
Is The Official History of Kunlun's Origin Bogus?

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"the fact that jenny lamb teaches wild goose doesn't substantiate max's claims about his time spent in those mountains studying in kunlun pai."


Not what he claims.


"I'm guessing he was in the "mountains" but just not the Kunlun mountains.. maybe the mountains of New Mexico?"




"I remember coming away with the impression that max learned directly from kunlun monks in the kunlun mountains, was struck by lightning and fused his third eye open and in general could do amazing things."


Not sure who said this about monks or why but Max was struck by lightning and it opened his third eye permanently.


What else is unclear?


He studied with his first teacher from six until his teachers death when Max was 19 or so. His teacher was a Wudang master and his wife was a Mongolian Shaman. He then joined the military and worked in the Special Forces as a medic and martial arts instructor. Then he has lived in Hawaii studying with his Maoshan teacher, Kahunas and others including Jenny Wu (Lamb). Over the years he spent time in China and Tibet with many special teachers working with the Chinese government's Psychic Research Center. He came to New Mexico where I met him in '02. He lived on the mountain for a while and also was accepted as a medicine man with the Apache Red Willow Society. They gave him the name "coyote" affectionately but his name with them was Willow Standing. He was unlike anything they had ever seen. He since studied with the Yaqui and others.


Many teachers come to him in various forms. He also has much history with the Egyptian school of Anubis. In fact, he knows the system better than most.


His teachers always share the best of what they have with him, because the art is dying out and more teachers are dying out without sharing their teachings. They knew Max would teach it, so they gave it to him. The Chinese govt. wants this stuff to die and they have rounded up many masters. They want to keep those with real ability for themselves.


My efforts here are the process of helping him share this stuff with the world. I may not be the best at it but I am giving it my best and it is getting out to those who need it.


When you attack the flaws of his presentation you are attacking me. I am responsible for all of it. Sorry if it doesn't jive with some of you. You can't please everybody, but most people like it.


When you attack him personally, you are attacking someone who is openly offering some of the highest cultivation practices known. By pushing these practices away from yourself, you are denying what could possibly be the kind of teacher you have ALL been looking for.


He is extremely generous, personal, funny, kind, supremely humble, and most importantly, open to teaching others. Not to mention being developed beyond what most people will ever see.


He presents these things as "Kunlun" because that represents the highest on Earth in terms of spirituality. It is the home of Shambala, the place where the immortals dwell.


It is there if you want it.

Edited by Mantra68

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Old and boring this. Either have no clue of the nature of your self and seek assistance...Kunlun and Mr. Max may or may not be be good avenues for said...I think not, but know with certainty that there are plenty of similar avenues with less pimping...or, far better, have a clue about your self and pursue knowledge of your self...seeking to learn as much as you can from you about you.


It's that old fork in the road dilemma...choose your self or choose the self that the one whom you choose to reflect you upon you chooses to reflect upon you.


Choose wisely, the path behind you disappears.


Life is too important to abdicate the pursuit of knowledge of self during it to others.


BTW, humility precludes discussion of pedigree.

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Max should drop the packaging but for some reason I think he plays very little part in its creation.

That's what I've always thought. Puppets?

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max is a great teacher.


i remember before meeting him i was also not so content with the presentation but there was always mantra who showed a lot of heart and effort talking about kunlun and cameron & august leo ... people i could relate to and who wrote enthusiastically about the great experiences they had on the workshops.


so in my experience ... judge when you personally went to a seminar and met max. and i was really amazed what was going on with me and most other people in new york. i repeat that i never regret to travel so far just to go to the seminar.


later when i lived with him here in europe just for 4 days i met a really humble teacher with so much knowledge that it could almost explode my brain. and it is not that i havent seen anything before ... i am on this path for many years and i have experienced my share (and still have to experience a hell lot, too :lol: ).


he is like a living spiritual library and feeling his transmissions was a very powerful and opening experience for me.


if you are interested in this way just go and meet max. he repeats in every seminar that you only need to see him once. the path of no more learning. why would he do that? he could easily (like many teachers do) stretch the system so you unfortunately have to meet him at least 10 or 20 or 30 times.


