Sahaj Nath Posted August 21, 2008 (edited) it's no secret around here that i have long held a disdain for the practitioners (and subsequently, the practice) of reiki. my core argument has always been that the reiki training ends where it should be just beginning, and that most practitioners are new agey quacks who talk to crystals & faeries & whatnot. it seems more and more evident that my judgment and rejection of those types has led to me 'throwing the buddha out with the bathwater.' i was taught reiki back in 1996, and was initiated as a 'master' (whatever that's supposed to mean) in 1997. at the time, the attunements/transmissions were the most powerful, profound, and TANGIBLE spiritual experiences i had ever had. i was lucky to have been found by the guy who taught me, even if he was a bit kooky. (okay, a LOT kooky! ) in one 30-minute session he opened me up in a way that i didn't believe was real until he did it. that same weekend i was able to ease the pain of my little brother who went into crisis due to his sickle cell disease, and for once he didn't have to be rushed to the hospital. my brother was the reason i wanted to become a healer in the first place. his case was so severe that the doctors gave him a life expectancy of 7 years. (he was 6 at the time that i learned reiki.) this year he turned 18, and he's healthier than anyone ever thought he could be. he's a favorite study case for sickle cell researchers. he would spend multiple months at a time in the hospital, and he would have to do this 3 or more times each year, meaning he spent most of his early childhood in the hospital. once i learned reiki and brought it to my family, his hospital stays decreased immediately by more than half, and now it's been about 7 years since he's even had to stay one night in the hospital. (and for those who don't know, sickle cell is a PROGRESSIVE disease, meaning it gets WORSE over time, not better!) now mind you, he still has the disease, but he's also had a quality and length of life that NO ONE thought was possible. yet even with this very personal testimonial, i quickly fell out of love with reiki as a practice. there was just SO MUCH B.S. being written and spoken about the practice, particularly in the 90's, that i became embarrassed for thinking that i had something special. in truth, i was ashamed of believing that *I* was special for having it when so many new age quacks thought the same thing. my teacher, though talented energetically, was one such quack. he tried to invent at least 3 different "mystery" systems based on reiki attunements, Norse paganism, and ninjitsu (he was a Bujinkan instructor). i became desperate for a means to distance myself from reiki while still being able to identify with being a healer. i wanted something more rigorous, more complete, and more... impressive. after that point i explored a ton of other stuff, received numerous transmissions and empowerments, etc... to make an already too-long story short: the other day while shaking, i came to realize that the reiki symbols and mantras can have a place in my practice now that i know HOW to practice! i found myself chanting the name of the power symbol and the mental/emotional symbol over and over while shaking, and it seemed natural that the power symbol would be at my lower dantien, and the mental/emotional symbol be at my middle dantien (i now call it the heartmind symbol). the distance symbol & mantra, then, should go just right with the upper dantien. and that seems to be the case. after countless occasions of my students hearing me talk shit about reiki, i now have some of them meditating on the symbols in their lower and middle dantiens. they've each been pleasantly surprised by what they're experiencing from this. a lighter (which i used to equate with 'weaker'), cleaner, more effortless flow of energy. and a natural feeling of compassion. i'm currently going through a new healing process with various heartmind issues as a result of this practice (and brad keeney's sensibility), which is why i feel it appropriate to make this post after having ridiculed reiki so often in the past. the research that's available on the origins of reiki is SO MUCH better now than it was in the 90's! though Lin Sifu will staunchly deny the connection, i think the buddhist foundation of reiki is quite evident, given the meaning and definitions of the heartmind and distance symbols, the reiki precepts, and the fact that Mikao Usui was a buddhist, not to mention that it was during a buddhist retreat at the temple on Mt Kurama that he 'received' what became reiki. i feel better after this confession. Edited August 21, 2008 by Hundun 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda Posted August 21, 2008 Hundun, I really need to listen to those Keeney CDs! Congrats on your story and insights. I look forward to a Reiki in a nutshell post sometime! Your pal, Yoda Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vajrasattva Posted August 21, 2008 (edited) I never had any issues with Reiki. it works great if you use do Chi Kung aswell or Tenaga Dalam. It is similar (Reiki) to stuff I learned from my Bonpo lama. So ye sits very "connected" to how things are done in tibetan hands on healing. I can confirm that. Also the symbols are not that "off" to some tibetan symbols & native american stuff. If you combine with various breathing methods you get a powerful combo. My son was able to make a light bulb unbreakable using just reiki alone after a 5 min treatment to the lightbulb. We threw it againt concrete wall 6 x it didn't break. I have had good success healing friends & family of all sorts of issues ranging from physical to emotional to mental to spiritual. Here is the deal you want it to work? 1)Let go Keep your self in lower dan tien and relax. 