
The collected works of Blissmusic

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"The key to instant freedom

is observation.

Observing your inward experience

in this moment

without any control or resistance.


Problem is

you carry all of your memories

into this moment.


You carry

all of your memories everywhere

because it is how you define yourself.


You believe you exist

out of everything that happened before now.


This is the mind.

It is simply linking all thoughts together

to create one identification.


So really,

the way you live

is that you are living everything at once.

You are living childhood,

teenage years,

what happened 10 seconds ago

& 10 years ago.


And so when I say observe this moment,

all of it because of this common link of identification

is attempting to observe this moment.


But how can what happened

10 years ago or even 10 seconds ago

observe this moment?

How can this you,

based on memory, based on time

be present?


It is not possible.


So rather than live

in this linear idea of time in meditation,

let go of the past

and observe this moment

fresh and new.


A thought or experience arises

and you let it go.


It is not that you

hold on to this present moment

because you can't.


It is that you let go of everything else

and experience what is left.


By letting go of the past,

automatically what is left is here.


Not a linear here

that was here a second or a minute ago,

but a completely different reality.


In this reality outside of mind,

thoughts are not linear,

they are impersonal, nonsensical & independent,

arising and burning away in awareness.


You are free from all personal identity,

yet you fully experience what arises

and then it is gone,

burned away in blissful awareness.


In this state of freedom,

there is nothing else to do.

You are fully content & blissful.


There are no problems,

no past and future,

no fears or desires.


In dreamless sleep,

there are no worries

and you are drunk

as every cell of your existence

is nurtured in deep rest

and unconditional peace.


This state of timeless observation

is quite similar,

except you are fully conscious,

you are fully here and alive

yet free of all individual, separate identity.


You are free in a state

of pure conscious unconditional peace.

Beyond the self,

as limitless awareness.


And this happens simply

in observation of your inward experience.


You observe anything and you are free of it,

simply by the nature of observation.








How to Awaken Yourself

To Deep Blissful Peace

Simply By Listening to Music

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How to Be Blissful

Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

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"Take a moment to close your eyes

and notice what is here beyond thinking.


You are not to define it or describe it,

because that would be thinking.

Just experience what is here

without thought.


If you do this you will notice

that there is an indescribable sense

of existing in this moment.

And this existence

is conscious of it's existence.


In fact,

you cannot separate yourself,

this experience of existence,


or this moment, here and now.

They are all one.


By remaining in this experience

of pure existence,

you can quickly move to

subtler and subtler levels of consciousness.


The challenge is

thoughts are going to tempt you

to leave this sense of pure being

to identify yourself again with thinking;

to again become this thinking "I"

with a past and a future

separate from everything else.


But if you can let go of thoughts as they arise

you can remain in this sense of pure existence.


What seems to happen is a pulse:

You can remain in this sense

of pure existence beyond mind

for a short period and then very quickly,

you will latch on to a thought arising for safety.


Because the longer you remain

beyond mind in this sense of pure existence,

the more strange it feels to be

without form or definition

and the instinct is to jump back

into identification.


You cannot experience pure existence

as yourself as you know yourself to be.


You can only experience pure existence

as pure existence.


And being without identity

can feel strange and void.


So as your awareness

becomes stronger than your mind,

you will spend some time getting used

to this new experience.


At some point,

attachment to identity breaks,

the bliss kicks in

and it won't feel strange anymore.


It will feel like your true home

as indescribable bliss, peace and love.








Learn How to Fast Track Your Spiritual Awakening

Simply By Meditating to a Unique Shaktipat CD

Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website



Want to Feel Blissful?

For Free Teachings on Meditation & Awareness

Visit the How to Become Awakened Website

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"There are so many ways available

to stop us from having to experience life.


And technology is so great,

that there is always something

to distract you

from experiencing this moment.


They even have a television playing

while you are waiting in line at the bank.

And if not, there is always

the cell phone, text messaging,

blackberries and video games.


The radio playing while you work,

the television on and drink in your hand

as soon as you come home.


Always something to keep you

from having to feel this moment,

always something to distract you

from life itself.


What would happen

if you were plucked out of society,

and left in the middle of nowhere

with food, water and shelter.

Without any purpose or distraction.


Suddenly you would be confronted

with life itself and no means of escape.


First thing that would happen

is you would go nuts.


You would see how addicted

you are to distraction.


But eventually, through surrender,

you would begin to taste life.

You would begin to experience

what it really means to be alive

the joy of unconditional, purposeless existence.


Then if you would be put back into society,

you would feel the stress and aggression

of all of these things put in place to distract you.

You would feel how this constant urge

to seek pleasure and resist pain

sucks the life out of you.


Somewhere along the line

you realized life sometimes hurts

and then began the eternal quest

to escape it.


But the moment you are willing

to experience life

with all of it's hurts and insanity,

suddenly there is a freedom

and sense of peace that you are

no longer willing to turn away from.


Just the awareness

that you are alive fulfills you.


Because it is in being alive

that you experience divinity.


The two are not separate.


This is meditation.









Learn How You Can Easily Experience

Deep States of Peace & Bliss in Meditation

Visit the How To Meditate Deeply Website

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"The greatest mistake

people on the spiritual path make

is trying to turn spirituality into some sort

of understanding or knowledge.


