
Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

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I wondered about getting the Abundance book too. Unfortunately my library doesn't have it. I wonder what James Howard Kunstler would think of it. It's certainly a very different message from the one Kunstler always goes on about.


Abundance may be a thought-provoking counter balance to Kunstler's The Long Emergency. :)

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I show respect for nature every time I take a shit. Nature is the great recycler. I breath air for the plants, they use the air I exhale, My piss ultimately feeds the plants that feed the animals, that creates the whole water cycle. I'm part of nature, my shit, spit, and piss are part of it, inseparable. I can't eat my computer and you can't eat rocks, but the tech in my slow cooker and oven help me cook dozens of times more efficiently then I could with a wood fire, which we all know is inefficient and highly polluting.


It could also be said in the absence of Technology odds are my grandfather and likely yours wouldn't be born.


Do you respect the computer you're using right now?? If not shut it off, don't be hypocrite.


Do you respect the light & heat source you're using right now?? Don't want to feed the system, don't use electricity. Personally I think its best to use it, conservatively, its all about efficiency.


You mentioned food. Unless you're growing it yourself, your using 1,000 pieces of technology to create and deliver it to your plate.


I'm thankful for nature, I love and exploit the bitch. She's a powerful idea, the ultimate recycler and life giver. She has my respect. I respect Tech too. Cause its an idea and a tool. Proper use lets me expand every sense and improve my life vastly.


Life is good. Part of it attitude. I have kudos for those who try to make the world better, but less for would be doomsday prophets. History, the world was worse in the 60's with acid rain, threat of nuclear annihilation. Much worse in the 40's with a world war and millions dying, horrors of war, mass starvation & cities going up in flames.


Talk about poison- in the 1800s and half the 1900's the water people drank was often dirty, possibly poisonous. No modern filtration, Epidemics, even plagues were a norm. Typhoid, polio, tuberculosis, malaria, small pox, these were common and every decade or so saw waves where the population was 'culled' by 10%. I'm talking relatively modern times, don't get me started on the Middle ages.



You think its bad because you don't know what the world was like. You overly idealize it and conceive of the past as Eden. What time period would you go back too? Cavemen? Good news. You can do it, grab your stuff go, live off the land. Have a toothache, cut yourself, no soup or antibiotics for you. You die, no medicine tech.


Sweet Mother Earth has scoured almost all life from Earth many times. She's Momma, but she can be a deadly bitch. Tech can as easily be mankinds savior as its destructor, but we don't need much tech to kill each other.


Its the same old story, tools give us potential. The wise use them well. The foolish fear them. Don't blame the tools. I think my kids will have more possibilities then most other generations. They'll do best if they respect and use tools available and take lessons from Nature. But then, Nature uses technology, indeed Nature and Technology are two very powerful ideas.


ya da yada




PREACH IT BROTHER!!! Can I hear an AMEN! :wub:

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Sushis got the correct mindset.

He might have the right idea. (maybe) But the correct mindset is to live according to your truth.


If you passionately think something is wrong, and you participate in it every day, then you have an intellectual mindset and thats not the way, its cold and leads to problems because your not true to yourself. There are people, even here, I think Twinner, who live real real simply. It can be done and if Sushis thinks that is the way man should live, he should moving in that direction himself. Not all at once, but take steps in that direction; walk the talk.


Philosophy is a dish best served warm and eaten each morning. Not to be stared at and hoping others will eat it first.

Edited by thelerner
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Industrial Society is a lunatic society that is trying to save environment not by stopping Industrial Activity but by changing the technology.


Bring this technology, Bring that technology..........Bring this technology, Bring that technology.


A man is shooting someone with a gun........Some people are trying to save the victim.......They plead with the man asking him to save the victim by stopping the shooting.


The man says.....Don't worry......I will save him by changing technology......He replaces the old gun with a new one ........And continues to shoot.





Environment has been destroyed by Industrial Activity........Trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity is like ......


Trying to save a victim of shooting by shooting him even more.


Trying to save a victim of stabbing by stabbing him even more.


Trying to save a victim of poisoning by giving him even more poison.


Height of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality.......You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.


Industrial Society has been destroying Extra environment for 250 years........It has been destroying environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.


You cannot save a person after killing him.......You cannot save environment after it has been killed by Industrial Activity.


The entire Industrial Society deserves the Nobel Prize for Lunacy for pretending that environment is getting saved when the reality is that Industrial Society has been destroying extra environment after industrialization and has destroyed so much extra environment in 250 years that there is hardly any environment left to save.





Discussion cannot save environment........Money cannot save environment......Technology cannot save environment......Environmental Organizations cannot save environment.......Activism cannot save environment.


Animal Species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment through discussion......They did not even have a language for discussing environmental issues.


Animal species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment with money ........They had no money.


Animal species, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society did not save environment with modern technology........They had no modern technology......It was absence of modern technology that saved environment in pre-industrial societies........Over-exploitation of ecosystems became possible only because of Industrial Machines.


Animal species, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society did not save environment with the help of Environmental Organizations or Activism........They had no environmental organizations.


Animal Species did not destroy environment for millions of years.......Hunter Gatherer Society destroyed very little environment during a million years of existence......Agrarian Society destroyed very little environment [compared to Industrial Society] over a period of 10,000 years.


There is only one way to save environment.......Destroy less......Minimize the list of things that are destroying environment.





Promoters of Growth rate, Economy Rate and GDP are the biggest terrorists on earth.......Millions of times bigger terrorists than Taliban and Al Qaeda.


Our society has placed a bounty of millions of dollars on the heads of Taliban and Al Qaeda


No bounty on the heads of people who promoted Industrialization, Consumerism, Growth Rate, Economy Rate and GDP that has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems on earth???


It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that produced Trillions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste that has contaminated and poisoned the entire planet......It was Industrial Society.


It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that decimated millions of animal and plant species......It was Industrial Society.


It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that killed billions of acres of fertile soil with cement, concrete and asphalt......It was Industrial Society.


It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that decimated fish in the oceans......It was Industrial Fishing.


It was not Taliban or Al Qaeda that killed millions of people in wars.......It was Military Industrial Complex.


Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.


