Li Jiong

How can we survive the coming disasters?

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:blink: Taomeow, are you saying Reptilian Reptilians? As in David Icke Reptilians!


This isn't me saying it, this is a large group of scientists saying these things, the global warming end-of-world scenarios. There are too many people in that mix with too great a consensus to chalk it up to natal charts. I can post links if you like.


Actually there's something very simple that could be done that would buy us a little time:

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China will be in trouble early on--simple science. If the Tibetan glaciers melt completely, there will be no steady source of water. This will lead to famine and riots. Unless the Greenland glaciers melt away first, in which case the floods and earthquakes and volcanoes will come.


This is not apocalyptic raving, it is clear-eyed science. I am less optimistic about the Earth's ability to bounce back quickly. Still, I am practicing the Wuji standing. It does work. I am not an experienced cultivator so I don't know if all systems work this way, but his system does.

Yes, it is science. Perhaps one can deny it in his mind (I doubt one can really do this though, see the hysteria ones on this thread, we know actually they could not.), but he cannot deny the fact.

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I see a virus being released killing millions. So far they are testing it and the reactions to it all over the world. Probably an advanced version of a flu virus.

Get a gallon of colloidal silver from and get an ozone generator so you can ozonate water, air, or yourself any time you need to.

Edited by Smile

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I'm still confused by the whole "I cant save everyone" bit. What specifically is the salvation you speak of? Helping people to awaken? Instruction for spiritual and meditational growth? Unless a comet or WW3 breaks out, we will all be long gone by the time the earth naturally dies.

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:blink: Taomeow, are you saying Reptilian Reptilians? As in David Icke Reptilians!


This isn't me saying it, this is a large group of scientists saying these things, the global warming end-of-world scenarios. There are too many people in that mix with too great a consensus to chalk it up to natal charts. I can post links if you like.


Actually there's something very simple that could be done that would buy us a little time:


Well, yes, the cold-blooded ones. I'm not sure what species they are exactly, they have never behaved as members of the human race toward fellow humans, so anything is possible -- it's more important what they "do" than what they "are" -- like in all other cases, actually --


and David Icke is so damn good at explaining and documenting what they "do" that what he thinks about what they "are" is almost irrelevant. Though Al Gore does look a lot like a large lizard, doesn't he? Honestly? And Icke thinks he's full of shit. I dunno... I've never paid much attention because it's not my imprint to notice something like this -- they often say "energy follows attention" but you can bet your life on the opposite being true first -- "attention follows energy." Imprinted energy patterns will dictate where your attention will go, what you will resonate with, what, out of the information soup you're swimming in on a daily basis, you will navigate toward. Have you ever seen Magritt's painting titled "Personal Things?" I'll try to look it up online and post it to illustrate what I mean if I find it.


Global warming may or may not be the number one threat, but there's so many others competing for the spot... you can't really "educate" people about what they should fear the most when the whole scene is turning so damn scary, so utterly fubar... (I know, I know... some would disagree, and I usually say to them -- you haven't been paying attention! :D ) So for me... on the immediate emotional-response level, you can't really fear a warming scenario too much if you spent your early age in Siberia. If it was the next Ice Age they were concerned about, I would be way more focused on the issue... where I lived we used to get minus seventy-five -- with government-supplied, and unreliable, and occasionally nonexistent, central heating. You talk to someone like me about "warming" and my spontaneous emotional response is, "yeah! Bring it on! :D "


I don't want to question the accuracy of your information, what I'm trying to say is, my attention naturally gravitates toward some altogether different dangers to ponder and try to do something to avert. If I don't forget, I'll post an account of a dream I had that accurately reflects my own premonitions and anticipations. I call it The Dream of the Red Suitcase...

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This whole "the ocean is rising" thing is getting pretty drawn out and is like beating a dead horse as they say. "We threw the match on the gasoline" a long time ago. I'm going to make a prediction and say that everyone on this forum will be dead long before the "end time".

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I'm not saying "end times" like was meant growing up under the threat of nuclear winter, I'm just saying that we are in serious danger of both upping the scale and frequency of natural disasters like flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis and volcanoes. We are deliberately introducing instability into the ecosystem. And more importantly, I am also saying that plants need stability to grow. We eat plants, and the animals we eat eat plants. We are already seeing difficulty growing food. This will increase--severely.


Hurricane Ike was a low-grade hurricane. I don't think it even made it up into a Category 3. But the storm was the size of Texas and wiped out the American Gulf. I can see it here too, the weather in the past five years--it's wrong. It's just wrong. There is monsoon rain here in Boston. In the summer the heat doesn't go away at night. It was freakishly warm in the middle of winter. It's not just a few isolated incidences.