2) Ask the Creator & Higher self to guide you & Thanks them for the guidance. 3) Breath deep & relax 4) Be rooted to the Earth (She has her own "Reiki" or healing power) 5) Draw from Heaven & Earth. 6) Do no expect just be neutral and smile. Too much force will get you NO WHERE in healing. 7) be a facilitator to the client/patient. They & the creator are the ones that are truly healing you are just the conduit. 8) Inner smile 9) Relax 10)Remember that the Creator is the source of all things and all knowledge & healing methods. Reiki is just a name given to this force but even Reiki itself is about going beyond the energy and draw from the source. 11) Symbols work good but intention works best. 12) be from the heart. 13) attunements work best if you let the higherself work through you. 14) do not stress over "seeing" or feeling energy move from one point to another, that can actualy become a strain on your channels better to just relax into your being. Its simple and do not complicate it. You want more power behind it deepen your belly breathing or come to kap I will show you 5 gate breathing & some Tenaga Dalam or Tummo Breath work. I suggest breathing ratio 7 in 7 hold 7 out. Peace & God Bless, Santiago Edited August 21, 2008 by Vajrasattva 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheng zhen Posted August 21, 2008 There is no dubt reiki can be used to heal, but there is also no doubt reiki is too easily misused, or used wrong. If a weekend course is enough to call yourself a healer and start healing people, there is no doubt a lot of unwanted sideeffects and energyexchanged will happen. It is NOT enough to ask the divine to guide you. People still have so many blindspots and unconscious patterns and attitudes that affect the energyexchange. And lets not look through the fact that as long you send energy through your hands, it will og through your body and all disalignments your body contains. And if it enters your body it will og through your mind and all the disalignments in the conscious as well as subconscious mind. A weekend cource and initiation is NOT enough to be awake and aware enough to be a clear channel for healing energy without including too many of your own issues. Therefore reiki will be dangerous to play around with on others even though you get a lot of intense experiences and maby heal someone occationally. I do not agree that reiki can ever be redeemed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouse Posted August 21, 2008 Hundun, Interesting to hear of your experiences and development on your path as a healer. Thanks for sharing. On my end, I have had some experience with healing that mirrors some of the things you shared. The method I was taught was to connect to the triple gem that consists of the Buddha. Dhamma and Sangha after entering jhana and request for access to Buddha Light. I've found that the energy is pure and have used it with some success although for relatively minor ailments for family members. I've stopped the practice since as it was one of many methods available to alleviate suffering. I would like to ask of reiki practitioners here to share some of their thoughts on the actual energy channeled during their healing. What are they connecting to? The reason why I ask is due to a chance encounter with a source of healing on the internet. It was labelled as Reiki and the moment I played it, I could feel the energy. It was not pure and the best description I can use is "unclean" yet not to the point of "dirty". My teacher confirms it as well. The thing I would like to clarify is where does the source originate from for Reiki's energy? From that experience, I personally would not connect to it as I do not find it clean. Would anyone care to clarify? Enjoy your practice. mouse 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windblown Posted August 21, 2008 {A weekend cource and initiation is NOT enough to be awake and aware enough to be a clear channel for healing energy without including too many of your own issues. Therefore reiki will be dangerous to play around with on others even though you get a lot of intense experiences and maby heal someone occationally. } Actually, I found this to be not true at all. I was fortunate to be trained with a direct lineage master of Usui. My classes took place over 2 weekends. I had an immediate and profound