For millions of years before industrialization the list of things that destroyed environment never exceeded food, clothing and shelter.......Animals destroyed environment for food......Hunter_Gatherer Society destroyed environment for food......Agrarian Society destroyed environment for food, clothing and shelter.


Development is Destruction........Development is Destruction.


"Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"

These are figures of "Ecocide".

These are figures of "Crimes against Nature".

These are figures of "Destruction of Ecosystems".

These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".


Promoters of Growth Rate, Economy Rate & GDP are the biggest Killers, Murderers & Terrorists on earth.





Environment has been destroyed by Cities.......Environment has been destroyed by Urban Dwellers.........City People are doing extra work which has led to exponential "extra destruction of environment".......... Urban Dwellers are the destroyers of Forests, Villages, Tribal Land, Rivers, Oceans and Atmosphere.


For millions of years "searching for food" / “producing food” were the primary activities of animal species, hunter_gatherer society and agrarian society.........and that is why they sustained for millions of years because they destroyed very little environment compared to Industrial Society.......For millions of years the list of things that destroyed environment never exceeded food, clothing and shelter.


In Industrial Society 50% of world population is growing food for 100% of population and the remaining 50% living in cities is primarily engaged in production and marketing of "thousands of consumer goods and services".


It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population exists in this world.


It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population is engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.


It is impossible to save environment as long as Urban Population is promoting Industrial Activity.


Industrial Activity is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.


Consumerism is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.


Destruction of environment is directly proportional to percentage of Urban Population.


Most of the people who do not produce food are engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.


Most of the urban population is engaged in production and marketing of consumer goods and services.


In America 90 - 95% of population is urban......In Europe 80 – 90% of population is urban......this is why consumerism is so rampant in US and West.


World wide the percentage of urban population is about 50%.......If the entire world is made communist or socialist it is not going to stop/ reduce consumerism as long as the percentage of urban population remains the same.


As long as Urban Population exists all Industrial Activities will continue to exist and expand........ Energy Generation Industry, Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Construction Industry, Oil Drilling Industry, Oil Refining Industry, Transportation Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Network, Millions of kilometers of Air Routes and Shipping Lanes.....all these Industrial Activities will continue to exist and expand.


This planet cannot sustain a society that does not produce its own food.


This planet cannot sustain Urban population.


Environment has been destroyed primarily by Urban Population......Environment has been destroyed primarily by population that does not produce food.


This planet can only sustain a society in which [almost] the entire population is engaged in producing food.


One profession means destruction of environment for one thing.......Thousands of professions means destruction of environment for thousands of things.


Animals did not destroy Environment for millions of years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.


Hunter Gatherer Society did not destroy Environment for a million years.......because their activity was limited to searching for food.


Agrarian Society caused very limited destruction of environment over 10,000 years [compared to Industrial Society].......because their activity was limited to food, clothing and shelter.


Industrial Society has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems in just 250 years......because it has destroyed environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services in addition to food, clothing and shelter".


The list of unnecessary and destructive work in Industrial Society includes......Manufacturing and Marketing of thousands of "Consumer Goods" and Services, Tourism Industry, Entertainment Industry, Sports Industry, Military Industrial Complex, All kinds of unnecessary Research .....and lots of other work.


Out of the population that does not produce Food, the maximum number of people - a few billion people are engaged in Production and Marketing of "Consumer Goods" and Services. Industrial Activity for production of "consumer goods" and services is the biggest destroyer of environment.


Millions of people are working in Sports Industry......Environment is destroyed to manufacture millions of tonnes of Sports Equipment......Millions of Trees have been cut down and billions of acres of fertile soil has been killed with Cement & Concrete to build millions of Stadiums.


Millions of people are working in Tourism Industry......Tourism is all about Travelling which promotes Transportation Industry that destroys Environment......Millions of kilometers of Road and Rail network cutting through Forests destroying Trees and Wildlife.....Millions of kilometers of Shipping Lanes torturing and killing Fish.....Millions of kilometers of Air Routes killing the Air with millions of tonnes of exhaust gases.


Millions of people are working in Entertainment Industry........Environment has been destroyed to construct millions of Buildings that are used for entertainment and to produce millions of tonnes of Electronic Equipment that provides entertainment.


Millions of people are working for "Military Industrial Complex" producing and selling billions of tonnes of weapons all over the world...... Environment is destroyed when weapons are produced and when they are used.


Millions of City People are engaged in other unnecessary work that destroys even more environment.


Food, clothing and shelter......these are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans.


A pure non-industrial society is not possible now because Industrialization has increased world population to 7 billion.......World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion in just about 200 years after industrialization.......In the absence of industrialization world population would have been only a small fraction of 7 billion today.


If we want to save the remaining environment we must minimize the things that are destroying environment.


At present we are destroying environment for Food, Clothing, Shelter plus Thousands of Industrial consumer goods and services.


We must eliminate the things that were added last to the list......which means Thousands of consumer goods and services, most of which have existed for only about 100 years out of Hundreds of Thousands of years of Total Human Existence on earth .........these have to be eliminated or minimized.


We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse.......The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately........Industrial Activity must be limited to food, clothing and shelter.......and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.



Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Edited by sushil_yadav

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So..what, beyond electronic preaching, do you do to help the environment? Are you living in an 'industrial' house? Lit and comforted by electricity? Eating food brought to you by trucks?


Do you have a garden? Are you growing anything you eat? Do your actions matter? To me yes, because I don't like those who preach vegetarianism while eating a bucket of KFC. It betrays the cause just as hypocritical preachers do.


In some ways You are more important then The World, because You can only command, rule and change Yourself. As a microcosm, a tiny cell within this world, beyond electronic messaging, what are you doing? That's what counts. You will absolutely fail to change the world back to 10,000 B.C., but you can succeed with yourself. But that path will be incredibly hard.


Screaming at the tide does no good. But you can roll up your sleeves and build in a place the water has not reached. Its hard work, day after day, and much less dramatic then playing doomsday prophet, but you could make a difference beyond words not even written on paper.

Edited by thelerner

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No one is forcing you to read the thread.......Why don't you move on to some other intelligent thread in this forum?????.....Why do you keep returning to this thread?????......I am not posting for you.....There are hundreds of other members and guest visitors in this forum.


Your understanding of the issue of Environmental Destruction is very poor.


