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Just received my copy of Spiritual QiGong

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Hey all,

Matthew Qi recommended "Spiritual Qigong" by David Twicken and I must say I am very impressed with this book, its very straight forward and things are explained in plain English. The descriptions on the Six healing sounds are great as well as the Inner Smile and Microcosmic orbit, the only thing that I have noticed is he doesn't do the arm movments with the sounds, its done in a more meditative style in a static seated posture. The more advanced Kan & Li meditations are also described in the book in a step by step fashion but I think it will be a few years before I even consider attempting those, for now Im just going to stay dedicated to the Six Healing Sounds, Inner Smile and the Orbit.

Could one just do these practices for ever or would you have to eventualy progress to the Kan and Li stuff.



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that book is good but you dont get the details of each of the points on the orbit like the door of life and adrenal glad point and hindbrain and might want to cop the book "awaken healing light" the newer copy by chia and that will round out your orbit meditations very well...experiment with breathing between points and LISTEN to the energy, dont use "FORCE"


Twicken once said that the mor eyou relax, the more you feel the fomulas happen to you all the way up through the highest might want to meditate on it all once, to get the you can just sit and let it happen natuarly, meditating w/o meditating...but take your time!


and enjoy!

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