Patrick Brown

The vagus nerve and the female orgasm

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"Research has shown that women who have complete transection of the spinal cord can experience orgasms through the vagus nerve, which can go from the uterus, cervix and probably the vagina to the brain."




OK this suggests to me that by reversing our electrical energy so that it travels up the body, rather than the spine, we can get head fucked! Hmm maybe it has something to do with the heart? OK so in kundalini yoga people try to get the energy to go up their spine into the head and then it's said it goes down the front of the body into the heart. The quote seems to suggest that you can bypass the spine and go straight to the ecstasy! I'm wondering if the energy then needs to be cycled to the heart and then back to the head to set up a continuous echo of the experience i.e. Eternal bliss?


I'm thinking kudalini yoga grows the mind whereas this opposite 'process' allows us to experience extended periods of bliss. Then again perhaps they both have the same out come. :unsure: I'll say what I've said before which is that in Tibetan Buddhism when a Bodhisattva first experiences nirvana he has to fight the temptation to stay there, of course if he stays then he becomes a Buddha and can't return to the human sphere. On returning from nirvana, after fighting of the temptation to stay, we are told that the individual can suffer severe depression for many months. This all sounds very much like people who are drawn into the light. A friend had an experience quite spontaneously one night in which he saw a most beautiful bright light and really wanted to enter it but knew he wouldn't be able to return i.e. He would die. Now my friend swears blind this happened when he was awake laying on his bed although my friend does have lucid dreams so I figure he was on the astral.


I've no doubt drew and perhaps a few others will have something to say about all this, or maybe not. :D

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How vagus nerve stimulation works

The vagus nerve serves as a primary communication pathway between your brain and such major organs as your heart, lungs and intestines. There's one vagus nerve on each side of your body. The nerve runs from your brainstem through your neck and down to your chest and abdomen. Information travels through this nerve to and from your central nervous system.


Vagus nerve stimulation uses electrical impulses to affect mood centers in the brain by stimulating the vagus nerve. The treatment is sometimes called vagal nerve stimulation.


With vagus nerve stimulation, a device called a pulse generator is surgically implanted in the upper left side of your chest. The device is about the size of a stopwatch. A lead wire is connected to the pulse generator. The lead wire is guided under your skin from your chest up to your neck, where it's attached to the left vagus nerve.


Electrical signals travel from the pulse generator, through the lead wire and to the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve delivers those signals to the brain. But precisely how stimulation of the vagus nerve may improve depression remains unknown. Research indicates that vagus nerve stimulation alters the functioning of brain areas involved in mood regulation and depression.

The pulse generator can be programmed to deliver electrical impulses to the nerve at various durations, frequencies and currents. Stimulation typically lasts for 30 seconds and occurs every five minutes. The device is meant to be a permanent implant. It runs on battery power. The stimulation doesn't typically cause any sensations in your body.


In vagus nerve stimulation, an implanted pulse generator and lead wire stimulate parts of your brain that affect mood.

Who may benefit from vagus nerve stimulation


Vagus nerve stimulation may not be appropriate for all cases of depression. In fact, the FDA approved use of vagus nerve stimulation in depression only for these specific situations:


* For treatment of long-term, chronic depression that lasts two or more years, in conjunction with standard treatments

* Recurrent or severe depression

* Depression that hasn't improved after the use of at least four other treatments, such as four different antidepressants


The approval of vagus nerve stimulation for depression didn't come without controversy, though. In fact, some FDA scientists repeatedly recommended against its approval. Not all scientific studies have shown that vagus nerve stimulation is an effective treatment for depression. In fact, some studies have suggested it's no more effective than a placebo. Additional research will help determine its long-term effectiveness and safety.


quote Patrick Brown

"OK so in kundalini yoga people try to get the energy to go up their spine into the head..."




peek experience alters your perception of your self and the world and if you do not deal with it soberly you will never really reap reward. you will forever stay in the illusion. illusion can be fun. illusion can squeeze the juice out of you. everydaylife becomes unbeareable. you have to go "higher and higher", it eats you up, sobering up is horrible. but getting sober beats everything. all regular users are liars.


I smoke because, I get rage fits because, I fall in love because, I gorge myself because...


because NOTHING.


D Sire is a nuisance. but dont bite the hand that feeds.

Edited by rain

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quote Patrick Brown

"OK so in kundalini yoga people try to get the energy to go up their spine into the head..."