experience during the attunement. My hands are always hot now. Reiki works on its own and the recievor's cells either welcome the healing or don't. It has nothing to do with the sender's state of mind. Reiki is a powerful healing tool. It isn't to be feared ever. It is always a positive healing modality. It just works, with or without monkey mind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jedi777 Posted August 21, 2008 it's no secret around here that i have long held a disdain for the practitioners (and subsequently, the practice) of reiki. my core argument has always been that the reiki training ends where it should be just beginning, and that most practitioners are new agey quacks who talk to crystals & faeries & whatnot. it seems more and more evident that my judgment and rejection of those types has led to me 'throwing the buddha out with the bathwater.' i was taught reiki back in 1996, and was initiated as a 'master' (whatever that's supposed to mean) in 1997. at the time, the attunements/transmissions were the most powerful, profound, and TANGIBLE spiritual experiences i had ever had. i was lucky to have been found by the guy who taught me, even if he was a bit kooky. (okay, a LOT kooky! ) in one 30-minute session he opened me up in a way that i didn't believe was real until he did it. that same weekend i was able to ease the pain of my little brother who went into crisis due to his sickle cell disease, and for once he didn't have to be rushed to the hospital. my brother was the reason i wanted to become a healer in the first place. his case was so severe that the doctors gave him a life expectancy of 7 years. (he was 6 at the time that i learned reiki.) this year he turned 18, and he's healthier than anyone ever thought he could be. he's a favorite study case for sickle cell researchers. he would spend multiple months at a time in the hospital, and he would have to do this 3 or more times each year, meaning he spent most of his early childhood in the hospital. once i learned reiki and brought it to my family, his hospital stays decreased immediately by more than half, and now it's been about 7 years since he's even had to stay one night in the hospital. (and for those who don't know, sickle cell is a PROGRESSIVE disease, meaning it gets WORSE over time, not better!) now mind you, he still has the disease, but he's also had a quality and length of life that NO ONE thought was possible. yet even with this very personal testimonial, i quickly fell out of love with reiki as a practice. there was just SO MUCH B.S. being written and spoken about the practice, particularly in the 90's, that i became embarrassed for thinking that i had something special. in truth, i was ashamed of believing that *I* was special for having it when so many new age quacks thought the same thing. my teacher, though talented energetically, was one such quack. he tried to invent at least 3 different "mystery" systems based on reiki attunements, Norse paganism, and ninjitsu (he was a Bujinkan instructor). i became desperate for a means to distance myself from reiki while still being able to identify with being a healer. i wanted something more rigorous, more complete, and more... impressive. after that point i explored a ton of other stuff, received numerous transmissions and empowerments, etc... to make an already too-long story short: the other day while shaking, i came to realize that the reiki symbols and mantras can have a place in my practice now that i know HOW to practice! i found myself chanting the name of the power symbol and the mental/emotional symbol over and over while shaking, and it seemed natural that the power symbol would be at my lower dantien, and the mental/emotional symbol be at my middle dantien (i now call it the heartmind symbol). the distance symbol & mantra, then, should go just right with the upper dantien. and that seems to be the case. after countless occasions of my students hearing me talk shit about reiki, i now have some of them meditating on the symbols in their lower and middle dantiens. they've each been pleasantly surprised by what they're experiencing from this. a lighter (which i used to equate with 'weaker'), cleaner, more effortless flow of energy. and a natural feeling of compassion. i'm currently going through a new healing process with various heartmind issues as a result of this practice (and brad keeney's sensibility), which is why i feel it appropriate to make this post after having ridiculed reiki so often in the past. the research that's available on the origins of reiki is SO MUCH better now than it was in the 90's! though Lin Sifu will staunchly deny the connection, i think the buddhist foundation of reiki is quite evident, given the meaning and definitions of the heartmind and distance symbols, the reiki precepts, and the fact that Mikao Usui was a buddhist, not to mention that it was during a buddhist retreat at the temple on Mt Kurama that he 'received' what became reiki. i feel better after this confession. Good on You Hundun!! Thanks for the honest post you are a good