and I did to finish my masters degree! haha.


thanks for sharing.


Thanks Drew!


You know what? I think I do need to be healed from the things I mentioned (yes pre-heaven and whatever up to the point I go "Ah shit so THAT's what I've been doing all this time;-)")


Presently debating (by myself;-)) the merits of slugging through things or being "zapped" by a qi-gong dude. I'm afraid that any zapping would be like that blue light the flies get trapped and zapped in;-) No seriously, my previous ego is pretty much dead but my heart still aches and I've got some real dumb low frequency stuff going on at 3rd C (based on my understanding). It can make for a relatively silly and light-headed 6th (although since KAP, everything has improved x10)

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child birth orgasms:


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celibacy...god path...cultivation...selective exercise...spirit evolve.......

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