Taomeow, the end result of global warming will be another ice age, as the Earth struggles to reach equilibrium. If the Greenland and Antarctic glaciers melt, it will stop the ocean currents bringing warm water North, and Europe and northern America will enter a mini ice age. It will be unpleasant.


I don't think Icke has said Gore is a reptilian, but I might be wrong about that. I think he's a disinformation specialist, and is working for the powers that be. For example, take 9/11. Anybody with half a brain can see that it was an elaborate bank heist, in collusion with the US government. The stock markets were manipulated that morning, there was a federal no fly zone enforced, there was a huge cache of gold there, and an abandoned van full of gold was found heading away from the site. Osama bin Laden is Saudi, the terrorists were mostly Saudi, the event was used as a pretext to invade Iraq (full of Shia, the sworn enemies of the Sunnis--Saudis are Sunnis). Warnings of this imminent attck were pointedly ignored by the American government. The first people flown out to safety away from America, even during the post 9/11 no fly edict, were Saudis. It was an obvious collusion. Always follow the money. When billions of dollars are at stake, it's no wonder that a small group of religious crazies was found, wanting be martyrs, and somehow finding the funding to take pilot classes. No more explanation as to the method is necessary.


But instead, there's all this crazy conspiracy theory all over the Internet, taking this OBVIOUS situation and making it sound like only a lunatic would believe it. The commercial airlines are said to be unmanned spy planes remote-controlled to fly into the towers, there was no actual plane at the Pentagon, etc. People get obsessed with proving that the towers were wired with explosives. The powers that be are telling the Big Lie and tying it to the truth, so that people who actually believe the truth sound ridiculous.


Same thing with those whole reptilian thing. Obviously there is a cartel of extremely powerful people manipulating the markets and the politicians to gain and hoard money and power. It is as you say with the fluoride and Frankenfoods and so forth. These people want total control, all the money, and they use the same model over and over again, the ploy of the drug pusher. Get a person addicted to your drug and you can take all their money and have total control over them. So they make us sick so that we much pay them for pharmaceutical drugs, they manipulate housing prices so we have to go ridiculously in debt to them for a place to live, squelch research into alternative energy and funding for mass transit so we are forced to pay them to heat our houses and get from place to place. When as you say, 3% of the people control 97% of the wealth, it's self evident that this is done through manipulation. No further explanation necessary. But in comes this Icke person, who takes these rational, reasonable, obvious conclusions and ties them to the craziest alien Satanist reptile theories. So basically anyone pointing out the obvious is then tied to this fringe lunatic set of theories which seems to involve all the urban legends of the last century.


As a bonus, he uses a lot of language that causes fear and animosity towards taoists and shamanic peoples. There is a lot in his propaganda tying the reptilians to the dragon body and kundalini rising. Shamanic peoples are depicted as anciently welcoming these reptilians. Practices like cultivation are then tied to Satanic ritual, blooddrinking, human sacrifice, baby-killing, etc. It's almost identical to the smears against Jews spread in the 1930's.


But I digress. I am happy that you are not involved with all that. My main point is that although I am open to mystical experiences and visions and the sight and all, scientific information is in a different and generally more reliable category. Of course allowances must be made for the corruption of money and the manipulation by the powers that be. Tobacco science and pharmaceutical studies are by their very nature highly suspect, for example. But global warming science does not fit into that mold. It threatens that powers that be by encouraging the world to become self-sufficient, growing their own food, creating their own energy locally, cutting back on gas consumption--becoming self reliant and working for the common good. This is the exact opposite of what those in charge want, and you can see by the relentless nature of their PR campaign now to discredit global warming science. So I believe the science is genuine, particularly when one considers the remarkable worldwide consensus among scientists. Also my own observations, my gut feelings listening to the weather, the behavior of animals and plants agree.


My goodness this is a long post. My apologies! :)

Edited by witch

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have you actually heard Icke say those nasty things about taoists/shamans or did you hear someone else say that he says that?


Given that he took ayahuaska in Peru under shamanic guidance and his subsequent activities are the direct outcome of the revelation he had then and there, it is highly unlikely that he would.


