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US Courts Can Block Mad Cow Testing of Meat

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If Japan will not buy their beef, the more diversified companies can sell pork, which they are doing now at a tidy profit. As a result, Fielding says, the beef export ban works to the advantage of the big firms and could end up squeezing many small operations such as his out of business.


This part concerns me somewhat. For two reasons. One is that this seems like a way for big business to push out competition, and it appears that the USDA is letting it happen, while at the same time, using what I see as a very flimsy excuse not to let these people test even further.

The USDA says, "But it's a standard that's not based on science" It seems the testing is purely based on science. I think they mean to say it's not based on averages, since it reads to me that they want to let the big guys test as little as possible in order to say that everything is ok.

This is money out of their own (Creekstone's) pockets to make things even safer. That's not bad for safety is it USDA?


I am trying to eat meat less myself lately, this is definitely going to help. :D

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