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doc benway

National Pride

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I'm with Stig, most of the Aussies here are Very happy about Obama.

For one he Looks like a Human Being and not a robot and you can feel his ability to feel, and his sense of compassion. :lol: I am not calling Him a Buddha or anything, just more of a real person than the alternatives.


It matters Hugely for the rest of the world who sits in the chair of the American president so you are voting for the entire planet not just for the U.S.


The economic system is going down no matter what, and as it does I think its more important to have a human with even a mild sense of ethics than a money grabbing robot at the wheel.


Seth Ananda.

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Without Action


Not praising the worthy prevents contention,

Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft,

Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire.

In this manner the sage governs people:

Emptying their minds,

Filling their bellies,

Weakening their ambitions,

And strengthening their bones.

If people lack knowledge and desire

Then they can not act;

If no action is taken

Harmony remains.

Nice post


What do we do in America if not:

Praise the worthy

Esteem the valuable and

Display the beautiful.

We fill their minds and their bellies, strengthen ambitions and weaken the bones.

We withhold knowledge and inflame desire


No harmony remains...

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I'm cautiously optimistic. I liked the South Park take on the election.


I'm not a big believer in conspiracy theories of Thems controlling Us's. Looking at what goes on indepth gives a way different perspective and far more complexity then simple illuminaty theories.




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Something occured to me...

Is it possible that any of our enemies might be celebrating because they'd prefer to be our friends?

We'll never know if we never open the door to dialogue.


nice way of putting it

simple and elegant

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Does anyone else think like me - that the human misery index is basically fixed and static?


Improve this and that becomes bad.


Fix the air and the water goes off.


Improve trade and unskilled labor gets unemployed.


Give people a microwave oven and they develop some sort of post-modern angst.




We live in a society of humans, not gods and bad things are necessarily part of that.


I don't think anybody is changing anything much, or for long.



... one person loses some weight???

and another one gains some! LOL :D

I think it is true???

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I think that we in the US are officially screwed with Obama in the seat.

Are you saying that


you are screwed because of obama,


that you were screwed in any case,

and the fact that obama is in the seat is just

an irrelevant detail?

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If this were so there would be no growth, progress, evolution etc...


I believe we are an evolving species with a whole lot more to grow!!!


And yes-for once I have some national pride these days!-


If we can boot the corporations off of our backs -that IS the real win!




Have been told of some higher up's in corporations

walking around parking lots and "taking note"

of who's cars are stuck with Obamas stickers!

... just incase they need to make some cut backs!


Be a good thing to have one of those magnetic ones I think!


Am sure that's not true? Is It?


but i thought it was funny.

(My humor is a bit warped... and i don't work for such a place? yet? )




And :D


I do want to thank you all for posting

and giving me some other points of view to think over.

Some very good points were made.


Appreciate it.


Hope there are many more!!!

Edited by shontonga

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If nothing else, Obama has really inspired and given a lot of people hope. I think many great things can come out of this alone. Unfortunately he is inheriting a total fiasco on every front.


Ron Paul... maybe even could have put Lynden Larouche on the Ballots hahahaha


Larouiche PAC


Amen to Ron Paul. He raised record campaign contributions without accepting lobbyist bribes. When he spoke at the debates the audience would burst into cheers and applause, yet the Republicans chose an out of touch lame duck like McCain. Of course, the powers that be would never allow soneone who hasn't sold their sold into office:


This is the first time I've seen Obama at a loss for words:




Sounds like "more of the same".


Compare this to Ron Paul:



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Are you saying that


you are screwed because of obama,


that you were screwed in any case,

and the fact that obama is in the seat is just

an irrelevant detail?

I think he's saying both. its absolutely silly to think that obama will be able to take his campaign pitch and hit the ground running with it, lest the wheels fall off the wagon...we all know that campaign shit is just that. equally as silly to subscribe to the media's love affair with him, thinking the entire world is going to turn around because of his election. equally as silly to believe we'd be *that* much better off if mccain's anemic campaign was any clue/prelude, we'd just have a different set of problems that may or may not be worse than anyone making over (whatever the dwindling salary cap having their taxes jacked so that some less fortunate joe can go buy a little extra something.

of course if obama's campaign was any clue, first thought that comes to my mind is how much does it take to buy an election? $600,000,000 sounds about right :rolleyes:


I agree with Lin...if people really did vote on substance and issues, RP would have been a good choice. but we dont vote on issues here, its between whoevfer can withstand the asskiss fest and still smell somewhat rosey.

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Nice post


What do we do in America if not:

Praise the worthy

Esteem the valuable and

Display the beautiful.

We fill their minds and their bellies, strengthen ambitions and weaken the bones.

We withhold knowledge and inflame desire


No harmony remains...


You could say america has more than its share of drama queens and occationally we get hit in the face with the cold water of reality. That is the Peter Merel translation by-the-way. I often use it when I post because of its unusual lucidity.


The Roman empire is considered the first welfare state. They would draft farmers and other middle and lower class men to fight their wars in foreign countries. When they conquored a country they would skim off the 99% of the wealth that the 1% owned and use some of this to build roads, aquaducts, etc. to improve the living standards of everyone else. Then they would collect the rent from them.


When the soilders came home they found that some senator had confiscated their property. In its place the state provided welfare of one meal a day, access to the public baths, and access to the games. This was considered a pretty good deal at the time and at its height 40% of the three million Romans were on the dole.