he just doesnt seem to be interested in doing that. he loves to teach and to share. even in his private times i just saw him teach or receiving phone calls from close students who needed help. not to speak of the many times after the seminar he would still work on people. i dont even expect him to do that. just being on the seminar already completely changed my life. even just reading the book changed my life ...


anyway ... my personal experience with meeting max is one of the most important spiritual experiences i have. the people i met around him like chris are good hearted and very relaxed. many people i saw spend extra time helping max because they like to support the whole thing. they just seem to like to support him. there are many good teachers out there. if max isnt the one for you because of the presentation just move on and find the right one to mirror you. just make a decision and move on. life is short.


i would understand this repeating discussion if people from the seminars would guide it because they didnt like max or kunlun or the whole thing. but they are not here. i guess most people liked it and it changed their lifes. i met or heard many people who were totally happy with what they got. i heard many that were amazed about the new experiences they have acces to. or let us say they found something that helped them to help themselves effectively.


and they are free. no more seminars needed. no more teachers needed.


and there is a link from the kunlunforum to this forum so everyone can make his/her own opinion.


love jan.


actually i was taking a vacations from the internet ... ;)


so now bye bye again ...


hope everybody will find his/her own happiness!





Edited by jan1107

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I am an old student of Max from Hawaii...1997 timeframe. It was not my destiny to continue with Max, and I don't have any need to glorify him. That said, I can attest that he is a humble person that desires his students to advance spiritually. He has no NLP or hypnotic skills, and I think those discussions are foolish. If you like the practice, don't bother with dissecting Max's persona. He is very eccentric and in accord with his own nature. Find your true nature.


I almost went to the Jersey seminar, but my main practice is too much like Kunlun and I think combining the two is just too much. He didn't teach Kunlun back in 97', but if he did I would probably have stuck around.


Is Max still a tea master too?




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You can't leave it alone can you, Patrick?



I'm not the one who's brainwashed am I? Go follow your master and shoot up on chi. Don't worry I'll help you when you fall.

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Kunlun and Maoshan are mountains, not methods. I don't know why Max felt that he had to re-brand his teacher's qigong method. Notice also, that Jenny Lamb describes the practice as "qigong" and not "neigong". In other words, it specifically works with qi, not with a "bliss energy" unique to the practice.


But in my opinion, anyone who tries to trace their practice back to Egyptian mystery schools might as well be selling magic crystals and wearing a tie-dye t-shirt. ;)

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Its strange that the one accusing everyone of N.L.P. manipulation, mind jobs and the like, is also the one trying the hardest to convince everyone that his perspective is the true one.

Or is it just a desperate cry for attention?

Doctors Orders "More slow Tai Chi, Less Kunlun angst"


Sat Chit Anand!

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Kunlun and Maoshan are mountains, not methods. I don't know why Max felt that he had to re-brand his teacher's qigong method. Notice also, that Jenny Lamb describes the practice as "qigong" and not "neigong". In other words, it specifically works with qi, not with a "bliss energy" unique to the practice.

Yes buSINess.


Its strange that the one accusing everyone of N.L.P. manipulation, mind jobs and the like, is also the one trying the hardest to convince everyone that his perspective is the true one.

Or is it just a desperate cry for attention?

Doctors Orders "More slow Tai Chi, Less Kunlun angst"

What perspective is that then? Of course if you don't know where I'm coming from then, well...

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A Nyingma Lama at the NJ seminar said that you can't find this information from any of the Tibetans. And if they had this information, they wouldn't be sharing it in a seminar! He said that we are extremely fortunate to have this opportunity, that it doesn't happen in most lifetimes.


I sensed the opportunity, so I went to a seminar despite the fact that Max might be a total nutcase based on the omnipresent Max bashing by taobums who haven't met him or even read the book. Maybe they had a psychic bead on the situation?


I discovered that my taobum bretheren who I hold in the highest regard were ***waaaay*** off target... In addition to once-in-a-lifetime(s) transmissions, Max is a super kind hearted guy and a lot of fun to be around.