man. Peace Jedi777 There is no dubt reiki can be used to heal, but there is also no doubt reiki is too easily misused, or used wrong. If a weekend course is enough to call yourself a healer and start healing people, there is no doubt a lot of unwanted sideeffects and energyexchanged will happen. It is NOT enough to ask the divine to guide you. People still have so many blindspots and unconscious patterns and attitudes that affect the energyexchange. And lets not look through the fact that as long you send energy through your hands, it will og through your body and all disalignments your body contains. And if it enters your body it will og through your mind and all the disalignments in the conscious as well as subconscious mind. A weekend cource and initiation is NOT enough to be awake and aware enough to be a clear channel for healing energy without including too many of your own issues. Therefore reiki will be dangerous to play around with on others even though you get a lot of intense experiences and maby heal someone occationally. I do not agree that reiki can ever be redeemed. May I ask if you have ever learned Reiki? You have some misconceptions here. Healing is our birth right we all are healers. Reiki is a beautiful gift from God and the Holy Masters. As Qigong is as well as Pranic healing. All you have to do is invoke and ask to used as a divine healing instrument and be open and loving. Gods power is here for all of us--we just need to ask and be open-- Peace Jedi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheng zhen Posted August 21, 2008 Good on You Hundun!! Thanks for the honest post you are a good man. Peace Jedi777 May I ask if you have ever learned Reiki? You have some misconceptions here. Healing is our birth right we all are healers. Reiki is a beautiful gift from God and the Holy Masters. As Qigong is as well as Pranic healing. All you have to do is invoke and ask to used as a divine healing instrument and be open and loving. Gods power is here for all of us--we just need to ask and be open-- Peace Jedi To be open and loving is ofcource very healing to everyone. But to believe that just to ask to be a channel is enough to be able to project pure and undiluted divine energy on to someone else is more close to psychosis or hallusination. The reason Im discussing here is that reiki initiates seem to believe that people need the divine energy that comes through them. As if the divine is so limited it need us as channels. To project energy on to someone else is fine, but to belive it is pure, holy and the real divine energy is an illusion. It dosent matter if you ask for it, you need a lot more knowledge, insight, awareness and work with our own blindspots and illusions, than what is possible after only one weekend. Yes, you get a lot of energy-experiences and openings, but this is exactly what blinds us and makes us believe it has something to do with the divine. But in reality it can be anything, a hungry ghost, some entity, a trickster spirit, it can be whatever because all you feel is warmth and some spiritual energy passing through you. If you know exactly what you are doing and how the divine work in the individual you would probably keep your hands off instead of pushing your own energy(believing it is divine) on to his disease or problem. Im shure this is upsetting a lot of people. I belive too many of the earths healing methods are based on the belief that God, or the divine, is not able to its job properly without us as its channels. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vajrasattva Posted August 21, 2008 (edited) To be open and loving is ofcource very healing to everyone. But to believe that just to ask to be a channel is enough to be able to project pure and undiluted divine energy on to someone else is more close to psychosis or hallusination. The reason Im discussing here is that reiki initiates seem to believe that people need the divine energy that comes through them. As if the divine is so limited it need us as channels. To project energy on to someone else is fine, but to belive it is pure, holy and the real divine energy is an illusion. It dosent matter if you ask for it, you need a lot more knowledge, insight, awareness and work with our own blindspots and illusions, than what is possible after only one weekend. Yes, you get a lot of energy-experiences and openings, but this is exactly what blinds us and makes us believe it has something to do with the divine. But in reality it can be anything, a hungry ghost, some entity, a trickster spirit, it can be whatever because all you feel is warmth and some spiritual energy passing through you. If you know exactly what you are doing and how the divine work in the individual you would probably keep your hands off instead of pushing your own energy(believing it is divine) on to his disease or problem. Im shure this is upsetting a lot of people. I belive too many of the earths healing methods are based on the belief that God, or the divine, is not able to its job properly without us as its channels. Sorry dude but