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Wuji Standing is a key to connect to Xuanji matrix, by ordering this course, you get an entrance ticket to the Xuanji world, and you can get boundless energy and information there. So it is not only a posture, Xuanji matrix has its own spirituality, if you didn't pay for the course or get the permission from the teacher, it will be invalid to do the form.

That means there is a powerful Xuanji matrix works behind the course, so it is quite different with other courses on the market. We are the one and only school which offers Xuanji matrix support.

The pdf file of the course may cost a few dollars only, the membership of our group may cost tens or hundreds of dollars, but the support of Xuanji matrix may cost millions of dollars. Therefore, the price of $49 is quite preferential, it is only available in the beginning.

Edited by Li Jiong

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Hi Li Jiong,


I understand that some words and things are hard to discribe, and sometimes they need to be experienced to understand both the essence and the wholeness of it.

Would you say that is the case with this also?


This is just for enhancing our knowledge about such things... so if you could explain, i think it can be appreciated. a lot. (or more, if you wish) ;)


Having said this (and asked this), is it possible, in a way, let's say an 'intelligent or intelligiable way' to explain what wuxing and hunyuangong and bagua circle each can do for the practitioner? that is, after and beside building up from the wuji.


With thankful and also nice regards,







Wuji Standing is a key to connect to Xuanji matrix, here is a dialog quoted from our group, perhaps you can feel the power from that:

Someone: Do you recommend a time for Wuji Standing when starting?

I practiced for 20 min. last night, and feel like it was too long. I had too much energy today. Too much heat, and my feet felt almost hot. I felt uncomfortable and not relaxed.

Should I start first with a shorter time and build up? Maybe 5 min. for a week, then 10, and continue like that?


Li Jiong: I have to say your body is sensitive, and you practice correctly. That is because you absorb a lot of energy from Xuanji matrix. To resolve this problem, there are two ways: one is you go further, to learn Wuxing hidden strength, Hunyuangong and Bagua circle, they will help you digest the energy you get; another way is just you says, you start first with a shorter time and build up, maybe 5 min. for a week, then 10, and continue like that, but this way will slow down your progress.

Someone: I did not practice at all last night, and today I still feel too much energy. My stomach feels uneasy and full, I don't feel hungry. I am not hot anymore, but I feel tense in the back of my neck,and my head feels dull and heavy.

If I get the Wuji standing course, will it help with these things? Or is the Internal Cultivation course 1 also have what I need? I would like to get the full course so I can join the group and get help and advice on practice.

I just want to get the most out of a course, and so naturally if I can learn standing and helpful things from the Cultivation course 1, I would like to start there. If course one is mainly standing exercise, I don't want to learn Wuji standing and then repeat it all again in Course 1. Does that make sense? :-)


Li Jiong: The Wuji standing course can help, and the Internal Cultivation course 1 can help too, the Internal Cultivation course 2 also has something you need. The main stuff of the Internal Cultivation course 1 is Hunyuangong, it is not a pure standing exercise there are some standing sections though.

For my Chinese students, generally they will practice Wuji Standing for a few months first to get a good foundation, and then they start Internal Cultivation course 1&2 at almost the same time. And we find this way can get the most out of a course, and also it is the safest way.

Edited by froggie

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Hi Li Jiong,


I understand that some words and things are hard to discribe, and sometimes they need to be experienced to understand both the essence and the wholeness of it.

Would you say that is the case with this also?


This is just for enhancing our knowledge about such things... so if you could explain, i think it can be appreciated. a lot. (or more, if you wish) ;)


Having said this (and asked this), is it possible, in a way, let's say an 'intelligent or intelligiable way' to explain what wuxing and hunyuangong and bagua circle each can do for the practitioner? that is, after and beside building up from the wuji.


With thankful and also nice regards,



Yes, language is often powerless to describe cultivation things, especially English is not my mother tongue.