Well that's what I was always lead to believe although I'm not stating anything as fact. Doing a quick google I found this talk which I may listen to when I get the time:

Cybertalk: Today Gurudeva welcomes Chundadevan Mahadevan from Malaysia, our newest aspirant monk, who has been staying with Swami Guhabhaktananda of the Divine Life Society in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a period of initial monastic training. Chundadevan arrived on Kauai today. Gurudeva then gives a profound explanation of "kundalini yoga," explaining how when the kundalini rises not up through the sushuma current of the spine, but through the sympathetic nervous system, no enlightenment results, but rather the emotions are stimulated. The kundalini energy is sent down to the lower chakras.

Here's the link:


I also found this which ties in with my own experience back in January (my bold text):

The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to control and overcome our base motivations and transcend the ego. Kundalini means a coil of the Beloved's hair, it is also equated with the serpent energy coiled three and a half times around the root chakra. It is raised through prana being pulled in through the Pingala [the nadi to the right side of the spine] this is achieved through the breathe mostly through the inhale.


The tightening of the bandas allows apana to be pulled up through Ida [left side of the spine.] Prana and apana meet at the navel chakra producing white fire which then travels down to root chakra. Kundalini then rises up through the Sushuma [the central channel.] If the chakras are strong enough to manage the charge and their opening has been cultivated through a lifestyle of purity in thought and action then Kundalini may pierce through any remaining blockages to resolve any last tensions or polarities.


It may seem from this description that it is a sudden event, and a spontaneous awakening is possible. Instances have been recorded but mostly these are short lived. The real outcome of radical change depends on the steadiness of discipline and how the student can hold and use the energy.


Furthermore it is not just about raising the energy or getting high but finally, having opened the chakras, to then let the divine light energy pour in so as to spiritualise the material existence and live as a saint-warrior while in this life.



Yes I couldn't control it and instead of going down it tried to go up. It lasted about 24 hours and took me three weeks to recover from and I actually couldn't get out of bed for three days.

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yes I read that first part before, he looks like my dad!


"Prana and apana meet at the navel chakra producing white fire which then travels down to root chakra."

and then goes up..

say, did it really feel like it went up your spine? Like your back? To me it felt like it went up in centre of body but a little in front of the spine, it did not go up at my back, like the spine I can touch with my hands. It was an very straightening experience that was VERY strong you are at mercy of a much stronger Willpower than you ever encountered in your life. rriiide and let GO.


all those emotions he talks about..were just a part of it IMHO.


you. tube :lol:

Edited by rain

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Years ago it felt like a kind of static electric as if a spider was walking up my spine. The experience back in January was more like swords of fire and lightning (thunderbolts) and seemed to emanate from the dan tien. The fire first started in the lower back then moved to the front of my body, say at the dan tien, and then started moving up my body. As it moved it got more and more intense until I was screaming out in pain every few minutes. After a few hours I had no choice but to force it down my body with a combination of will and hand movements.


All I can say is it wasn't pleasant and I hope it never happens again. :(

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Ok here's the deal -- and someone also PM'd me about this today so this is my reply. The goal is to return extra energy back to FEMALE FORMLESS AWARENESS -- what's called "empty awareness" in Ch'an or "emptiness" in Taoism or "pure consciousness" in Advaita Vedanta.


Why is it FEMALE? -- because reality is based on complementary opposites with yang as electromagnetic energy or 2:3 harmonic ratio and yin as electrochemical energy or 3:4 harmonic ratio and the emptiness awareness is the source of the ratio harmonic 1:2 -- the 2 being the first material reflection of the female formless awareness and the 1 being the first electromagnetic or self-aware reflection of the female formless awareness.


The reason I describe all this because I was having an excellent conversation today with a buddy of mine who does AKIDO and reads ZEN Books -- as I sit in full-lotus next to him he's projecting all the lower emotions: anger, sadness, fear. I soak those lower emotions up and then transduce them -- WHILE IN FULL-LOTUS -- through the heart and then shoot them out of the pineal gland into females (and him as well) as ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY.


So we chatted about the Batman movie and about philosophy of life and politics, etc. I told him that all the Bushmen females REQUIRE that the males become healers because the secret is:




He said -- you mean sexually? I said "yes." Then he got REALLY angry. I laughed it off. He was angry at the Bushmen females for insisting that the males have staying power.


So the conversation went on -- about his hard-knocks in the love realm, etc. -- and meanwhile I keep transducing his energy and shooting it into the females around me. Staying Power. haha.


The essential concept he could not grasp is that it is CONSCIOUSNESS which enables the creation of electromagnetic and electrochemical energy -- and CONSCIOUSNESS is what enables healing and CONSCIOUSNESS is what exorcises the lower emotions into love-light.