Environment does'nt get saved if a few people live a simple life.....It does'nt get saved if a few thousand people live a simple life......It does'nt get saved if a few million people live a simple life.....It does'nt get saved even if a few billion people live a simple life [which is happening right now.....Out of 7 billion people roughly half, about 3.5 billion are already living a simple life in Asia, Africa and South America .......but this does'nt save the environment......because the rest 3.5 billion people all over the world are living a highly consumerist life which is enough to destroy all ecosystems.


The entire world has to live a simple life. In animal kingdom all animals lived a simple life.....In Hunter_Gatherer Society all people lived a simple life......In Agrarian Society almost all people lived a simple life.


In a non-industrial society simple living happens does not have to make efforts to live a simple life. In a non-industrial society environment gets saved does not have to make efforts to save environment.


An Industrial Society produces thousands of consumer goods in addition to food, clothing and shelter.....therefore simple living by entire society is impossible.


There is no industrial society which limits its activity to just food, clothing, shelter and does not produce consumer goods.


If we compare the scale and magnitude of environmental destruction of the three human societies we have had on earth will find :


Hunter_Gatherer society was least destructive/ hardly caused any destruction......Agrarian Society was thousands of times more destructive.......Industrial Society is millions of times more destructive.


For millions of years the list of things that destroyed environment never exceeded food, clothing and shelter.


You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.


Industrial Activity for production of Consumer Goods and Services must stop immediately.......It should not continue for even one more day......Human work must be limited to Food, Clothing and Shelter.




Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Edited by sushil_yadav

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No one is forcing you to read the thread.......Why don't you move on to some other intelligent thread in this forum?????.....Why do you keep returning to this thread?????......I am not posting for you.....There are hundreds of other members and guest visitors in this forum.


Environment does'nt get saved if a few people live a simple life.....It does'nt get saved if a few thousand people live a simple life......It does'nt get saved if a few million people live a simple life.....It does'nt get saved even if a few billion people live a simple life [which is happening right now.....Out of 7 billion people roughly half, about 3.5 billion are already living a simple life in Asia, Africa and South America .......but this does'nt save the environment......because the rest 3.5 billion people all over the world are living a highly consumerist life which is enough to destroy all ecosystems.

I know :), I'm forcing myself, its hard, but aren't all good things. Why am I posting?? Because I'm not trying to change the world. I want to change you, get you in line with what you're preaching. I figure I have a billion times more chance of changing you then you'll have changing the world. With such good odds, I figure I'll take one last swing at it, then bow out of the thread, giving you the last word.


While you want Everyone to give up Everything to become hunter gatherers, I merely want You to consider living closer to what you preach.


The environment gets saved when a few people become hundreds, then thousands.. millions.. then hundreds of millions. Particularly when those adopters were using a large share of resources. Few things are as powerful as an idea who's time has come.


You're not a good spokesperson for environmental problems because you seemingly aren't willing to walk your talk. You pronounce a cure, but not one you'd take. Maybe if a 2 or 3 billion go first, you'd consider it. I understand the problems, you've repeated them over and over. You lose integrity when you tell the world what it should do, but don't do it yourself.


Don't you see even a little bit of irony that you are getting angry because I'm telling you to do, what you are telling everyone else in the world to? Do you practice anything close to what you're preaching?



Addendum: As I write this my niece is in a small Mayan Village in Mexico helping dig an irrigation system. Its small, only 500 people with no running water or electricity. In many ways its your perfect world. Yet they want cleaner water and better planting. Would you go there to live; go there to tell them they shouldn't have better water? Being closer to nature maybe they'd listen to you, or not. But we both know you wouldn't travel there. My niece has something you don't have.

Edited by thelerner
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The environmental catastrophe we are witnessing today is a consequence of the attempt by the west to westernize the entire world.


Today the entire world is collectively involved in destruction of environment but the biggest role in this process of destruction was played by Western Civilization.


Western Civilization suffered from total lack of foresight.


The west was the first to travel on the destructive path of Industrialization and consumerism.......It then forced western lifestyle on its colonies in Asia, Africa and America whose cultures it had already destroyed during the era of colonization.


The west did not have the foresight to know that a lifestyle based on loot, plunder and exploitation of natural resources would destroy the very things that created and sustained all life on earth for millions of years and ultimately lead to total destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems.


Taliban and Al Qaeda will start looking like saints if we compare their crimes with the crimes of Western Civilization during colonization.


Today the west is running from pillar to post trying to prevent some islamic and non-islamic countries from acquiring nuclear weapons........As if this is possible..... sooner or hook or crook all countries that are trying to get nuclear weapons will ultimately get them.


Once again the west did not have the foresight to know that dangerous technology should not be created, dangerous technology should not be brought into existence.


If the west makes 10,000 nuclear weapons it is progress, growth, development......If eastern countries try to make a few nuclear weapons it is wrong.......If an islamic country tries to make even one it is terrorism.


[by the way...... who needs nuclear weapons to destroy the planet when man has created thousands of tonnes of nuclear material and waste that is going to contaminate the planet with radiation for thousands of years]


Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth.


Development is Destruction........Development is Destruction.


"Growth Rate" - "Economy Rate" - "GDP"

These are figures of "Ecocide".

These are figures of "Crimes against Nature".

These are figures of "Destruction of Ecosystems".

These are figures of "Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality".


Promoters of Growth Rate, Economy Rate & GDP are the biggest Killers, Murderers & Terrorists on earth.



Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Edited by sushil_yadav

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Story of Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society.



A Serial Killer with endless supply of ammunition goes on the rampage in the city.....The Police are informed.....They arrive on the scene.....They do not try to stop or capture the shooter.....They do not try to kill or incapacitate the shooter.....They allow him to continue shooting......They give him full liberty to move around all over the city.


The Police focus on the victims of shooting.....They take them to Hospitals and try to save them with the help of best Technology / Health Care.....The Government sets up thousands of Organizations to do research on how the Whites can be saved, How the Blacks can be saved, How the Asians can be saved, How the Young can be saved, How the Elderly can be saved.....The Government gives Billions of Dollars of Grant to "Think Tanks" and NGO's to find out how the victims can be saved.....People of the city engage in Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument to find a solution to the problem.


This is not the story of the Mass Shooter.....This is the story of Environmentalism in Industrial Society.