I really had to attend a second seminar to more deeply appreciate what he has to offer.







I'd love to hear more about your similar-to-kunlun system if you'd like to chat about it.


Your pal,


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A Nyingma Lama at the NJ seminar said that you can't find this information from any of the Tibetans. And if they had this information, they wouldn't be sharing it in a seminar! He said that we are extremely fortunate to have this opportunity, that it doesn't happen in most lifetimes.


I sensed the opportunity, so I went to a seminar despite the fact that Max might be a total nutcase based on the omnipresent Max bashing by taobums who haven't met him or even read the book. Maybe they had a psychic bead on the situation?


I discovered that my taobum bretheren who I hold in the highest regard were ***waaaay*** off target... In addition to once-in-a-lifetime(s) transmissions, Max is a super kind hearted guy and a lot of fun to be around.


I really had to attend a second seminar to more deeply appreciate what he has to offer.





I'd love to hear more about your similar-to-kunlun system if you'd like to chat about it.


Your pal,


I think we've got to the point where we've realised that it's not Max but the people around him that are running the show. Strangely this was my first impression but I shook-it-off, unfortunately. I would say there's a high chance that Max is a lovely chap but that he's been fucked with by greedy mind control freaks! Look after him. As for the idiots that think they can play games, well, show them love and compassion in the hope that one day...


The Deli Lama is a great man and I know he loves the whole world. Hey we're all lovely but some of us are still stuck in the mire. Holding hands and reaching higher we find our friend is always there.

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This whole conversation reminds me of Kwan Sai-Hung. Does it matter if everything comes together regarding a person's history or training? Just because a teacher's stories don't necessarily match with reality does not necessarily invalidate the teaching.


I personally like my schools ability to trace its various lineage paths. So it is where I go and who I study with. For others this is not so important and that is fine.


But those who study under those teachers should be careful not to be an apologist for those discrepancies. To me it reeks of insecurity. If that was my path to follow I would be much more like "this teaching might not have the transparency that you desire but I have seen tremendous results and growth in my practice so I know it is valid".

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I would say there's a high chance that Max is a lovely chap but that he's been fucked with by greedy mind control freaks! Look after him. As for the idiots that think they can play games, well, show them love and compassion in the hope that one day...

Actually, people/friends that help Max conduct the seminars are very nice and good-hearted. The only problem I see is they might feel they need to "sell" what Max has to offer or no one would be interested. To me, Max is a very kind, compassionate human being with a type of energy very rare to find. No need for tricks here. :)

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Actually, people/friends that help Max conduct the seminars are very nice and good-hearted. The only problem I see is they might feel they need to "sell" what Max has to offer or no one would be interested. To me, Max is a very kind, compassionate human being with a type of energy very rare to find. No need for tricks here. :)

My friend said:


i know that an animal caught in a trap will chew off his foot to escape, but paddy, you have oppossible thumbs, so if you see taobums as a trap, you have the strength to set yourself free by prying the teeth from your leg....paddy, you DO like to throw hissy KNOW you do, but you LOVE taobums...and they are interested in what you say and converse with you... and we're talking about the TAO... not saturday night at the super jock steriod pumped flash dressed fake american wresting matches


all i am saying is you are a valuable equation to the conversation and you gain from it as well... bite your tongue, grasshopper !!! = sage advice from me, i think !!



So I'll leave this thread and apologise for my behaviour. Sorry for any disrespect on my part.


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This Max character sounds like a living buddha. or Christ figure.


His students are dematerializing? putting their hands through tree's and dissappearing in coffee-shops? 'max' can't practice level two of his own system, because he has to stay here? (a bodhisattva?)


And he is running around teaching people enlightenment for a relatively small price? (too bad it's in maui -_- )


I part of me doesn't even WANT to believe it. I am going to keep an eye out for this master, and I am going to practice his system, and I am going to keep an open mind and seek this path.


I wonder what I will do if I discover hoax? ...I guess I have heard too many good things to give that train-of-thought any credit............ ...................................

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This Max character sounds like a living buddha. or Christ figure.


His students are dematerializing? putting their hands through tree's and dissappearing in coffee-shops? 'max' can't practice level two of his own system, because he has to stay here? (a bodhisattva?)


And he is running around teaching people enlightenment for a relatively small price? (too bad it's in maui -_- )


I part of me doesn't even WANT to believe it. I am going to keep an eye out for this master, and I am going to practice his system, and I am going to keep an open mind and seek this path.


I wonder what I will do if I discover hoax? ...I guess I have heard too many good things to give that train-of-thought any credit............ ...................................

It is said:



The very highest if barely known.

Then comes that which people know and love.

Then that which is feared,

Then that which is despised.

Who does not trust enough will not be trusted.


When actions are performed

Without unnecessary speech,

People say, "We did it!"


I don't trust anyone!


But I will feed them and even give them my last piece of bread. A soft heart as simple desire is like a child and who would deny a child what it needs?


And so we like that which is sweet as it takes us higher. Higher is moving and whereas desire creates stagnant pools our transmuted passions will eternally create growth.


And so the lion roars.

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Kunlun and Maoshan are mountains, not methods. I don't know why Max felt that he had to re-brand his teacher's qigong method. Notice also, that Jenny Lamb describes the practice as "qigong" and not "neigong". In other words, it specifically works with qi, not with a "bliss energy" unique to the practice.


But in my opinion, anyone who tries to trace their practice back to Egyptian mystery schools might as well be selling magic crystals and wearing a tie-dye t-shirt. ;)



Yes. Im not american and I dont dig fastfast anubis. but.

The system I'm taught is from a teacher conected to Da Mo lineage and official medic & other authorities in Beijing. The lessons contain nei gong, luo han gong and kong jing gong. I recall Max mentioning certain qigong exercises that can be compared to marathon. I dont know if he was thinking of static luohan, haha..maybe kong jingt. It would be natural if Max knows all three.

What he learned from his teacher J. Lamb which he refers to as his kununsister you have to be retarded not to understand. If you read up you will realize that certain parts of your skull contains "the 9 caves & the crystal palace and the kunlun mountain. hello dolly chia.


"The basic space of emptiness (void) and wisdom are integral. They cannot be separated into duality without artifice. Prana and mind are merged with the spotaneous appearance of a dakini. Tantra is divided into Father Tantra (yang) and Mother Tantra (yin), and nondual tantra (kalachakra) is often perceived as bliss." G. Morris.


weep and die. :lol:


it is the same-same story. but this time much better wrapping Chris alone? I dunno. They are close. So I see it as a joint avdenture both are responsible for.

I do believe his is my teacher. I knew what teacher I was looikng for.

Some people touch parts f your life. others, very rare ones touches your whole life. if you let them.

Who is resonsible?

and yes of course there are many paths and many teachers an many students. and everything is



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I am still learning about the "public" thing.

Oh noh! Dont give in to the "public thing"! Its so much more fun if you do "your thing"!


The public thing is never unique, and there is no fun in that...

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...I think not...

Allow me to recant, I don't know.


Point is there is no teacher that can teach you more about you than you can.


Later peeps.

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O.K. my current understanding is that Max DID NOT TRAIN IN THE KUNLUN MOUNTAINS which is somewhat ironic considering it's called Kunlun. I base this understanding on what Chris said:


Who said Max trained in the Kunlun mountains?


A question which implies my current understanding.


Chris or someone else please correct me if I'm wrong -- and hopefully not with another open-ended question! haha.


It's a pretty basic point -- it's called Kunlun so what is Max's specific connection to the Kunlun Mtns?


OK -- here's the quote from Chris:


"When did Max go to the Kunlun mountains and spend time? "


Yeah -- good question Chris -- thought maybe YOU'D KNOW! Or maybe it's a special secret of the teaching called Kunlun? haha. OK I'll just check the website right?


So the website just says "East Asia" under Max's bio and seems to say he was in Nepal (I say seems because the link is for a Virginia center, which means my earlier Cumberland Gap crack was not too far off! haha).

Edited by drew hempel

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