The male does not want to admit that consciousness, the source of reality, is female. The male WANTS to define reality by left-brain dominance (using symmetry) -- by words in the head and by right-hand dominance -- tools used as bad substitutes for staying power. Both these realms of modern reality still cut off both females and males from resonating into consciousness.


The problem with Kundalini is that the "extra energy" gets stuck in the head creating "zen craziness" etc. -- but once the pineal gland gets opened up then this extra energy is just sucked up by females BECAUSE of the complementary opposite resonance of consciousness.


Sickness is just EXTRA ENERGY in the body which is NOT HARMONIZED. Consciousness is what guides the energy but the yang electromagnetic energy is what makes us aware of consciousness.


If the male wants to increase his electromagnetic energy then he needs to store his yin electrochemical energy up and this is done by transducing the electrochemical energy into electromagnetic energy and then storing it in the lower tan tien.


Storing the energy and building it up is best done when in solitude. The other option is just to keep on cycling the energy -- so that the extra electromagnetic energy is sucked up by females.


Yes this energy exchange is done EXACTLY through the vagus nerve. I do this all the time and have done so for the last year and a half.


I can sit in full-lotus as long as I want AS LONG AS THE ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY IS SUCKED UP BY FEMALES -- thereby creating a mutual climax. What this mutual climax does is transduce the other lower emotions (fear, anger, worry, sadness) into love-light. So I also suck up the female electochemical lust energy.


The most important thing about the vagus nerve is that it works through the PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM but the male activates the STRESS SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM when he ejaculates. I've corresponded with Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky about this as he's an expert on the subject, author of "The Trouble with Testosterone" and "Why Zebras Get Ulcers."


OK so when we take in chloresterol into the body it can be turned into either testosterone (which is the basis for BOTH the male and female climax) OR into cortisol. The testosterone is used by the parasympathetic nervous system but the cortisol is used by the stress sympathetic nervous system. Modern society is based on addiction to the sympathetic nervous system so that the fight-flight dynamic is a constant with coffee driving the fear and alcohol driving the fight.


After enough mutual climaxes through the parasympathetic nervous system -- say 20 climaxes -- then all the stress stored in the neck and shoulders is released (and it's AMAZING how much tension gets built up on those areas). Even after 10 mutual climaxes then a peaceful bliss is created -- which is our NATURAL state of existence. It's the true Garden of Eden.


So the male sucks up the female electrochemical energy and the female sucks up the male electromagnetic energy -- but amazingly modern people do not even realize the SOURCE of what causes females to be attracted to males.


The male needs to learn how to send out or shoot out the electromagnetic energy and can do this ONLY by first building up his own electrochemical energy and turning it into electromagnetic energy. So the Bushmen (90% of human history, where 90% of the males were healers) had a strict celibacy training -- the males could only consummate their marriage after 3 years of living with the females' family and providing meat for her parents.


Also the Bushmen males do a week long water fast with celibacy and then return to the females, providing them with meat and then dancing 10 hours all night long for the mutual climaxes which build up into !XIA -- the trance healing light or shen -- shot into the females -- just like a laser.


So it's important to realize that electrochemical energy is just as good as food for providing nutrition -- anger, fear, sadness, lust, worry -- this is all just "extra" energy that can be turned into electromagnetic energy and used for healing. The lust is the life-force of the body and is what powers the healing system to create the love-light -- the internal climaxes of the vagus nerve.


All day long my adam's apple is pulsating as I sit in full-lotus, flex my pineal gland and cause my vagus nerve along the right side of my neck to transduce the electrochemical energy in my lower body, sucked up from the electrochemical energy outside of my body. I then focus my pineal gland -- usually using my eyes -- into the energy centers of females -- the yoni is preferable -- but visual contact is not necessary. The vagus nerve then pulsates at a faster rate as the female adjusts herself to better suck up the orgasmic love-light energy. As the energy is shot out of the pineal gland the pressure of the full-lotus pushes up the lower body energy and this gets transduced through the heart and pineal gland.


So lets say you become really angry or afraid or worried or sad -- all you need to do is sit in full-lotus, and have that energy get SUCKED OUT OF YOUR HEAD as electromagnetic energy created by the pineal gland-heart connection.


