Li Jiong

How can we survive the coming disasters?

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The planet comes into instability period now, before the crucial disasters come, a series of misfortunes will come one by one, how can we survive the coming disasters ?



I suppose the first thing we should do is try to raise the vibrations of our energy..

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Yes, I have immortalized my yang spirit already.

Thank you for your advice, if I spread my teaching free of charge, it will be unfair for those who have already ordered my courses. However, I am considering a 30 days free taste program, if one practices earnestly, a month is quite enough to get something.


Though I'm sure your current students would understand and even be proud to support the free spread of your teaching, that's your decision to make. I'm sure many people would be interested in a free taste program.


Please let me ask:


How long have you practiced your system before achieving the 河车 (heche: river vehicle; also translated as spirit baby)?


Do you project your Yang spirit to teach?


Have any of your students also achieved this level of ability?


I sincerely wish to achieve the heche and immortalize my yang spirit, to both better know the universe, and better help humanity. It's beautiful. An act of of internal evolution. Anything else you have to say about, I'd be glad to hear.

Edited by 松永道

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Li Jiong,


I want to look at your website but it's blocked in China.


Is there another version that I can see?





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if I spread my teaching free of charge, it will be unfair for those who have already ordered my courses.




That's fair - not to help the world for the sake of a few.

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if I spread my teaching free of charge, it will be unfair for those who have already ordered my courses.


I feel sure that your students wouldnt dream of being so ungenerous.. it wouldnt be possible for them to be petty or resentful about money issues, would it, with their level of evolution gained from learning from you?


Go ahead and give freely as your heart desires.

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It appears that some are just responding to aggrevate or belittle. He's already given his reason for charging, yet you seem to believe that a person who has reached a high level of cultivation should give these teachings for no charge. For what purpose?


Even if he did, would he not be put through the same scrutiny as Max and be found to be human... just like the rest of us?


Those that will, will find their path in their own time.


I pray that all may do so quickly.


Yours, most humbly,


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Very well put James. Your active compassion and civility are admirable and I try to follow your example most times but I'm going to briefly take a step on the wild side.


Yes, I have immortalized my yang spirit already.


I would like to make a comment that I recognize is critical and yet I feel that it should be put out there nonetheless. I am not asking for a reply, just stating an independent observation. I find it incongruous and perhaps disingenuous that someone of such a reportedly high level of cultivation, ie having immortalized the yang shen, would be so concerned about surviving predictions of future disasters. Similarly, I question someone of that level selling internal martial arts training by .pdf files. Perhaps the motivation is altruistic, perhaps opportunistic, perhaps a bit of both but it seems more of the latter to me. I made similar comments about Max when he first came on the scene and I stand behind those comments to this day. The method of presentation is a bit different but both set off alarms for me.

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Very well put James. Your active compassion and civility are admirable and I try to follow your example most times but I'm going to briefly take a step on the wild side.

I would like to make a comment that I recognize is critical and yet I feel that it should be put out there nonetheless. I am not asking for a reply, just stating an independent observation. I find it incongruous and perhaps disingenuous that someone of such a reportedly high level of cultivation, ie having immortalized the yang shen, would be so concerned about surviving predictions of future disasters. Similarly, I question someone of that level selling internal martial arts training by .pdf files. Perhaps the motivation is altruistic, perhaps opportunistic, perhaps a bit of both but it seems more of the latter to me. I made similar comments about Max when he first came on the scene and I stand behind those comments to this day. The method of presentation is a bit different but both set off alarms for me.



It would seem we have much in common ;)

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I'm feeling like I'm on a conspiracy forum. For starters, not meaning any kind of insult but there are many, MANY false prophecies. The leader of the Jehovah Witness church did exactly that, and I only use that example because I'm tired and it's readily available. If you worry about an apocalypse all the time you kinda miss the point of life and the enjoyment of life. Also, seeing as how I'm Kryptonian I worry not about disasters. <_<

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It appears that some are just responding to aggrevate or belittle. He's already given his reason for charging, yet you seem to believe that a person who has reached a high level of cultivation should give these teachings for no charge. For what purpose?


Even if he did, would he not be put through the same scrutiny as Max and be found to be human... just like the rest of us?


Those that will, will find their path in their own time.


I pray that all may do so quickly.


Yours, most humbly,



It is the claim that


if I spread my teaching free of charge, it will be unfair for those who have already ordered my courses.


that has provoked a response from me. I dont " believe that a person who has reached a high level of cultivation should give these teachings for no charge." neccesarily.. unless they WANT to.


If he's made it clear he WANTS TO CHARGE MONEY then that is fair enough. If HE WANTS TO GIVE IT AWAY FREELY but suffers from inhibition from fear of resentment from his students, that is quite a different matter and I dont see that it should go undiscussed, or that it is 'impolite' to comment upon his self imposed plight.







Actually, LiJong, as you have a forum available to you, you could of course share the burden of the decision about wether to give the teachings free of charge, and tell the students that you would like to now offer the teachings for the greater good of all without monetary gain, and ask the students for their blessing.


Their response would no doubt allow you to ascertain the level of their resentment over your generosity, and you could have an open discussion with them about it.

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It is the claim that [...]

that has provoked a response from me. I dont " believe that a person who has reached a high level of cultivation should give these teachings for no charge." neccesarily.. unless they WANT to.