We do have the R-complex in the brain, the short for "reptilian," that's a scientific fact. There's practices that can activate it and throw you out of the human mind into the mind of the reptile. There was a time when I did this to myself. It lasted for about two months. What did it feel like? Not good, not bad, not human. Doesn't mean I'm not human. Means that there's parts of my brain that aren't, ditto parts of your brain, and everyone else's. "Reptilians" might simply be guys who utilize the R-complex more intensely than most of us, are tuned in to that part more than, e.g., the midbrain where we humans reside emotionally. Anyway... we seem to be talking about several very complex issues all at once, and it's not good, each one of them merits one's full attention, and not in passing. Maybe someday.


You said, "we deliberately upset the ecological equilibrium" (don't remember the exact words, sorry if my quote is only approximate), aha -- we? WE?.. No we aren't doing this, "they" are. THEY.


So the real solution to the global warming and all other climate problems would be to find a way to not let THEM do this to our climate and the rest of our vital parameters. Meaning, if you don't want earthquakes and tsunamis and hurricanes of abnormal frequency and magnitude, don't be a "coincidence theorist," look at HAARP, look at the evidence. There's a lot to unravel and NONE of the information worth taking for face value is going to come from a "reputable source" by THEIR definition -- the sources THEY decide are reputable are serving THEM. And we are not them, remember?..


And don't let them brainwash you into thinking "conspiracy theorists" are suckers and "coincidence theorists" got it together. There's basket cases on both sides of the tracks, but history teaches us that it has always been the conspiracy that moved history, not coincidence. Taoists are into immortality because immortality research is what was being financed by the emperors, and the emperors wanted immortality because there were times when 9 out of 10 of them wound up assassinated as the outcome of conspiracies -- not coincidences. Conspiracies are real even if information about them is deliberately intermixed with disinformation and garbage. It's just that they are actually more monstrous than an average, or even above-average, human mind is capable of believing without dislocating itself.


Use your R-complex and you will know.

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I used to think David Icke was crazy - but he stood for election here in the UK when another MP resigned over the issue of 'big brother' + identity cards and all that. I watched a video of David Icke's speech and he made 90% sense. I agree the reptile thing is a bit much and I do believe he thinks that they are shape shifting reptiles from another dimension (or something). But he was dead right that all the information we get is heavily controlled and 'used' to make us neurotic and frightened and thus easily controlled. I recently returned from Europe to the UK and the atmosphere at the UK airport was palpably tense and paranoid (as distinct to the rest of Europe). Also the Labour Party (Government Party in Britain was Blair now Brown) held its annual conference in Manchester - I walked up to have a look and you couldn't get anywhere near it. Road blocks an armed police everywhere. Politics in this country used to be quite close to the people but now it just a pantomime.



I think that all end of the world theories are useful in that they point to the impermanence of things. But even if they are right we need to focus on our own spiritual development and not be swayed by what we are told.


Anyway the UFOs are coming on 14th October apparently - maybe.

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I see a virus being released killing millions. So far they are testing it and the reactions to it all over the world. Probably an advanced version of a flu virus.

Get a gallon of colloidal silver from and get an ozone generator so you can ozonate water, air, or yourself any time you need to.

Yup, as has been mentioned - due to antibiotic/pesticide overusage, bioweapons research and global warming, one of the biggest new threats will be disease. Many of the antibiotic-resistant "superbug" variety. There's Lyme, MRSA, C. diff, "Morgellons," Ebola, bird flu, mad cow, other viruses, parasites, even "super lice" now! Etc, etc.


Problem is, since these critters are becoming immune to many modern meds, we will have to go back to using natural home remedies again.


In this case, everyone should have a good supply of natural antimicrobials and household disinfectants on hand. We could probably start a long list here. There's actually a host of useful herbs and concoctions, colloidal silver is just one. But I figure the more types you have, the better your chances are. Nearly every modality seems to work a little bit at least, so stacking them together multiplies your odds.


Here's just a few good herbs to stock up on (or grow!) - and feel free to add to this list!


Turmeric - Natural antimicrobial Ayurvedic blood cleanser. Also fights cancer, Alzheimer's, etc. You can buy 1 lb of it for $6 in bulk foods at your health food store.

Garlic/Allicin - This is always a great antimicrobial, although I'm not sure you need to stock up on it since it's generally quite available.

Bioprin - Supposedly a Chinese herbal "wonder-drug" formula that is also antimicrobial and fights cancer.

Tulsi/Tulasi - Indian "Holy Basil" has adaptogenic, immune-boosting, antimicrobial properties.


Do note with natural herbs that you often want to use high dosages since the "active ingredients" are not isolated and concentrated as in pill form. Although they may be more synergistic in their natural holistic form.


And that's just the herbal tip of the iceberg. Not to mention other healing modalities like energy healing, frequency machines, etc.