Environment is being destroyed by Industrial Activity........Environmental Activists and Organizations are trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity


One group is trying to save Forests......The second group is trying to save Rivers......The third group is trying to save Oceans......The fourth group is trying to make the Air clean......The fifth group is trying to save Tigers and Elephants......The sixth group is trying to save Whales and Dolphins.


Height of Insanity and Abnormality.


People who are trying to save environment in Industrial Society without stopping all Industrial Activity deserve the Nobel Prize for Lunacy.


Why don't people realize the futility and absurdity of their efforts......It is impossible to save animals, trees, air, water and land without stopping all Industrial Activity.


What is the point in saving a few Dogs, Cats, Whales, Tigers and Elephants when Industrial Society is killing billions of animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses and billions of Wild Animals in Forests by destroying Forests with Industrial Activities like Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks and ever expanding Towns and Cities.......Industrial Society is also killing billions of fish in the oceans with Industrial Fishing and through discharge of billions of tonnes of Industrial Waste into oceans which has made them poisonous, acidic, warmer and created oxygen-deprived dead zones in the oceans.


It is impossible to save Air, water and Land without stopping all Industrial Activity because Industrial Activity is killing them with trillions of tonnes of Metal waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.......Industrial Activity produces trillions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Waste and there are only three places on earth where all this waste can go....Air, water and Soil.....There is no fourth place on earth where this waste can go...... It is impossible for Rivers, Oceans, Atmosphere and Soil to be clean in Industrial Society.


This planet can only sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society......Not an Industrial Society.


All Environmentalism is Pseudo-Environmentalism in Industrial Society.......It is impossible to save environment in an Industrial Society.


People who pretend they are saving environment in Industrial Society are even more insane, abnormal and criminal than people who are destroying the environment.


It is impossible to save environment in Industrial Society because Industrialization itself is the cause of environmental destruction.........In a non-industrial society environmentalism was not even needed.......In the absence of Industrial Activity environment got saved automatically because only limited destruction of environment was possible without Industrial Machines.





Environment has been destroyed by Industrial Activity........Trying to save environment without stopping Industrial Activity is like ..


Trying to save a victim of shooting by shooting him even more.


Trying to save a victim of stabbing by stabbing him even more.


Trying to save a victim of poisoning by giving him even more poison.


Height of Insanity, Abnormality and Criminality.......You cannot save environment by destroying more of it.


Industrial Society has been destroying Extra environment for 250 years........It has been destroying environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.


You cannot save a person after killing him.......You cannot save environment after it has been killed by Industrial Activity.


The entire Industrial Society deserves the Nobel Prize for Lunacy for pretending that environment is getting saved when the reality is that Industrial Society has been destroying extra environment after industrialization and has destroyed so much extra environment in 250 years that there is hardly any environment left to save.





What is the Result of 50 years of Environmentalism/ Pseudo Environmentalism in Industrial Society???


Industrial Society has been killing millions of times more Animals, Trees, Air, Water and Land than Pre-Industrial Society every day for several decades.


Industrial Society has been killing millions of acres of Forests with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.


Industrial Society has been killing Billions of Animals in Industrial Slaughter Houses every day for several decades.


Industrial Society has been killing millions of Wild Animals by destroying the Forests where they live with Industrial Activity every day for several decades.


Industrial Society has been killing Air, Water and Soil with billions of tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste every day for several decades.....Industrial Society has been killing Rivers, Oceans, Air/ Atmosphere and Soil/ Land with Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic waste, Gaseous waste, Chemical Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste every day for several decades.


Industrial Society has been killing Millions of Acres of Fertile Soil with Cement, Concrete and Asphalt every day for several decades.


All this Killing / Destruction was absent in Pre-Industrial Society without any Environmentalism.





All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.


No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society.....Not an iota of environment is getting saved.


How can environment ever be saved in Industrial Society when Industrial Activity itself is the cause of environmental destruction....Environment can only be saved in a Non-Industrial Society.


Industrial Society has created hundreds of unnecessary / futile occupations to solve the problems created by Industrialization.....Environmental Activism is one of them.....If thousands of organizations and millions of activists are trying to save environment in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved…..There have been three human societies on earth .....Hunter_Gatherer, Agrarian and Industrial.....In Hunter_Gatherer Society there was no Urban Population, entire population was engaged in searching for food.....In Agrarian Society less than 2% of population was Urban, Most of the population was engaged in producing food.....In Industrial Society 50% of world population is producing food for entire population , the remaining 50% population is Urban which has created hundreds of unnecessary occupations to keep itself occupied..... People would go crazy without work…. Environmentalism / Environmental Activism is one such profession [occupation]......[Other unnecessary and destructive professions in Industrial Society include Manufacturing and Marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services, Jobs in Tourism Industry, Entertainment Industry, Sports Industry, Military Industrial Complex and several other jobs]....No Environmentalism was needed in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Societies because in the absence of Industrial Activity only limited destruction of environment was possible, so environment got saved automatically.


If billions of pages of environmental discussion is taking place in Industrial Society it does not mean that environment is getting saved......Endless Discussion, Debate and Argument is a Disease and Insanity of Industrial Society that invented the Printing Press, Radio, Television and Internet.....Animal Species and Hunter_Gatherer Society did not save environment through discussion.....They didn't even have a language for discussion…..Billions of pages of Discussion, Debate and Argument is another harmful waste of Industrial Society just like Billions of Tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.


All Environmentalism in Industrial Society is Pseudo Environmentalism.


No environment is getting saved in Industrial Society.....Not an iota of environment is getting saved.





If Urban Society stops all its supplies to Villages......Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment, Villagers will survive forever.


If Villages stop all their supplies to Cities......Food Grains and Vegetables, Urban Population will die within a month.


[ Villagers need Electricity, Oil, Machinery and Equipment to produce food for the Urban Population , They would not need these things to produce food for themselves]


Urban Population is engaged in Unnecessary Work, Meaningless Work, Futile Work and Destructive Work which has led to destruction of most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems on earth.


For millions of years "Searching For Food" / "Producing Food" were the primary occupations of almost the entire human population in Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian Society.


There is Zero chance of saving the little environment that is left without fixing the problem of "Urban Population".