If he's made it clear he WANTS TO CHARGE MONEY then that is fair enough. If HE WANTS TO GIVE IT AWAY FREELY but suffers from inhibition from fear of resentment from his students, that is quite a different matter and I dont see that it should go undiscussed, or that it is 'impolite' to comment upon his self imposed plight.


He made it clear that he wants to charge for it and he also gave reason.


There is no hint of a fear of resentment in the words that he used, simply a statement of fact that it would be unfair to those that had already paid.


I have no argument here - I merely act out of compassion. I empathise with those who wish to free themselves from samsara at no cost, I can see the hypocracy of wanting to survive coming disasters for those already immortal, and I also empathise with Li Jiong for he has cultivated diligently and faces criticism for earning a little income in spreading his teaching.


Yours truly,


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He made it clear that he wants to charge for it and he also gave reason.


There is no hint of a fear of resentment in the words that he used, simply a statement of fact that it would be unfair to those that had already paid.


I have no argument here - I merely act out of compassion. I empathise with those who wish to free themselves from samsara at no cost, I can see the hypocracy of wanting to survive coming disasters for those already immortal, and I also empathise with Li Jiong for he has cultivated diligently and faces criticism for earning a little income in spreading his teaching.


Yours truly,



I havent read why he wants to charge for it.. I missed that post, and that's fine, that he wants to charge for it. I was responding only to the statement he made that it wouldnt be fair to his past students to give it freely.

I would be more than happy if Michael Winn started giving free workshops, despite the fact that I have given him plenty of my money in the past.

To me it's a non -reason.


I feel very clearly that compassion doesnt equate with collusion.

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appearences can be with everything else with what is infront of you

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For the ones who want to survive the coming disasters:

Who is it that wants to survive? That which is not born does not die.



I have no argument here - I merely act out of compassion. I empathise with those who wish to free themselves from samsara at no cost, I can see the hypocracy of wanting to survive coming disasters for those already immortal, and I also empathise with Li Jiong for he has cultivated diligently and faces criticism for earning a little income in spreading his teaching.

_/\_ It's very nice that you are on this forum James.

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Edgar Casey also predicted the flooding, fires, and the end of civilization that suppose to happen in the 80's-90's. Nothing happened. And he was very successful with other predictions, but not this one.


Human consciousness can change any supposed event. Don't discount it yet. :)

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I'm feeling like I'm on a conspiracy forum. For starters, not meaning any kind of insult but there are many, MANY false prophecies. The leader of the Jehovah Witness church did exactly that, and I only use that example because I'm tired and it's readily available. If you worry about an apocalypse all the time you kinda miss the point of life and the enjoyment of life. Also, seeing as how I'm Kryptonian I worry not about disasters. <_<


I don't know anything about Li Jong's teachers prophecies, but I do know that the world economic system as we know it IS collapsing. The biggest and oldest US banks and brokeridge houses are collapsing. There are trillions of dollars in derivatives that are underwritten by these entities. This is a teetering house of cards and many of the bottom cards just fell.

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_/\_ It's very nice that you are on this forum James.

I do muchly agree.


My presence in this board is thanks to the community that resides here. Much has been learnt from this board by the conversing and discussing of different practices and philosophies. One can learn something from everyone, and I can tell you honestly that I have learnt much from you all whose posts mine eyes have seen.


I rarely respond to praise, for, as I said in a previous post today, acts of love are a matter of course and seek no admiration. The acts are simply grateful for being seen as an example. Yet I wish to thank you both for your kind words - the thanks I receive act as support and encouragement along my path which, in turn, humbles me further.


I wish for you both, and all those here, that the opportunities to further you cultivation arise when the times come.



Human consciousness can change any supposed event. Don't discount it yet. :)


There is a phrase in Dutch which reads, "Ik ben met jouw eens." It translates best as I am at one with you [on this matter]... and that, Smile, I am :)


In regards to this thread, I truly believe that focusing on now is key. I give my thanks to Mother Earth every day and let her know that my intentions are to heal her and to help turn humanity to her plight.


Yours, with respect,



[Edit to correct Dutch grammar]

Edited by .broken.

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Edgar Casey also predicted the flooding, fires, and the end of civilization that suppose to happen in the 80's-90's. Nothing happened. And he was very successful with other predictions, but not this one.


Human consciousness can change any supposed event. Don't discount it yet. :)



Yes true we can "Co-Create"

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I don't know anything about Li Jong's teachers prophecies, but I do know that the world economic system as we know it IS collapsing. The biggest and oldest US banks and brokeridge houses are collapsing. There are trillions of dollars in derivatives that are underwritten by these entities. This is a teetering house of cards and many of the bottom cards just fell.

Shhh, I think THEY are watching... Let's say the the US goes broke and Wall Street crashes and our whole economy collapses...then what? Is that the key to a great global flood or some comet or whatever? We crash and our collective negative energy brings upon the end of the world? Highly doubtful. Highly unlikely and highly illogical. The economy is pretty shakey right now but we are still standing. It's highly improbable that we will crash and even more improbable that we would crash and not recover. We can sit here and debate about it all day long but the fact of the matter is that we are still alive, atleast I think so, and soldiers arent running down the streets, atleast not now, and everyone is fine. You can try to predict ww3 and comets and floods and weird strange things and blah blah blah but all it is is a prediction that may or may not ever, EVER happen. The whole myan calendar thing gets alot of attention but has anyone ever stopped to ask what if it's meant to start over? What if it's like your watch and after 12 it goes to 1? Anyone, anyone?

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