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I've been a long time viewer, but haven't posted yet. I've meditated off and on for a number of years, but have mostly learned from books, audio/video tapes and self-exploration. I've had interesting experiences along the way including lucid dreaming, synchronistic events, dream guidance, some experience with altered states and a brief glimpse of "emptiness" which I experienced as the absence of internal dialogue and found frightening the time that it occurred. So that I balance out both the light and the dark - I've also pushed too hard, depleting myself energetically and had a number of experiences which were quite frightening at the time. I recently began the KAP 1 course which has already paid dividends. I'll post about this on the main forum. Anyhow, looking forward to meeting everyone and being a more frequent contributor.


Also, have been involved in martial arts for a number of years now and continue to be very intersted in the link between meditation and movement arts.

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