Wuji is a key to open to a treasure-house named Xuanji matrix, after you connect to the Xuanji matrix, you can get boundless energy and information there. But now there is another problem, generally, one's capability to accommodate and digest these energy and information is limited. The main efficacy of Wuxing hidden strength is firm the container (your body), so that the energy you get from Xuanji matrix will not leak badly as common people. The main efficacy of Hunyuangong and Bagua circle is helping you digest the energy and information. Correspond to Bagua, the energy you get from Xuanji matrix have eight different categories, through the practice of Hunyuangong and Bagua circle, we can unite these eight energy into one, that we call Taiji. I arrange Hunyuangong in Internal Cultivation Course 1, and Bagua circle in course 2, but actually, they are in the same level, mainly they do the same thing with different ways.

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Just worked out the index page of my new website , the flash and background picture were never published before, they contain the secrets of Xuanji matrix as well as universe. How about it? Any suggestions?

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Hi Li Jiong,


I like the spinning Taiji symbol. :D

The music is really nice too. I would almost like to have the music begin automatically when you load the page. Then have one toggle button where you can turn the music off or back on. The music adds something peaceful, and I think encourages someone to relax and look around the site. And then if they find it distracting they can turn it off.


I wish I knew what the Chinese characters said. :huh: Then I might understand more about the site.


Best of luck to you. Keep me updated on your progress. :)

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Hi Li Jiong,


I like the spinning Taiji symbol. :D

The music is really nice too. I would almost like to have the music begin automatically when you load the page. Then have one toggle button where you can turn the music off or back on. The music adds something peaceful, and I think encourages someone to relax and look around the site. And then if they find it distracting they can turn it off.


I wish I knew what the Chinese characters said. :huh: Then I might understand more about the site.


Best of luck to you. Keep me updated on your progress. :)

Thank you for your opinion, Junbo.

The Chinese haracters there are ancient Chinese diction, regarding to run Xuanji matrix, as far as know, there are really no exact words in English can express the meaning.

Enlightened by Bagua symbol, Gottfriend Wilhelm Leibniz created binary system and computer, more than 300 years past, computer really changed the life style of most people. But for the ancient Chinese, quinary system is much more important than binary system. As you see, there are five parts in the original Taiji symbol, and the picture of Xuanji numeral form is also composed by five numbers. I don't know if someone gets something from that will bring what to human being. But anyway, to access the page often, viewing the flash and picture, listening the music, that will really benefit one's health and internal cultivation.

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Well, I got the Wuji standing course, and although it is short and simple, it has what it needs. There is the standing posture, with some points on posture and some other little tidbits that were new to me. The main thing that is different it the Secret Strength that goes along with the standing. Not to give it out here, but it is something internal that you would not notice by simply looking at a photo or video.

I have found that for me it builds energy really fast, and so at the moment about 5-10 minutes does it for me.

One thing I really like is being able to ask questions and Li Jiong is really good about responding. It's a big difference than just learning from a book without a teacher around. Sometimes you have little questions and it help to have them cleared up. :) Also he has video clips to view from both Course 1 and Course 2 so I checked those out and decided to get Course 1.

It's more standing, a few different types, but split up with movements in between. I have only practiced a couple of times so far, but it seems to do a good job a smoothing out the energy generated from the standing.

There is some Taoist theory at the beginning, and some recommendations for practice at the end. Some I have already read, some is new to me.

I like the fact that the course is simple, but not simplistic. It has what it needs to make it effective, but not excess stuff to confuse things.

I'm going to check out Course 2 later this week. I guess 1 and 2 can really go together, 1 being standing, and 2 moving around the circle (Bagua). I check back and let you know how it goes. :D



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Well, I got the Wuji standing course, and although it is short and simple, it has what it needs.

I got the wuji too, even though it is described Internal course 1 allready. I seem to just like wuji more and more!


And the hun yuan gong is also getting better and better.


Look forward to hear what you say about the bagua!

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OK! Sure thing Sheng Zhen, I will let you know. :D

Have you checked out the Bagua video on the group site?

Yeah, the one thing missing in Course 1 that is in Wuji standing is the Secret Strength. :)

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Is this form of Wuji similar to Winn's form (Taichi for Enlightenment). Winn says this Wuji standing form is his favorite form. I think it helps restore prenatal chi but I am not sure because I have the vhf tape but no player anymore.

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hey billb,


Sorry I'm not familiar with Winn's form, but if you look on the first page of this thread, there is a picture of

Li Jiong doing this form.

Hope that helps! :D

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Is this form of Wuji similar to Winn's form (Taichi for Enlightenment). Winn says this Wuji standing form is his favorite form. I think it helps restore prenatal chi but I am not sure because I have the vhf tape but no player anymore.


The essential thing of our Wuji Standing is not the form (of course, correct form is important), but Xuanji matrix which support the practitioners invisiblely, our Wuji Standing is just a key to open to Xuanji matrix. I don't think any style else can open to Xuanji matrix. If one cannot connect to Xuanji matrix, he will have to cultivate energy by himself completely, that can be done, but very slow, the process will be very long.

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Is this form of Wuji similar to Winn's form (Taichi for Enlightenment). Winn says this Wuji standing form is his favorite form. I think it helps restore prenatal chi but I am not sure because I have the vhf tape but no player anymore.


Generally Wuji Standing is not necessarily different than other wuji standing... i believe (i could be wrong) but there are slightly different hand postures for it. Yes it basically restore prenatal chi... but thats because Prenatal chi is just one word for the same thing that many other taoist call it similar or different things, even though its the same. The way they choose to describe it will be slightly different although it is the same thing. (just different schools of thought really)


As Li Jiong claimed The difference between this course is supposedly the Xuanji matrix.

The transmitting of energy is what happens. many people do Wuji standing meditation without transmitting energy, and some do... by yourself it will take a very very long and hard time of lots and lots of effort to get anywhere.


P.S. Billb how important is it to know if its similar to Winn's Form according to some book. I definately understand you would like to understand things on a intellectual level and have just normal questions out of curiosity, but the offering here is not of those these but the experience of these things. Than later go ahead expand as you will on your free time in talk about the feeling and so forth... the importance lies in experience which is done through diligent practice. Which the longer you are diligent the harder you work at the more experiences and more layers to the onion you peal.


P.S.S. Through experience can you only learn to experience the Tao it is said. It is considered the best way and closest way for you to understand it best is by practice. Thus by practicing this will be the closest you can get the higher your awareness of higher states we can call them for lack of better words the closer you get to experiencing closer to the Tao. So basically the key thing is to experience, experience, and experience... at least thats the theory. which is done with hard diligent work, that takes time and lots of effort.

Edited by WhiteTiger

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As Li Jiong claimed The difference between this course is supposedly the Xuanji matrix.

The transmitting of energy is what happens. many people do Wuji standing meditation without transmitting energy, and some do... by yourself it will take a very very long and hard time of lots and lots of effort to get anywhere.




For example: to really get through the small Zhoutian (Small Heavenly Orbit), generally, if you depend on yourself only, even if you do all the exercises correctly and practice diligently, you may need about 7 or 8 years to achieve this level. For my Chinese students, some achieved this level within a month, and more achieved this level within a few months. You can see how Xuanji matrix help one's Internal Cultivation here.

BTW, WhiteTiger, I just sent a copy of the full version of Wuji Standing course to you via email, and also accept your ID on our Great Tao Forum as a member of us, you can access all boards there now.

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wow, your practice opens the small heavenly orbit too?


i think you might be right about 2008 being the rebirth of taoist cultivation, systems are coming up on a day by day basis! what exactly is xuanji? a standing posture? now you've got me interested.


edit: thought i'd add that


1500 cny = $218


he's giving us a great deal here

Edited by mantis

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White Tiger I never said it was important on an intellectual level I was just asking a basic question. The reason for asking was because if it is the same form then maybe I don't need it because I already own Winn's course. You say it will take very very long but then many people say they are getting good results right away with Winn's form, both on his site along with some posts from taobums. But if it is the transmission that makes it much better than maybe it is worth paying for this form as well. I may try both. What I do not understand is how am I receiving a transmission from a 49 dollar e-book. Have you received this transmission and if you have do believe it makes progress quicker?

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what exactly is xuanji?


