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Chinese astrology

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I got my full chart done and I have a vague interpretation from someone who studied it once, but would like to research it more and get more in depth... Most of my stars seem to be in the "health" category--the sun, moon, wen qu and wen chang. What dis mean? I also have zi wei and tian xiang (emperor and minister) under the relationships category, Wu Qu (discipline? me?) and the empress under "actions" and all kinds of other stuff I'd like to research/understand more in depth. Help!

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I got my full chart done and I have a vague interpretation from someone who studied it once, but would like to research it more and get more in depth... Most of my stars seem to be in the "health" category--the sun, moon, wen qu and wen chang. What dis mean? I also have zi wei and tian xiang (emperor and minister) under the relationships category, Wu Qu (discipline? me?) and the empress under "actions" and all kinds of other stuff I'd like to research/understand more in depth. Help!

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