Animal Species had Zero Percent Urban Population.......Hunter_Gatherer Society had Zero Percent Urban Population.......Agrarian Society had less than Two Percent Urban Population.......All these societies sustained for millions of years collectively.


The current Industrial Society which has 50% Urban Population worldwide has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems in just 250 years after Industrial Revolution.......Industrial Activity has been promoted by Urban Population......Industrial Activity has been promoted by people who do not produce food.


This planet can sustain Animal Species.....It can sustain Hunter_Gatherer Human Society......It can sustain Agrarian Human Society......It cannot sustain Industrial Human Society.


This planet can only sustain food producing societies where almost the entire population is engaged in food production......It cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of world population is growing food for entire population and the remaining 50% living in cities is promoting Industrial Activity.


Animals saved environment for millions of years because they destroyed it only for food.....Hunter_Gatherer Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food.....Agrarian Society saved environment because it destroyed environment only for food, clothing and shelter.


Industrial Society has destroyed most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems because it destroyed environment for "Thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.


In the Animal Kingdom, Hunter_Gatherer Society and Agrarian Society almost the entire population was engaged in "Searching for Food" / "Growing Food".


It is the Urban Population that is engaged in and promoting Industrial Activity ......Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Transportation Industry, Construction Industry, Recycling Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Millions of kilometers of Rail & Road network, Air Routes and Shipping Lanes…..They all destroy environment......All Industrial Activity must be stopped.


Food, clothing and shelter......These are the maximum number of things this planet can provide to humans......The only way to save the remaining environment is by reorganizing the entire population so that food production remains the only primary activity just like it was for millions of years before Industrialization.





This planet cannot sustain an Industrial / Urban Society......The problem is not Capitalism, The problem is Industrialization / Urbanization.......The solution is not Communism or Socialism, The solution is Non-Industrial / Non-Urban Society.


Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter at all........What matters is percentage of Urban Population......A Socialist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population...... A Communist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population will be as Harmful, Destructive and Evil as a Capitalist Industrial Society with 80% Urban Population.


Urban Population is responsible for consumerism.......Urban Population does not produce Food.....It produces thousands of Consumer Goods and Services.


Consumerism is directly proportional to Percentage of Urban Population.


Saving environment in Industrial Society is an impossibility......No Industrial Society can save environment.......Communist or Socialist Industrial Societies cannot be less destructive than Capitalist Industrial Societies.


There cannot be any sustainable Industrial Society........The fault does not lie in Capitalism.....The fault lies in Industrialization.....All Industrial Societies are the same.....All Industrial Societies are equally harmful, destructive and evil.


Destruction of environment is guaranteed in Industrial Society......The debate over Capitalism, Communism and Socialism in the context of Environmental Crisis is meaningless and absurd.


Industrialization , Urbanization and Consumerism go hand in hand......They happen together.


Today 50% of world population is Urban, living in cities...... 50% of world population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population living in Cities is primarily engaged in production and marketing of thousands of consumer goods and services........Urban population is not producing food, it is producing consumer goods and services.......Even if the entire world is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to bring about any change in consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population will remain the same and it will continue producing and marketing thousands of consumer goods and services.


In America 90 - 95% of population is Urban......That is why consumerism is so rampant in the US......Even if America is made Communist or Socialist it is not going to reduce consumerism because the percentage of Urban Population would still remain the same.


In Europe 80 - 90% of population is Urban.


In China and India consumerism has risen exponentially with the increase in percentage of Urban Population.


Capitalism, Communism or Socialism does not matter.......What matters is Industrialization and Urbanization which results in Consumerism.


This planet cannot sustain Industrial Urban Population.......This planet cannot sustain a society that does not produce its own food.


This planet can sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or an Agrarian Society where almost the entire population is engaged in "searching for food" / producing food......This planet cannot sustain an Industrial Society where 50% of population is producing food for entire population and the remaining 50% population is producing thousands of consumer goods and services.



Industrial Society has existed for barely 250 years which comes to almost Zero Percent of Total Human Existence on earth....Humans have spent more than 99.99% of their time on earth in Non-Industrial Societies [Hunter_Gatherer and Agrarian].....Industrial Society is an Anomaly....Only Non-Industrial Societies are sustainable.


A pure non-industrial society is not possible now because Industrialization has increased world population to 7 billion.......World population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7 billion in just about 200 years after industrialization.......In the absence of industrialization world population would have been less than 2 billion today.


If we want to save the remaining environment we must minimize the things that are destroying environment.


At present we are destroying environment for Food, Clothing, Shelter plus Thousands of Industrial consumer goods and services.


We must eliminate the things that were added last to the list......which means Thousands of consumer goods and services, most of which have existed for only about 100 years out of Hundreds of Thousands of years of Total Human Existence on earth .........these have to be eliminated.


We are approaching Environmental Apocalypse.......The only way to save the remaining environment is by stopping Industrial Activity for production of consumer goods and services immediately........Industrial Activity must be primarily limited to food, clothing and shelter.......and even in these three fields production and consumption must be kept to the minimum.



Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Edited by sushil_yadav

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Good article, thank you.

Whilst there's very little any of us might do individually to change the ways of the industrial complex world we could all usefully adopt a much simpler lifestyle leaving less of a messy footprint and a much lighter shadow upon the earth.

Ultimately the oil will run out and folk will have to do that anyway but we can all begin right now where we are making small changes towards simplicity.

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Things we try to do...

Consume as little as possible.

Walk don't drive.

Grow vegetables, eat vegetables.

Bake bread, cakes and biscuits

Dress warm in winter avoiding using too much fuel for heating.

Favour local and farm shops above supermarket for absolute esentials such as toothpaste.

Never wear anything that has either a corporate or fashion logo.

Don't eat or drink anything served or prepared by someone doing so for minimum wage.

Pool resources and surpluses with others.

Make your own entertainment and socialise via temple, centre or church.

Shun alcohol and all it entails.

Smile inwardly...

a. Cos you are saving a fortune

b. Cos you'll feel better, be happier and probably live longer. All te while enjoying life with and amongst like minded friends.

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Destroys mind …I think not. Destroys environment …find out the indestructibility of mind yourself first, then perhaps you will see about how you yourself are responsible for environmental destruction every day.


