
member from India

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I am involved with social/ environmental activism.

My interests are : saving environment, study of mind, spiritual healing, yoga[pranayama], silence, solitude and meditation.



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Welcome! Are many people practicing Taoist/Chineese stuff these days? I`m wondering if some cross fertilization between the Chineese and Indian tradtions are on the way.

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  markern said:

Welcome! Are many people practicing Taoist/Chinese stuff these days? I`m wondering if some cross fertilization between the Chinese and Indian tradtions are on the way.




I want to thank you for the welcome.


For thousands of years people from India, China and other countries of the East have studied meditation techniques, corelation between mind and breathing rate/ pattern and postures of the body. There is a lot in common between our cultures.


After industrialization/ globalization and spreading of consumerism throughout the world, the East has become just like the West. The wisdom of the East is getting destroyed due to fast pace of life and consumerism.



Edited by sushil_yadav

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