I think the bigger problem is that we may have many problems hitting us all at once in combination. Talking about food shortages, also consider bee CCD. Bees are dying off in record numbers now. But, we rely upon bees to pollinate our food crops. Without them, who will? Tack this onto climate change and water shortage as well - not to mention unbridled population growth in many countries - and centralized food supplies could conceivably come up short.


BTW, if you want to talk about Reps, there's a whole thread dedicated to them here. B)

Edited by vortex

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It's totally ridiculous. And totally explainable. I believe bloodlines--HUMAN ones. I think Icke is related to people in power and he's spreading these Big Lies to help keep them there by making reasonable opinions about global human and corporate conspiracies seem ridiculous by association.


I am wrong about the shamanistic thing. You are right, he is friendly with shamans.



Yes, yes, triple yes. In a way he is doing what he accuses them (the reptiles and their minions) of doing.

Edited by apepch7

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I see humanity entering a golden age of civilization. We might have few bumps but here and there but I think in our life time we will see world peace and a near ineffectual one world government..... not the evil Alex Jones new world order but your regular beaurocratic mess.

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I think microbial knowledge, lizard wrassin', etc are all a blast but the "resist not evil" approach is the main card to play allowing the law of karma/attraction to operate in a smoother manner gradually allowing the rays of sweet surrender to shine on through.

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Just talked about the great disasters with my teacher, he said the time is not definitive yet, it rests with how many people wake up. The time may shift to an earlier date, or may be delayed. But they will certainly come one day.

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Oolong Rabbit,


I'm just curious to know your thoughts now that the US government is planning on a 700 billion dollar

bailout. Is this a good thing or bad?




I actually just finished typing a warning to some friends that I will share here because you asked Mantis.....

The US fianancial system. A word of caution brothers.


This is very far removed from cultivation, but have you guys been reading the headlines about the major US banks collapsing? Economics was sort of a hobby of mine for years, and I've got to tell you guys this is very serious, and may lead to a complete collapse of the US and even global economic system. These hedge funds and banks take the same dollar and invest it hundreds of times over in financial instruments called derivatives. It can potentially make huge returns for them, but when the investments turn against them they can implode as we are witnessing. All of of these greedy behemoths are so intermingled that if one collapses, they will take down the rest in their wake.


This is exactly what has begun to happen. The 2 massive US mortgage firms Freddie Mac and f*n*y Mae have been taken over/bailed out by the US government. These 2 companies alone guarantee 5 TRILLION in mortgage loans (mostly bad ones that will never be paid back). Bear Stearns collapsed and was bailed out with 25 billion by the US government. Merill Lynch was collapsing and got bought out/bailed out by bank of America for 50 billion. Lehman brothers collapsed in the biggest bankruptcy in history. The latest was AIG which the US government bailed out by giving them an 85 billion dollar loan. The government is also planning to bailout the US auto industry with another 25 billion.


Guys I can't tell you how serious this is. Longterm seeing the entities collapse is good, but short term we may very well be heading for another Great Depression. Yes it can happen again.


What can one do? Not much, but take precautions. If you or your loved ones have funds in the stock market, take them out or move them into something very low risk. Best thing is to buy is tangibles such as gold and silver etc... I would also advise stalking up your cupboards a bit with non perishable food in case things get nasty (beans, rice etc...). Worst case scenario nothing I see coming happens and you are stuck eating them. Also consider buying some multi vitamins as supplements.


Namo Guan Shih Yin Pusa!


Take it or leave it friends, but I don't see a happy ending to this...



I agree, I see the same. A few bumps here and there that will be learning lessons, but nothing

major. What we are seeing are just corrections that needed to happen.


I don't doubt that history will repeat itself. Everything cycles through death and rebirth. Even the universe cycles.




I see humanity entering a golden age of civilization. We might have few bumps but here and there but I think in our life time we will see world peace and a near ineffectual one world government..... not the evil Alex Jones new world order but your regular beaurocratic mess.

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Listen to the innermost being of nature, in ancient time, it is thoroughly delighted; in middle ages, it is heavy; and now, it is plaintive.

Strictly speaking, we are all sinful. I spread internal cultivation here, it is also a way to save myself.

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Listen to the innermost being of nature, in ancient time, it is thoroughly delighted; in middle ages, it is heavy; and now, it is plaintive.

Strictly speaking, we are all sinful. I spread internal cultivation here, it is also a way to save myself.


You say that we are "sinful".

What exactly is our sin and what are you saving ourself from?

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