Until emperor Cludius built a sheltered harbor in winter the ships had difficulty unloading food and the Romans starved. They would then riot and charge the emperor's palace. Of course, you can't keep that kind of thing up forever. Eventually the Roman empire grew so large it split in two and the eastern empire collapsed.


The melodrama of violent and sometimes deadly "games", episodic starvation, theft, endless warfare, and religious extremism continue to this day. However, the world is quickly becoming a smaller place and the international community is now capable of pressuring the empire to change its ways.

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You could say america has more than its share of drama queens and occationally we get hit in the face with the cold water of reality. That is the Peter Merel translation by-the-way. I often use it when I post because of its unusual lucidity.


The Roman empire is considered the first welfare state. They would draft farmers and other middle and lower class men to fight their wars in foreign countries. When they conquored a country they would skim off the 99% of the wealth that the 1% owned and use some of this to build roads, aquaducts, etc. to improve the living standards of everyone else. Then they would collect the rent from them.


When the soilders came home they found that some senator had confiscated their property. In its place the state provided welfare of one meal a day, access to the public baths, and access to the games. This was considered a pretty good deal at the time and at its height 40% of the three million Romans were on the dole.

Until emperor Cludius built a sheltered harbor in winter the ships had difficulty unloading food and the Romans starved. They would then riot and charge the emperor's palace. Of course, you can't keep that kind of thing up forever. Eventually the Roman empire grew so large it split in two and the eastern empire collapsed.


The melodrama of violent and sometimes deadly "games", episodic starvation, theft, endless warfare, and religious extremism continue to this day. However, the world is quickly becoming a smaller place and the international community is now capable of pressuring the empire to change its ways.


How interesting. Thank you.


I thik if I were drafted for a silly war far far away, and came home to find my piece of land seized by a senator, and in exchange having one meal a day I would feel pretty piss'ed off. :o


BTW, is the west that collapsed. The east kept on for a long time. And for those that are interested thare is a wonderful podcast on the history of the Byzantine empire.

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I Have a good friend in what used to be Burma who had his home taken by some general...These things still go on and dispite our rhetoric about freedom the USA supports the Myanmar junta -because of Unical's pipe-line...


there is so much to be done -I do believe we are evolving as a species and will in future days (millenia) reach a point where we could be concidered civilized beings worthy of "cosmic" concideration to become an intigrated part of the universal community that is likely to exist-because there are so freaking many planetary systems out there!!! B)


In any case I remain positive in my projected thinkig and hopeful in my personal direction-

peace to all-Pat

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How interesting. Thank you.


I thik if I were drafted for a silly war far far away, and came home to find my piece of land seized by a senator, and in exchange having one meal a day I would feel pretty piss'ed off. :o


BTW, is the west that collapsed. The east kept on for a long time. And for those that are interested thare is a wonderful podcast on the history of the Byzantine empire.


Sorry, my mistake.


The same kind of thing is happening today, but instead of land or handouts americans want jobs. Although soilders are legally entitled to their old jobs when they come back from war, usually they come back to find that someone else has taken their place. With the economy in the toilet and unemployment going up more soilders are going to come home to poverty and handouts.

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Are you saying that


you are screwed because of obama,


that you were screwed in any case,

and the fact that obama is in the seat is just

an irrelevant detail?


I'm not too big of a conspiracy nut so what I meant is that Obama has crap for politics and is going to flush small companies down the drain, like the one my dad works for. I think universal health care is crap, to an extent. I think he's too charismatic aswell which makes me think this is all a set up. I believe that he will make the american people feel all warm and cozy about the REAL ID system and feel good about a union with Mexico and Canada. Bush couldnt have pulled either one of those off. Obama can because everyone seems to be in love with him and the whole "change" crap.

Edited by h.uriahr

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I'm not too big of a conspiracy nut so what I meant is that Obama has crap for politics and is going to flush small companies down the drain, like the one my dad works for. I think universal health care is crap, to an extent. I think he's too charismatic aswell which makes me think this is all a set up. I believe that he will make the american people feel all warm and cozy about the REAL ID system and feel good about a union with Mexico and Canada. Bush couldnt have pulled either one of those off. Obama can because everyone seems to be in love with him and the whole "change" crap.


:lol: Not too big of a conspiracy nut hey? Don't worry I am, and I think that is a very interesting point.

If that is a 'real' secret agenda, Obama would definitely be the man to lead us in.


But I hope thats not the case. I hope he has just played the game as much as he had to to get himself here where he can make some real changes...


Everyone deserves Health care though. just my opinion, I like people.


Seth Ananda

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"I think universal health care is crap, to an extent. I think he's too charismatic aswell which makes me think this is all a set up"



What you have just said really amazes me.


Don't you think that extra (good and innovative) health care will always be possible?

The universal basic healthcare is just a good thing so that at least everybody gets the basics and the essentials.

It's a win/win in my opinion, We will see over time if that is at least true. (mistakes can always be made, *if* you let the wrong people mess it all up, but that goes for *everything*. And... i don't think that this is going to be messed up so easily and freely.)


Just my honest opinion.


We'll see about the small businesses also. I am doubtful that you are right there, too. But i -most definately- understand the concern.

Edited by froggie

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I think that we in the US are officially screwed with Obama in the seat.


You meant to say we would have been officially screwed with Sarah Palin in the seat and our budget spent for her wardrobe and McCain's mavericky rides in the middle east.

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