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Zero point energy

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I wanted to ask if there are any practicing or professional scientists who would like to share some more information on this particular topic and how it relates to taoism. There are many drops of this information scattered around taoist topics these days, and I would love to hear more about it from someone who has studied this particular exoteric concept at length and also has an interest in bridging that with the esoteric.


I know there are texts and articles and so forth about this, but I would also be interested in a discussion with someone - so as to generate a living sort of talk about it.


Perhaps some of you have heard of the Large Hadron Collider currently being built (and repaired), which seems to be another step for modern technology in studying these quantum realities in a physical manner. Does the LHC relate to this topic in a meaningful way?


Or maybe there are those who would like to share their own personal perceptions of what may be called 'dark energy' or the 'zero point field'? Or are there 'mystical' perceptions to which no physical science is applicable?


It would seem that physical science will not be able to ever quantify or qualify the more internal and spiritual, or emotional types of energy - rather than its most obvious manifestation - so does anyone feel that this discounts the value of physical science in terms of esotericism? I have personally not preferred to exalt intellect over emotion over instinct, or any one over the other - to choose sides as in head v.s. heart v.s body and so forth. Within the sphere of awareness, do not all these realities cooperate together?

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Documentary on Zero Point Energy


This is a fascinating documentary on zero point energy. I started watching it out of interest in Tesla but then it starts talking about zero point energy and the ether and an electromagnetic energy (ether) that pervades everything. When it got to that point I started thinking taoism.

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Quantum physicists are a bit like the wizards from Terry Pratchett's books. They are mystified... way too fascinated by not understanding, and often not that intelligent. (Don't think being a quantum physicist automatically makes you a genius. ;))


As a good example, you have to exclude "dark energy" from this topic. It's one of the things that scientists invent to keep their bad theories from falling apart.

In this context, this website is very interesting :

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