
The Infamous 9-Bottle Wind!

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That was VERY interesting. Thanks for posting it. Now I understand where you have been coming from. Yes, I see the truth in it...


You could skip a lot of steps and enter this way at least up to the facing the wall for 9 years and with further practice and the grace of God, God Realization. Hands down, thoughtless awareness will be transmitted to all who are sincere in their seeking...


I am VERY serious. I am not kidding you. This is the real thing. You will know Sammidhi in a few minutes. There will be no doubt :) but the choice is only yours!


Inner Peace,



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Nice post!

(The print-out didn't work out so good straight from this forum, so i saved the jpgs and printed them out directly.)


Nostril-breathing especially connects to the thrusting vessels, ime (and as noted in your posts). The thrustings + core vessel stuff is the key work in the northern-Indian / Tibetan traditions.

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Since there is no other way to get this book and this is the first of it I have seen, could you send the rest of it to the board or to people requesting it?




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