
The power of Internal Martial Arts

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In this vid you can see the power one can generate in Xingyi:


And a good compilation of various Xingyi animal forms:




And Baji sparring:





I don't see any power and I don't see any sparring in any of these videos - none of this makes any sense ...

And by the way what happened to our deal ?

Did you ask your teacher if he would be so kind as to kick my ass or not ?

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All this internal/external debate that has been going on with martial arts has been done to death. It's like a broken record, always stuck on the same boring track. All arts have internal as well as external qualities about them. There is no magic. No big secret to learn & when it comes down to two people on the street with an encounter the combative nature takes over & all the ...( I have vast amounts of internal chi power!) goes out the window. You either know how to fight & defend yourself, or you don't. It's as simple as that! Some here on the boards have watched far too many martial arts movies & need to live in reality. :angry:

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durkhrod chogori,


I've been lucky enough to spend some time training with Luo De Xiu. His fighting skills are excellent, and I say this as someone who has visited many schools, including local MMA gyms and Fairtex Muay Thai camp among others. He has tested his art in many competitions in the 1970s and challenges in the 1980s. His student in southern california regularly sends out MMA fighters who do well with his methods. Many of Luo's students are damn good fighters.


However, don't try to make him seem mystical. His punches, sweeps and throws are brutal, but that doesn't mean he or his students would win or have won every single fight. Well trained fighters are always hard to beat no matter how good you are, and in a real fight even an untrained man can win on a lucky strike.


Those who have fought always say that in a real conflict anything can happen, so don't try to glorify even a great practitioner like Luo De Xiu. I think there are many people in sport fighting that would love what Luo does and get a lot out of his classes. He loves the fighting arts and has researched them deeply in Taiwan and China. He no longer fights, but has quite a few students who are happy to spar.


Again, just remember that IMA skill is not mystical, it is practical and useful. However, highly skilled teachers are hard to find, getting good at any martial art or martial sport is hard work!


Jess O

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Speaking of Wing Chun/push hands, any one heard or trained with Gary Lam before? I was informed by a Wing Chun sifu from Texas that he is one of the best there is in the States. There are a good number of his videos on youtube for those interested.



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MMA got the name for being the big thing in Martial arts an long time ago becasue of the first few competitions where people from every style jumped in


now everyone is doing basically the same styles, a few punches one or two kick (excpet for some notable exceptions) and ground work


however, now it is a a sport not style vs style but a sport where poeple have got hooked into the rules


where people ask if a TKD fella or a wing chun guy has ever won a UFC bout, well no of course he hasn't becasue he is not fighting under his sporting rules, also put the ufc guys into a tkd bout they wouldn't do too well either.


great epople to look up for a reality system is Geoff Thompson and iain Abernethy. 2 gentleman who have really looked into and used their arts


one thing from these gentlemen i would like to bring up is...


Martials arts are not for a square go, a one on one fight that you train for and are mentally and phycaill prepared. it is fro when things explode against untrain guys who are running screaming and snarling at you. even trained fighter at this point don;t always fall back on their training, look at the Mike tyson Lennox Lewis press conferance when it kicked off, they did put their guards up and use faints and jabs, they just went straight in. not boxing but brawling


I would take BJJ but i would want to train specifically on how to get back up froma grapple, and how to qucikly damage some one ina grapple, not how to roll for a long time, it give his friends or even some puch happy passer by too much time to use my head like a football

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Stand in Santi Shi for 40 mins and you'll feel Qi running in your blood like the Amazon:



It beats full lotus big time! Ha. ;)


San Ti Shi is an incredibly powerful standing practice and very difficult to hold for long periods. But if you are diligent enough the rewards are beyond description.

Less form work, more San Ti Shi !

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Stand in Santi Shi for 40 mins and you'll feel Qi running in your blood like the Amazon:



It beats full lotus big time! Ha. ;)



Do you mean 20 minutes on each side?


Do you do this in place of evenly weighted standing postures, or in addition to? Thanks for posting.

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