Corporate apologists are careerists dependent wholly on the very producers they demonize; it is a pity these same individuals overlook their own puny, bankrupt, morality-play and thoroughly perforated guts without ever coming to terms with the fact they have no capacity for self refinement whatsoever.


It is an egoistic affair to avoid affirming oneself the responsibility for one's own part while simultaneously insinuating that a crowed pseudo-concern must therefore give them possession of a singular repute— albeit to provide an existential respite in terms of a vague social blamelessness. That a one's reputation is the first to tally— what would be the motivation, hmmmm? This sort of mentality is rot in corporate AND government-fed institutions of higher education and other forms of media-fabrication where hardly anything of consequence is actually manufactured outside of public opinion and hard science applications.


An unconscionable display, dear.

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While I'm all for keeping our own environment habitable, I see us as all a part of the world, not separate from it. Matter is always in flux, changing forms. Stars form and stars explode. Some see one as creation and the other destruction. Really, it's neither. Life is one of those phases of matter. Most likely it's found generously throughout the universe.


Everything you and I are, came from Earth. Life here is not some parasite that came to consume the planet. We are the planet. We are a unique state of matter that, at least from our perception, is self aware. I cannot say our actions are detrimental to this delicate phase in which we exist, but I do not subscribe that we are destroying anything. If we imagined being able to see life here on a very large and fast scale, we might look like the bubbling pot of boiling water. The bubbles expand and eventually pop and are reabsorbed.


Nothing we do is really outside of nature, since if it can be done, it is within the natural laws of being. We may be a bubble that's about to pop, but I am of the mind that it's just natural. Step back even further and look at an even larger scale over a faster time: stars popping in and out of existence, galaxies crashing into each other, black holes sucking everything up and doing who knows what exactly, etc.


We are the universe. Just on a smaller scale. All our activity may seen chaotic and out of control, but that's our perspective. If you ask a quantum physicist, they would tell you the chair you sit on is a chaotic and confusing world of high speed particles which are so unpredictable they talk about them in percentages of probability.


On all scales of the universe, there is constant motion, constant changing of matter from one state to another. Yes, let's absolutely work together on ways to keep our environment clean. We're here, we're alive, and most of us want to stay as such for a while. However, the idea that industry and technology are alone responsible for our woes doesn't sit well with me. We just need to find balance.


It's not like solutions aren't available. We don't actually need fossil fuels. We have the capability and more than enough resources to feed and power the world. We even have plenty of space for people to live. The core problem isn't technology, in fact, it's technology that would allow us the solutions to a growing population. The issue is us. We draw imaginary lines in a map and horde things from one another. We treat each other differently based on what land our mothers were on when we were born. We kill each other over these imaginary lines.


We know how to be healthy, but we choose not to because we want to have power and power comes from controlling resources. If clean, cheap, widely available resources were used for fuels, then those people who depend on limited, lo-tech fuels to give them excessive personal wealth would no longer have the "power". Tech isn't killing us, it's greed that is holding tech back in the areas that would give everyone a better life.


Humanity's enemy, if it has one, is and has been for a long time, itself. Even then, we're really just a phase of matter called life and the ultimate goal of life is singular: to spread. My thoughts turn to Pueraria lobata, commonly known as kudzu in my part of the world. This is an invasive vine plant that will literally blanket everything. It kills trees and shrubs in it's path. Over the years, the weight of it will even bring down the trees it kills. Unchecked, it could not only clear forests, but also human structures. This too is nature. This too is life. It consumes and expands, destructive to other life in its ecosystem.


It's not our tools or our technology that needs to change. It's us. If we want to live longer, and ensure the current bubbles of life on Earth don't pop, it's not by abandoning our progress, but rather abandoning how we restrict our progress that will make all the difference.

Edited by taoareyou
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Things we try to do...

Consume as little as possible.

Walk don't drive.

Grow vegetables, eat vegetables.

Bake bread, cakes and biscuits

Dress warm in winter avoiding using too much fuel for heating.

Favour local and farm shops above supermarket for absolute esentials such as toothpaste.

Never wear anything that has either a corporate or fashion logo.

Don't eat or drink anything served or prepared by someone doing so for minimum wage.

Pool resources and surpluses with others.

Make your own entertainment and socialise via temple, centre or church.

Shun alcohol and all it entails.

Smile inwardly...

a. Cos you are saving a fortune

b. Cos you'll feel better, be happier and probably live longer. All te while enjoying life with and amongst like minded friends.


I like your points and try to live very similarly, with the exception of alcohol. I buy wine from a local vineyard here and also local beers from time to time. I don't drink to get drunk, but don't feel alcohol, in moderation, is the worst thing we consume and certainly not the first thing I would strike from my diet. ;)

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Each to their own buddy. I see no harm in anything enjoyed in moderation. It's not for us obviously as we are teetotal but that's just a choice not a virtue.

I can see where these anti industrial society guys are coming from and it is commendable but we can't grow toothpaste or tea in our temperate climate so some sort of industrial society is necessary to ship things from A to B and once you get that happening you get markets and everything attached to those.

Necessary thing is industry and commerce but we can choose to what extent each of us plays with those big boys.

We choose , as little as possible but others are not so so fortunate as to have enough land to grow food and keep chickens and a horse.

Still need vets and hen pellet millers etc and the electricity do come in handy on long winter evenings.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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While I'm all for keeping our own environment habitable, I see us as all a part of the world, not separate from it. Matter is always in flux, changing forms. Stars form and stars explode. Some see one as creation and the other destruction. Really, it's neither. Life is one of those phases of matter. Most likely it's found generously throughout the universe.



It's not our tools or our technology that needs to change. It's us. If we want to live longer, and ensure the current bubbles of life on Earth don't pop, it's not by abandoning our progress, but rather abandoning how we restrict our progress that will make all the difference.

I like this perspective, very large, seeing the whole and its dynamic. It also leaves room for our responsibility and what we can do versus dwelling on one aspect of doom gloom and advising everyone should give up everything (but not me, not til everyone else does).

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When there was still time to save environment a whole century was wasted in the futile debate over Capitalism, Socialism and Communism.


Trying to save environment after 250 years of relentless Industrial Activity is like trying to revive a dead man.....There is hardly any environment left to save.


Industrial Activity destroys environment.....Where there is Industrial Activity there is environmental destruction.....Capitalism, Communism or Socialism doesn't matter at all.


