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My dan tien feels closed ...

A number of things (bunch o' links):

1. Drop retention practices. Aspire towards harmony, not necesarily retention. Many people find the basic kunlun practice harmonizing, but it probably won't open up a really jammed up dan tien by itself.

2. Various massage (link, link, link).

3. Exercises that target lower abdominal circulation.


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I realize that I offered a lot of material, that'll take a while to explore and digest. Just a note that, as far as the massage goes, probably the first thing you should do is follow Owl's advice about massaging the Liver channel. (It's bilateral - both sides - as are of the channels.)



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I will add to the previous post that you must master the hip and rooting before that previous exercise is done. Bodyweight is dropped to the ground through the blue line and black line and the hip relaxingly gets tilted forward in its place.

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