
positive influence and morality

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I heard that some forms of influence of others comes from your higher self. If you're intent is good and you influence them into higher resourceful and happier states of being, is there a morality issue at hand?

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  Pranaman said:

I heard that some forms of influence of others comes from your higher self. If you're intent is good and you influence them into higher resourceful and happier states of being, is there a morality issue at hand?


Hi Pranaman,


I would say you always need to be aware of the ethical implications when interacting with someone on any level. You already said that the intent is good, so if there is also wisdom in your influence then it is ethical.



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  Pranaman said:

I heard that some forms of influence of others comes from your higher self. If you're intent is good and you influence them into higher resourceful and happier states of being, is there a morality issue at hand?


Perhaps your 'higher self' is not yours in the personal sense but is the self same higher self of others.

The apparent separation between oneself and others perceived at the ego mind level is 'maya'.


Therefore the wisdom of 'doing unto others as you....etc.,' that results in the best outcome and serves the best interests of the gestalt whole. There is this chinese saying,.'Superior virtue does not know virtue, inferior

virtue practices virtue", ie. real morality exists when there is no ego self interest or agenda involved.


BTW, what is the 'higher self'? Atma. Buddhi, collective oversoul, God, Tau, or are these all just different names for the same unknowable source?

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