Monsanto is not going to become less harmful under Communism or Socialism.


Nuclear Power Plants are not going to become less harmful under Communism or Socialism.


Mining Industry is not going to become less harmful under Communism or Socialism.


Logging Industry is not going to become less destructive under Communism or Socialism.


Construction Industry is not going to become less destructive under Communism or Socialism.


Transportation Industry is not going to become less harmful under Communism or Socialism.


Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Tar Sands and Hydraulic Fracking are not going to become less destructive under Communism or Socialism.





A person is being shot 100 times......Some people are supposed to save the victim.....They do nothing till 99 bullets have hit the victim.....When the last bullet is about to be fired they rush to save the victim, who is already dead by then.


Industrial Activity has been destroying Biodiversity and Ecosystems for 250 years.....Industrial Society should not have been started in the first place.....Once it came into existence its harmful impact on environment should have alerted people and they should have tried to stop Industrial Activity in the early stages.....If people had tried to stop Industrial Activity 50 years or even 100 years after it began, environment could have been saved because most of the environmental destruction has taken place in the last 50 - 100 years when the rate of Industrialization and Consumerism rose exponentially.....Trying to save environment after 250 years of Industrial Activity is like trying to revive a dead man.....There is hardly any environment left to save.




When a mass shooter kills 20 American kids the world is outraged.


When millions of baby seals are clubbed to death the world is not outraged.


When Industrial Society kills billions of animals in Slaughter Houses the world is not outraged.


When Industrial Society kills billions of wild animals by destroying forests with Industrial Activity the world is not outraged.


When Industrial Society kills Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Atmosphere and Land with billions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous Waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste the world is not outraged.


When Industrial Society kills billions of acres of fertile soil that provides food to millions of species with Cement, Concrete and Asphalt the world is not outraged.


When Industrial Society kills ecosystems that are home to millions of species it is called Progress, Growth, Development.





Who is not a killer in Industrial Society?????


Every citizen of Industrial Society is a Serial Killer.....Serial Killer of nature.....Serial Killer of animals, trees, air, water and land.


Industrial Society has killed billions of farm animals in Slaughter Houses and billions of wild animals in forests with Industrial Activity for making consumer goods and services.....If we divide this number by total Industrial population we get per capita killing of animals.


Industrial Society has killed billions of Trees in forests with Industrial Activity for making consumer goods and services.....If we divide this number by total Industrial population we get per capita killing of Trees.


Industrial Activity has produced billions of tonnes of solid, liquid and gaseous Industrial Waste.....This waste has polluted and poisoned air, water and soil....If we divide this number by total Industrial population we get per capita waste which is a measure of per capita killing of air, water and soil.


Every citizen of Industrial Society is a Serial Killer.....Serial Killer of nature.....Serial Killer of animals, trees, air, water and land.


Mass shooters are not the only insane people in this society.....The entire Industrial Society is insane.


The entire Industrial Society is insane, abnormal and criminal.





Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.


This planet can only sustain "Food Searching" or "Food Producing" Societies.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society.


This planet can only sustain Hunter_Gatherer Society or Agrarian Society.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society....It cannot sustain an Urban Society that produces thousands of consumer goods and services instead of food.


An Industrial Society will always be cruel to millions of other species and to itself.


A society that has destroyed all the natural resources of the planet will also destroy itself.


After destroying biodiversity and ecosystems which sustained human life for millions of years man will not even exist.


Welfare of humans and millions of other species is only possible in a non-industrial society.


Industrialization was the biggest crime on earth....The biggest act of killing, murder and terrorism on earth.



Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

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And happy holidays to you :). Other then the destruction of the whole economic system, what do you want for Christmas?


And/or is there anything you'd be willing to give up? Again that means You give up, not vote to have other people's stuff taken from them.

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Using the internet to complain about industrialisation is hilarious.


Your knowledge of the issue being discussed is very poor.


I never claimed that I am not a part of society that is destroying environment.


The title of my article says "Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment" and since I am a citizen of Industrial Society I get included automatically.


Computers are being used because they are being manufactured by Industrial Society.


No one was using computers in Hunter_Gatherer Society / Agrarian Society when they were not being manufactured.


Billions of people in this world are not using computers today, but this has not saved environment because billions of other people are using computers and thousands of other consumer goods [and services] whose production has destroyed biodiversity and ecosystems.




Environment doesn't get saved if a few people live a simple life.....It doesn't get saved if a few thousand people live a simple life......It doesn't get saved if a few million people live a simple life.....It doesn't get saved even if a few billion people live a simple life [which is happening right now.....Out of 7 billion people roughly half, about 3.5 billion are already living a simple life in Asia, Africa and South America .......but this doesn't save the environment......because the rest 3.5 billion people all over the world are living a highly consumerist life which is enough to destroy all ecosystems.


The entire world has to live a simple life. In animal kingdom all animals lived a simple life.....In Hunter_Gatherer Society all people lived a simple life......In Agrarian Society almost all people lived a simple life.


In a non-industrial society simple living happens does not have to make efforts to live a simple life. In a non-industrial society environment gets saved does not have to make efforts to save environment.


An Industrial Society produces thousands of consumer goods in addition to food, clothing and shelter.....therefore simple living by entire society is impossible.......and saving environment is an impossibility.


There is no industrial society which limits its activity to just food, clothing, shelter and which does not produce consumer goods.




There were two major switch-overs in human history.........Hunter_Gatherer Stage to Agrarian Stage........And Agrarian Stage to Industrial Stage.


Hunter_Gatherer Society was least destructive.......Agrarian Society was hundreds/ thousands times more destructive.......Industrial Society is millions of times more destructive.


The first switchover may very well be excused but not the second one.......When man switched over from Hunter_Gatherer Stage to Agrarian Stage he was not aware of the small size of our planet and the limited resources it contained........But when man switched over from Agrarian Stage to Industrial Stage it was sheer lunacy of people who started and promoted Industrial Activity all over the world despite having a fair knowledge of the small size of planet and the limited natural resources.


This planet is just 40,000 km in circumference.......It is very small......It can sustain a Hunter_Gatherer Society or Agrarian Society...... Not an Industrial Society.