transmission from the right master can go a long way especially if the "chela" actually practices. Experience is the greatest teacher & repetition is the mother of all skill. Understanding how to use your crown chakra , Heart Chakra (hands included) is a powerful thing & most do not want to face the fact that its about simplicity and sincerity & not ego etc. You connect to your most highest source or your most higherself or the Divine and then let it be. It will flow. Ofcourse you must still develop your breath etc. There are good reiki teachers and there are bad ones trick is to trust your gut. As I have said before I have had good results including on some folks here who needed my assistance in the past. And yes if you truly know how you just have to ask the Divine it what will be will be. All the higher Tibetan practices & Ilmu Kebatinan practices are based on transmission and the rest flows from that blessing. God Bless Santiago Edited August 21, 2008 by Vajrasattva Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yoda Posted August 21, 2008 I know lots of people who swear by simple quiet sitting and others who have had bad experiences with the practice. Same goes for jogging, yoga, religion, etc. Just the law of attraction doing its thang. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mouse Posted August 21, 2008 ShenZheng, There are indeed many methods of healing as I've mentioned before. From what I recall there are 6 levels of healing each one closer to karma the higher you go. 1) Massage 2) Herbs/Medicines 3) Accupuncture/meridian 4) Energy/chi work 5) Elements (Earth, Wind, Water, Fire + Space + Spirit) 6) Void/emptiness The higher you go with healing, the more direct the healing is and the the closer you are to the karmic source of the injury/imbalance. Depending at which level the illness is based in, for example level, 4, the lower levels (1,2 and 3) are not sufficient to fully solve the problem. They can delay or lessen the full impact of the karmic fruit but only take you so far. Healing at the void links you directly to the karma and repuccusions are immediate. There are methods of protection but I did not learn them. Regarding feelings of energy as being warmth in hands or feeling spiritual energy only, that would not be accurate. There are those who are able to see the energy and also have the wisdom through jhanic states to discern the true nature of the energy as it is. Not everyone only relies on 'feeling'. With regards to weekend courses. I would say most are delusion. However, there are energetic transmissions within some lineages that can 'download' the information into your astral body. Tis true. Once you got it, you got it. However, speaking about it can cause you to lose them as well just as quickly. My teacher has said often, "Silence grants power". He has healed a disciple's father from leukemia before if that gives some weight to the things I have written about here. Again, has anyone got any clarification to add about the source of Reiki's healing energy it would be great. Enjoy your practice mouse 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jedi777 Posted August 21, 2008 attitude and perception Shen you seem to have clouded yours Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhuo Ming-Dao Posted August 24, 2009 A weekend cource and initiation is NOT enough to be awake and aware enough to be a clear channel for healing energy without including too many of your own issues. Therefore reiki will be dangerous to play around with on others even though you get a lot of intense experiences and maby heal someone occationally. I do not agree that reiki can ever be redeemed. I received my first reiki attunement from a reiki master who had a lot of experience, came from a direct Usui lineage (she was attuned by Ethel Lombardi), but who could not herself feel the energy. When she attuned me, my simple world turned upside down. I felt very heavy energy sensations, saw vibrant colors before my open or closed eyes, and rapid temperature changes during the treatment. About an hour afterward I was thrown into my first experience of kensho, or direct experience of reality as-it-is. This radically altered state lasted about three days (three very wonderful and frightening days). Before this I did not really meditate or do anything more spiritual than go to church a couple of times per year. But you can bet that after this, I wanted answers and I wanted to experience more. So for me, reiki was the gateway drug of spiritual systems. I too have seen many people get nothing out of there weekend initiations (or *shudder* online attunements of 0 to Master in five minutes). And I was also thrown too quickly into healing others. Within about 3 months of taking level one, I was working on others, and I had a number of terrible negitive energy/spirit experiences to go along with it. It took a number of devoted years to get the level of experience that I needed to work with it in a safe, yet potent, way. Even with all that, I still defend the system because it gave me the instant gratification, energy peak experience that I needed at that time in my life to place me firmly on the path of spiritual self-development. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blume Posted August 25, 2009 Since we are on the subject. Let me bring some sick chi to this place. I am getting some Reiki attunements these days. Maybe too many. May be these are just cleansing symtoms or a bad case of swine flu. Don't know for sure. As of now fever, bad nose, headache. I hope its not just the start. No boss around to look after so just thought of doing it on my own. Not everything is bad, doing some ok energy sending which other people can feel too. But don't know if the energy i am sending is sick or not. Just heard today that i might have won a lottery, so keeping my fingers crossed. This also might be Reiki at work in the background. I guess i don't know what i talking about. I guess Divine wants to make me feel how sick people feel. Almost forgot about the symbols till i heard about kundalini Reiki. I must say wow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vajrasattva Posted August 25, 2009 Since we are on the subject. Let me bring some sick chi to this place. I am getting some Reiki attunements these days. Maybe too many. May be these are just cleansing symtoms or a bad case of swine flu. Don't know for sure. As of now fever, bad nose, headache. I hope its not just the start. No boss around to look after so just thought of doing it on my own. Not everything is bad, doing some ok energy sending which other people can feel too. But don't know if the energy i am sending is sick or not. Just heard today that i might have won a lottery, so keeping my fingers crossed. This also might be Reiki at work in the background. I guess i don't know what i talking about. I guess Divine wants to make me feel how sick people feel. Almost forgot about the symbols till i heard about kundalini Reiki. I must say wow. Its totally Normal to detox & Burn a bit of karma at each attunement. Drink more water Do more chi KUng Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanemon Posted September 7, 2009 I was communicating with another person on another board, and we were discussing Chinese and Japanese energy practices (including seated meditation techniques). Anyhow, I was describing my experiences with Reiki attunement and practice, and he replied that it was like cleaning "the shadow" out of the subconcious mind. In my opinion, this is where Reiki's strength lies - though I suppose it's the case that it may have a deeper or shallower effect on any given person, depending on the many factors in an individual case. Still, for the most part, I see the healing that it accomplishes as mainly in the first two categories that I described in my initial post on this thead, above. A weekend cource and initiation is NOT enough to be awake and aware enough to be a clear channel for healing energy without including too many of your own issues. Therefore reiki will be dangerous to play around with on others even though you get a lot of intense experiences and maby heal someone occationally. Sheng Zhen, you make a good point. However, I know some Reiki-ists who have used Reiki techniques and other methods and techniques, over time, to clear their subconscious minds. Some people (too bad it's not all, and perhaps it isn't even the majority) do take all this seriously. Some by the way learn qigong practices. Years ago, just after I got involved with Reiki, some people introduced me to the fact that in Japan the Reiki preliminary training and the attunements are considered starting points, and it is not believed that one who has them has become an accomplished healer, and certainly not a master of anything. I don't personally know of any situations in which people are thought of as truly effective healers after one weekend. Even in the West, what a person can learn at a workshop on a weekend is generally considered the barest beginning. But as I indicated before, I do not consider myself a representative of Reiki nor do I look at Reiki, as it is taught, as being "the best" of anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tao stillness Posted February 20, 2018 I think that it is more a result of who is learning the healing method, rather than what the healing method is. Some people are naturally born healers just like some people have incredible experiences right off the bat from qigong while there are others who after years can only feel sensations from qigong in their hands. It depends on the condition of our nervous system. That is my opinion after 26 years of Reiki and 11 years of Qigong and 44 years of daily Transcendental Meditation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RiverSnake Posted February 23, 2018 This old thread. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johndoe2012 Posted February 28, 2018 I still use the Reiki crystal transmitted by this book Very handy because it can be programmed so you don't have to guide the energy consciously. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites