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Automatic Writing

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For anyone who wants to be a writer when they grow up, here's the recipe for automatic writing, learned this just the other day:


write words at a brisk pace, two pages a day. Throw away and repeat. Apparently, over time you simply get the knack for it.


tips: don't punctuate and it sometimes help to pretend that an animal is sitting on the desk dictating to you. The nuttier the animal is the better, so when your judgement says "that's dumb" you still allow the flow since even your deepest judgements wouldn't expect Shakesphere out of a duck.


Apparently, it's not that hard to do, just takes time to get comfortable with it.


Haven't tried it, but it sounds like a great tool to know about and goes well with the power animal channelling going on around here. And it would be a good tool for writers to experiment with.


Rabbi Lazzatto (sp?) a Hassidic Theologian automatic wrote his entire theological system!



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Have you been reading Natalie Goldberg? Or Julia Cameron?


I thought it was 3 pages a day.

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I haven't read them. Maybe my instructions were handed down from them.



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