This energy exchange goes through walls and floors -- and is focused as far as the eye can see. I can take in and sense a person's anger (my liver gets hot) or sadness (the lungs) from as far as a block away -- or even further. The more the electromagnetic energy is built-up the more precognition happens, telepathy, long-distance healing, telekinesis, etc. So the CHI (a combination of consciousness-electrochemical-electromagnetic energy) is some sort of ionized plasma vortex.


The most important thing is that CONSCIOUSNESS enables all this to happen -- we can never know what consciousness is since it's what we already are -- but consciousness is true harmony, thereby guiding us to answer all our secret desires. So you just practice the full-lotus harmonics (1:2:3:4 as a tetrahedron) and you'll get messages from the future and you'll get your problems solved -- through constant euphoria -- the vagus nerve transduction of electrochemical energy into electromagetic energy which goes back to consciousness.

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Ok here's the deal -- snip -- we can never know what consciousness is since it's what we already are -- snip--


Agreed, enlightenment can be said to have been realized when the mind's conceptualizations come to an end,.. nothing new is realized,.. just that which has always been.


Tao is only revealed by Tao, and can only be received by Tao, and the medium of conveyance is Tao.


The O at a D thing seems quite involved in the dualistic nature of things and there is a saying that "there is no difference between the means to an end, and the end itself".


On the other hand, there is dhyana meditation practice which is based on bringing about the cessation of perception of duality in what is really a oneness. This does not presume that the kundalini unfoldment isn't involved or important,... it is just that the focus is always on the oneness.

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Cheers drew,

I'm beginning to see where you're coming from (excuse the pun) and I can verify some of your experiences as being valid. Of course all this stuff is in the realms of conceptual thinking and it's only through experience that we truly realise what the deal is. I find I am using words like transition and transmutation a lot more as well as thinking of triangles and spirals. I agree that the feminine principal is the ground of being and it does seem to tie in with the more esoteric alchemical processes. On this thread (see: Link 1) I created a triangle with the feminine as the ground of being. As the masculine moves down (accepts) his divine feminine and the feminine moves up (embracing) her divine masculine the transition / transmutation towards divine-emotion / bliss is realised.



Link 1 :


When I reflect on what you've said above I can see some esoteric conections to circumstances at the time of my January experience. The day before I had visited my ex's house but she wasn't there but I was able to have a quick talk with her youngest daughter. Now my ex has two daughters and they normally are always fighting and screaming at each other. The day after my visit was when I had the lightning, flaming swords and thunderbolts started rushing through my body. Important to not my ex's house is only a few streets away. So anyway it does sound as if a whole bunch of energy was being directed at me which I couldn't transmute. I even called my ex on the day of the thunderbolts and she just put the phone down on me. I was actually on my bed unable to move and really needed help but perhaps I just made it worse in a psychic sense.


Another experience I had was back in April which I've quoted from my original post below:

I did decide last year that I was going to be on my own for the rest of my life but I did have an internet/telephone type relationship back in April of this year. This relationship didn't last long because the woman was way unbalanced and I was channelling a lot of negative energy from her. Basically I tried to remain as balanced as possible but my heart was just out of control with such pain. This woman told me when I first started talking to her that her heart chakra was in constant turmoil.


Basically I think she was a nypho who went around screwing with peoples hearts and minds. I let her go and within a week or two she had already got a new boy friend which was another patient in the mental hospital she had ended up in.



I've had many other experience in the past such as:


Being able to make plants move by staring at them. I tried to convince myself this wasn't happening but it happened way too many times to be coincidence.


Staring at the back of peoples heads and noticing them scratching their heads or rubbing their neck.


Lots of synchronistic events and subtle telepathy normally with lovers or best friends.


And many more which are not relevant to this thread.


I often post images of fields of flowers as I intuitively feel that it's representative of our true state of being. I purposely try not to overly conceptualise such things as I think beauty has something to do with it all. Not a dualistic beauty, which creates polarity, but more a spontaneous beauty which is wholly accepting of the moment and flows without the need for distinctions i.e Universal love.



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:mellow: Well, Drew, it seems you have the answers to a lot of my questions. I guess I realized my main question from reading your post. My heart chakra energy can be promiscuous; if a man has an open heart I can shoot it into him. I haven't been promiscuous with it the past couple years because it feels better to give it to someone I care about, but I could be.


It seems that male forehead energy is the same way, and you can give it to strangers wholesale. That makes sense, thinking back to some of the hanky-panky gurus have gotten up to, but it is a little disappointing. :(

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Why is it FEMALE? -- because reality is based on complementary opposites with yang as electromagnetic energy or 2:3 harmonic ratio and yin as electrochemical energy or 3:4 harmonic ratio and the emptiness awareness is the source of the ratio harmonic 1:2 -- the 2 being the first material reflection of the female formless awareness and the 1 being the first electromagnetic or self-aware reflection of the female formless awareness.
I still don't understand how yang is 2:3 and yin is 3:4? What are these ratios of, exactly?

