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Request for buy/borrow Pillars of bliss

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Hey I've recently been informed about the book the Pillars of bliss, however, i can no longer find a website that is selling it, I'm honestly, not sure what has happened, I went to check with the lulu publishing website they don't seem to have it and i can't really find it for sale up there either, if anyone is willing to guide me to a place where i can locate it or sell/ lend me a copy of theirs i'd greatly appreciate it, I've done google searches for this book, and found very very few results, jhas this book just fallen off the face of the planet?


Thank you for your time,

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KUNLUN: The Forgotten Practices of Self-Awakening

New book includes eight additional practices!


Sweet, can't wait. I wonder if the old Pillars of Bliss will become a collectors item :D

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