
mantak chia?

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Hey witch -- on the visualization thing -- here's how it is for me. When I'm shooting electromagnetic energy out of my pineal gland while in full-lotus if there is a female around then she sucks it up. It feels like I'm getting milked -- until we both climax. Essentially the loss of electromagnetic energy (shooting out of my forehead or out of the back of my head -- but from the pineal gland) causes a vacuum thereby pulling up the electrochemical energy from my sex chakra. As the female sucks up my electromagnetic energy I in turn suck up her electrochemical energy (since I'm sitting in full-lotus).


Now here's the kicker -- if the female is in visual contact the energy flows much more easily because I can focus it on her energy centers (yoni, breasts, eyes, backside, etc.) This is registered by how fast my vagus nerve is pulsating. Males around me will actually comment when they see my Adam's Apple pulsating. When the mutual climax happens then the pulsating stops. But more importantly those images are also taken in by me as electrochemical energy which then I experience AGAIN later on as ANOTHER internal tantric climax when I then reconvert the electrochemical energy back into electromagnetic energy. So if I don't convert the tantric visualization stored in my sex chakra as an electrochemical memory -- back into "empty awareness" -- then the electrochemical energy I took in from the female will turn back into sex fluid and I'll lose it at night while I'm asleep through reexperiencing the tantric visualization -- only now subconsciously and not as sublimated energy.


Now let's say instead of taking in a female's sex energy I take in her anger (or sadness), etc. It's the same thing -- I just keep sitting in full-lotus and that energy (stored electrochemically in the liver for anger or the lungs for sadness) will then get transduced into the heart-love-light energy, back into empty awareness. When the other energy (anger, sadness, fear, worry) gets transduced back into love-light it FIRST has to get turned back into the REPRESSED sex energy from which the other emotions originated.


I've never experienced my electromagnetic energy getting sucked up by a female's forehead but I have experienced a female shooting her heart energy out into me -- which, is, of course awesome.

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I used the google, and got this, (pdf so I'm typing)


The animus-dominated woman is often oblivious to the fact that the arguments which come out of her mouth, and the apparently knowledgeable but often dogmatic opinions which govern her mind, have not been earned by her own reflection, but in fact are borrowed; and they are usually promulgated not for the sake of truth, but simply in order that she may know better. She will walk about with a gigantic chip on her shoulder and a secret conviction that all men are out to dominate her, never realising that she is in reality held in domination by the unconscious man within herself; therefore she must prove her superiority to men first. This is in no way the same as the woman who is truly seeking understanding and development of the mind; there is an immense difference in the aura that each emanates, and the former can usually be recognized not only by the curiously cliched quality of her arguments, but by the fact that every man in the room bristles at her approach


Well that's not me! :lol: Men love me, generally it's women who bristle at my approach. :rolleyes:


Men aren't out to dominate me, but men I am with I somehow force into dominating me, because I enjoy it so much. I'm a good litmus test of the quality of a man's manhood, I suppose.


And this in particular doesn't hold, "never realising that she is in reality held in domination by the unconscious man within herself"--I realize it, that's what I was just saying.


I also found another reference that says animus-dominated women are women preoccupied with clitoral orgasms over vaginal ones. :lol: Clearly I am some sort of opposite to that!



I've never experienced my electromagnetic energy getting sucked up by a female's forehead but I have experienced a female shooting her heart energy out into me -- which, is, of course awesome.


How old are you again? :D

Edited by witch

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I was wondering where should I start with him? What dvd should i buy first second third like that.


If you haven't already done so, may I suggest you buy any one of his DVD's that appeal to you just to see if you can live with Mantak Chia's presentational style. I don't think one is intended to follow this set of DVD's in a certain, rigid order and the individual titles of each DVD give an important clue as to the level of practice required. There are lots of short clips on YouTube to help you decide. Personally, I find some of his DVD's a bit rambling and amateurishly produced, qualities that, for me, get in the way of the content. In contrast, I find most of his books authoritative and helpful. These are just my own views and, of course, other people will have different opinions.


Whatever one thinks of Mantak Chia he has certainly been prolific and thirty years ago his books were one of the few sources of information generally available. Like most people on this forum, I tend to absorb techniques from different sources. Just 50 years ago acquiring this knowledge might have involved trekking to some distant land, not buying DVD's with PayPal on the net.

Edited by :::

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I was wondering where should I start with him? What dvd should i buy first second third like that.


start with the inner smile...


thats one of the best relaxation techniques (which is one of the most important prerequisite to meditation) i've ever learnt.


i think its not the best response to say dont practise his stuff, when somebody is requesting him...


he is a very good start to the realm of meditation (probably not the end, but... ;-)

Edited by laotse

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start with the inner smile...


thats one of the best relaxation techniques (which is one of the most important prerequisite to meditation) i've ever learnt.



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