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they're just resonances. if you need a visual, picture a graph with sine waves of each put over each other; harmonics spring forth from their coexistence.

Edited by joeblast

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I still don't understand how yang is 2:3 and yin is 3:4? What are these ratios of, exactly?

Yes I'm not sure I get it either. Is it to do with the two sacred triangles castor and pollux? Remember how I go on about how the two tetrahedrons eternally move / dance in and out of each other bit like the shivashakti!



Edited by Patrick Brown

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Yes sitting in full-lotus and having mutual climaxes through the pineal gland shooting out electromagnetic energy which is soaked up by females -- it's an excellent way to harmonize the other lower emotions of fear, anger, sadness and worry. In fact it's the true purpose of how to create love -- and it's been an almost totally lost skill for males to do. This is why it remains misunderstood but the answer is just keep sitting in full-lotus and any misunderstanding (through fear, anger, sadness, worry) gets harmonized back into our natural state of female formless awareness.


On the harmonics -- here's my detailed research on the issue -- although I have plenty of other comments at my blogbook:

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The fact is I've had PLENTY of in-depth conversation on these issues.


The article I just posted at has a lengthy "call and response" dialog with a typical "skeptic" in the comments section at the end of the article.


That article itself was based on a dialog with a math professor, one of several examples: Joe Mazur, Luigi Borzacchini, Steve Strogatz, Ian Stewart -- these are all math professors I've corresponded with.


I wrote a MASTERS THESIS on this topic so it's quite possible that you all are not up to speed. That was in 2001 and since then I've read a book a day to further analyze the various connections of my research.


There's been at least a couple people from every website I've posted on that have PM'd me with the interest of PRACTICING NON-WESTERN HARMONICS AS ALCHEMY -- two people at least have done so from this website,, along with,,,,, and others.


So basically these people now practice the "small universe" exercise which is the 12 notes of the music scale as harmonic alchemical nodes along the outside of the body. Some of them now also practice the full-lotus. Some have expressed interest in having me publish a hard-copy book (based on


The Bushmen culture is a specific example of WHAT TO DO and PRACTICE -- this isn't some theory I made up -- I've just documented what was the standard practice for 90% of modern human history -- for 90% of the males. I've also pointed out exactly why modern males are psychologically not willing or able to practice this exercise now.


So if you're not interested in the information I'm sharing I have no problem with that. If you are posting some fascinating critique of what I write about -- then it only enables me to LEARN MORE.


Even the basic concept of "ratio" is suspect -- obviously Two apples to Three Oranges reversed is not the same as 2 "C" to 3 "G" reversed being 3 "C" to 4 "G" -- in other words ratios of WHAT? There is no "One" that is the fundamental "string" of length -- it's something you logically infer as formless awareness or consciousness. So that concept undermines all of math and science -- but also exposes the mystical foundation for math and science -- the soft underbelly. Obviously 99% of the reading public will reject these ideas -- since the concept of consciousness also undermines literacy and its left-brain dominance.


What I've written about is VERY specific -- it's just that it, "the natural resonance revolution," undermines all the terms you all insist that I rely on: transcendence, frequency -- and as I've just stated: ratio.


Resonance of complementary opposites, electrochemical, 2:3, and electromagnetic energy, 3:4, -- through listening to consciousness as the source of sound: It was the Bushmen culture, the basis for Taoism, Buddhism, Tantra, shamanism.

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Drew, sorry if this has been asked before. What about for women, in your theory? Would we benefit from sitting in full lotus or how? thanks.

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I actually did encounter an Asian female sitting in full-lotus recently. She didn't have her ankles on her thighs (just the rest of her feet on the edge of her thighs). Still, just like if she was spread-eagle, she was able to suck up the electromagnetic fields shooting out of my pineal gland much easier (as I sat in full-lotus). She went in and out of full-lotus as we continued to have "O at a Ds" while her boyfriend sat across from her.


Anyway I would recommend Dr. Effie P. Chow -- you can just google her -- but she promotes full-lotus and she's a qigong grandmaster. Master Nan, Huai-chin does state that for females to focus their mind on their lower tan tien there could be some problems. The heart is always a safe place to focus your energy in the body.


Have fun! haha.

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