Hunter_Gatherer Society destroyed environment only for food.......Agrarian Society destroyed environment primarily for food, clothing and shelter........That is the limit on this planet......This planet cannot sustain an Industrial Society which destroys environment for "thousands of consumer goods and services" in addition to food, clothing and shelter.


Industrial Activity for production of "thousands of consumer goods and services" must stop immediately.



Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

Edited by sushil_yadav

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Five Elephants were run over by a train in the state of Orissa in India yesterday.


One of them was a female in advanced stage of pregnancy whose foetus came out as the train hit the mother.


The world will celebrate one more New Year's Eve today......After torturing, slaughtering and decimating millions of species this world will celebrate yet another New Year today.



After destroying planet Earth.....After destroying most of the biodiversity and ecosystems, Industrial Society should be in Mourning but it wants to Celebrate instead.


It wants to Celebrate Diwali, Christmas, New Year and Hundreds of other Festivals.


If Industrial Society had any shame there would have been no Celebrations in the past , no celebrations for the next thousands of years.....only Mourning.


Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species, destroyed Forests, poisoned Rivers, Oceans, Soil and Sky with Billions of Tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste.


Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.




Celebrate Diwali, Christmas, New Year and Hundreds of other Festivals!!!!.....Go Shopping.....Spend Money.....Buy Gifts....Buy thousands of consumer goods and services.....Promote and Accelerate Industrial Activity which will kill even more Biodiversity and Ecosystems.


And then wait for next year to celebrate the death of nature once more.



Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.


This planet can only sustain "Food Searching" or "Food Producing" Societies.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society.


This planet can only sustain Hunter_Gatherer Society or Agrarian Society.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society....It cannot sustain an Urban Society that produces thousands of consumer goods and services instead of food.



More than 99.9% destruction of this planet has already happened.....Only the end of humans is yet to happen.


Most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems have already been destroyed.


Species are not lost when they become extinct....Species are lost when they get decimated....Species were lost when their populations dropped from billions and millions before industrialization to thousands and hundreds after industrialization.


There are(were) millions of species in this world....Most of them have already been decimated because Industrial Activity has destroyed most of the forests....Millions of Plant and Animal species have been decimated by Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Transportation Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks, Ports and Airports..


If we calculate the decline in populations of millions of species after industrialization the combined loss will come to more than 99.9%.


Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Atmosphere and Land have been polluted, poisoned and killed by trillions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.....The entire planet has become a Toxic Dump.....All Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste that has been produced by Industrial Society in 250 years after Industrial Revolution has accumulated on earth....It has not gone out of earth.


Oceans have turned acidic and warmer and there are oxygen deprived dead zones in the oceans....Fish in the oceans have been decimated by Industrial Fishing.


Billions of acres of fertile soil that was the source of food to millions of species has been killed by Cement, Concrete and Asphalt.


More than 99.9% destruction of this planet has already happened.....Only the end of humans is yet to happen.


A society that has destroyed all the natural resources of the planet will also destroy itself.


After destroying biodiversity and ecosystems which sustained human life for millions of years man will not exist...It is only a matter of a few years now.



Edited by sushil_yadav
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Five Elephants were run over by a train in the state of Orissa in India yesterday.


One of them was a female in advanced stage of pregnancy whose foetus came out as the train hit the mother.


The world will celebrate one more New Year's Eve today......After torturing, slaughtering and decimating millions of species this world will celebrate yet another New Year today.



After destroying planet Earth.....After destroying most of the biodiversity and ecosystems, Industrial Society should be in Mourning but it wants to Celebrate instead.


It wants to Celebrate Diwali, Christmas, New Year and Hundreds of other Festivals.


If Industrial Society had any shame there would have been no Celebrations in the past , no celebrations for the next thousands of years.....only Mourning.


Industrial Society has decimated millions of Animal Species, destroyed Forests, poisoned Rivers, Oceans, Soil and Sky with Billions of Tonnes of Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste.


Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.




Celebrate Diwali, Christmas, New Year and Hundreds of other Festivals!!!!.....Go Shopping.....Spend Money.....Buy Gifts....Buy thousands of consumer goods and services.....Promote and Accelerate Industrial Activity which will kill even more Biodiversity and Ecosystems.


And then wait for next year to celebrate the death of nature once more.



Industrial Society is a curse on this planet.


This planet can only sustain "Food Searching" or "Food Producing" Societies.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society.


This planet can only sustain Hunter_Gatherer Society or Agrarian Society.....It cannot sustain an Industrial Society....It cannot sustain an Urban Society that produces thousands of consumer goods and services instead of food.



More than 99.9% destruction of this planet has already happened.....Only the end of humans is yet to happen.


Most of the Biodiversity and Ecosystems have already been destroyed.


Species are not lost when they become extinct....Species are lost when they get decimated....Species were lost when their populations dropped from billions and millions before industrialization to thousands and hundreds after industrialization.


There are(were) millions of species in this world....Most of them have already been decimated because Industrial Activity has destroyed most of the forests....Millions of Plant and Animal species have been decimated by Mining Industry, Logging Industry, Construction Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Energy Generation Industry, Oil Drilling, Oil Refining, Transportation Industry, Millions of kilometers of Rail and Road Networks, Ports and Airports..


If we calculate the decline in populations of millions of species after industrialization the combined loss will come to more than 99.9%.


Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Atmosphere and Land have been polluted, poisoned and killed by trillions of tonnes of Metal Waste, Plastic Waste, Chemical Waste, Gaseous waste, eWaste and Nuclear Waste.....The entire planet has become a Toxic Dump.....All Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Industrial Waste that has been produced by Industrial Society in 250 years after Industrial Revolution has accumulated on earth....It has not gone out of earth.


Oceans have turned acidic and warmer and there are oxygen deprived dead zones in the oceans....Fish in the oceans have been decimated by Industrial Fishing.


Billions of acres of fertile soil that was the source of food to millions of species has been killed by Cement, Concrete and Asphalt.


More than 99.9% destruction of this planet has already happened.....Only the end of humans is yet to happen.


A society that has destroyed all the natural resources of the planet will also destroy itself.


After destroying biodiversity and ecosystems which sustained human life for millions of years man will not exist...It is only a matter of a few years now.




Tiny changes in ocean ph, in this case an increase in the hydrogen ion concentration, has a devastating impact on marine life.

Edited by ralis

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