Just posted an article to explain what Xuanji Matrix is at Great Tao Forum


a 49 dollar e-book

The price is 72USD now, and perhaps it will be boosted again in the future.

Edited by Li Jiong

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Thanks for the welcome!

The original Taiji is very meaningful, now, I can just tell you the name of each part, the black area we call it 'Hun', the red area we call it 'Dun', the white area we call it 'Hong', the blue area we call it 'Meng', the center area we call it 'Ling'.

Thanks old friend!

our group ( is open for all old friends who did support me before, welcome to join us when you feel free.

Thank you for your interest!


All geometric diagrams represent mathematical real world dynamics. The above symbol simply illustrates the fusion between white and black, hot and cold, day and night. It explains that there is no hard line between yin or yang, rather that there are shades of grey.


Metaphysically, these shades of grey can lead to a transmutation vortex, yellow, in this case. Generally this vortex is reached after the ninth trigram pass... in other words, after all 8 of the bagwa pal gae trigram have passed, the ninth is the transmutation phase that pulls into the center.


If you apply this to taoist sexology, the application becomes clear. Clockwise is for tonification when penetrating, and counter clockwise is for sedation.


In acupuncture, the application alludes to the ren mai, du mai and the chong mai with the yellow spot being the spine. If you follow the diagram, it shows you how to perform the microcosmic orbit breathing. This breathing is what is used to achieve lightness or mountainous rooting.

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All geometric diagrams represent mathematical real world dynamics. The above symbol simply illustrates the fusion between white and black, hot and cold, day and night. It explains that there is no hard line between yin or yang, rather that there are shades of grey.


Metaphysically, these shades of grey can lead to a transmutation vortex, yellow, in this case. Generally this vortex is reached after the ninth trigram pass... in other words, after all 8 of the bagwa pal gae trigram have passed, the ninth is the transmutation phase that pulls into the center.


If you apply this to taoist sexology, the application becomes clear. Clockwise is for tonification when penetrating, and counter clockwise is for sedation.


In acupuncture, the application alludes to the ren mai, du mai and the chong mai with the yellow spot being the spine. If you follow the diagram, it shows you how to perform the microcosmic orbit breathing. This breathing is what is used to achieve lightness or mountainous rooting.

Thanks for the good comments!

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Someone asked me whether the Xuanji cultivation way could be compatible with other schools. Xuanji school introduces Wu-Wei methods (unintentional methods) mainly, the practice following nature automatically. Since it is not a contrived way, it can be compatible with all schools, especially for those Taoist based, Zen based or Kung Fu styles.


Actually, in the 7,000 years long history, many Taoist based, Zen based or Kung Fu schools originated from Xuanji School. Often, one got just some knowledge of Xuanji cultivation system and it was a little part of the whole Xuanji system actually, he/she was able to be a founder of a school.

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Just wondering how some of you who have gotten the course are enjoying the practice?

I started with the Wuji Standing. I don't know exactly why, but in the next week I had purchased the other two courses too.

I've been practicing for about two weeks now. What I've noticed most is better energy, but still balanced with relaxation and calm. My feet and legs feel strong and relaxed and really cleared out. Refreshed. :)

The courses blend really well with each other, and build on the previous.

I've only been practicing the first form from the Bagua set, I think there are 9 or 10 total, and I really like the circle walking. The first form is for grounding and it seems to be working well for me. I used to get too much energy from Standing practices, and this seems to balance that out.





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I'm too new at this sort of thing to make any meaningful comparisons.


witch, your problem is you ordered the Internal Cultivation Course 1 first but did not order Wuji Standing course, so you did not practice wuji standing dedicatedly, and therefore, you did not connect to Xuanji Matrix actually. If one does not connect to Xuanji Matrix, then Hunyuangong is just an ordinary practice just as other courses in the market, it still works, and you will still be benefited from the practice, but the benefits come slow.

That's why now I do not sell the Internal Cultivation Course I&II openly, they are sold to the students of Xuanji School only, the students must order the Wuji Standing Course first and connect to Xuanji Matrix, then the Internal Cultivation Course I&II will work for them best.

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