Spirituality is about

discovering the truth beyond the mind;

to realize what is truly here

beyond your definitions,

knowledge and judgments.


For this realization to happen

two things are needed:

One is some form of enlightened energy,

call it grace, shaktipat or deeksha.


And the other is practice:

practicing keeping your focus inward,

on that which is beyond the mind.


Anything that can be defined or understood

is still mind and should be discarded.


Most people approach spirituality as

'First let me figure it all out and then I will practice.'


The problem is

the more you know about spirituality,

the further you are from actually experiencing it.


You could sit down every day

and practice even the simplest meditation technique

and through this practice

you will attain states of peace and truth

that one who has read all the books

and know all the teachings

could only imagine.


Understanding awareness

is what kills awareness.


The mind cannot get enlightened.


It is what keeps you from it.


So whenever you find yourself

seeking spiritual knowledge

or thinking about what you know about spirituality,

let it all go

and come back to being present.


It can be as simple as

watching your breath.


This alone can awaken you to truth.








Shaktipat on CD?

Learn How to Awaken Yourself to Your True Nature

Simply By Listening to a Unique CD.

Visit the CD for Spiritual Awakening Website

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"You can

through practice

relax into a state of no-thought.


It is not that you repress thoughts,

but through focused awareness

you detach yourself from thinking,

you take away the power and identification

behind the thoughts,


you let go of the thoughts

as they arise,

and then eventually surrender

into no-thought.


There will be great fear

around this,

because once all thought ceases,

you as you know yourself to be,

as the controller and the doer

cease to exist.


So there is worry around this:

'What about all of my problems?'

'What about all of my responsibilities?'

'What will happen to me?'


Thinking is the ego's mode of survival.

So to the ego,

allowing thoughts to stop

is like allowing the whole world to crumble.


So it takes practice

to dip in and out.


For a few moments

the ego disappeared

and everything is still okay.


There is no thought

yet you are still there to witness it.


All of your problems are gone in no thought,

but you can have them all back if you want them.


Every night for a few minutes

you enter into a state of dreamless sleep

where there is no thought.


And you gladly do.

You would go crazy if you didn't.


So what does that say about your thinking?


We are stepping into

a whole new world here

but if you look at the facts,

it is something worth exploring.










Learn How You Can Experience Deep States of Peace & Bliss

Simply By Meditating to a Unique CD

Visit the Enlightened Spirituality Website

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Relaxation and letting go never worked that well for me. As they never really stopped the movie, just tried to take your attention away from it.


But one little trick I recently found is to keep your mind focused on the point in time RIGHT BEFORE a thought spontaneously arises... This is a clever command line to keep your mind "stuck" in wuji mode.


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"Once you experience your natural state

of unconditional love and bliss,

all your ideas and beliefs

go out the window.


In this state of unconditional love,

there is a sense of devotion

that cannot be explained in words.


You are so madly in love

with love itself

that you disappear into it

so that only love remains.


That constant urge to move forward,

acquire things

and become something ceases.


So fulfilled by the scent of the flower,

you give up the idea of yourself

to become the scent itself.


That is the greatest joy.









Spiritual Awakening on CD?

Discover How You Can Experience Deep States of Bliss

Simply By Listening to a Unique CD

For Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening CD Website

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"Once you experience your natural state

of unconditional love and bliss,

all your ideas and beliefs

go out the window.


In this state of unconditional love,

there is a sense of devotion

that cannot be explained in words.


You are so madly in love

with love itself

that you disappear into it

so that only love remains.


That constant urge to move forward,

acquire things

and become something ceases.


So fulfilled by the scent of the flower,

you give up the idea of yourself

to become the scent itself.


That is the greatest joy.



Spiritual Awakening on CD?

Discover How You Can Experience Deep States of Bliss

Simply By Listening to a Unique CD

For Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening CD Website


Nice :D

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"Love needs no justification.


You cannot define it,

you cannot acquire it.


But somehow

after intense spiritual practice,

when you realize

you cannot do it,

you cannot get it,

you surrender.


That is when

divine love reveals itself,

it arises from your center

and shines out vibrating

as every atom of existence.


Then there is fulfillment.


That is

until the ego puffs itself up

and claims responsibility

and then love is hidden again.


And then you hunker down again

with spiritual practice.



love & spiritual practice are linked.


Not in mind

but in love.


When you truly love spiritual practice,

then you see the connection.


You do not do spiritual practice to get love,


you are love

and therefore you do spiritual practice.


It is an expression of love.

An awakening of what you truly are.


The devoted, the devotee and the devotion

are all one.


When you realize this,

it all becomes easy.


It is simply moving your focus

from this little separate 'me'

to love itself.










Learn How You Can Experience Deep States

of Unconditional Love & Bliss

Simply By Listening to a Unique Meditation CD

For Free Samples Visit the Spiritual Awakening CD Website

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Bhakti is the goal of yoga.

Yoga is simply that which leads to bhakti, through the realization of the continuity between self and other. How can this be anything other than self mastery?

Thus for me bhakti is of self mastery and is the test of a master, for a true master will know it in one form or another.


Devotion can be hard to fathom, it is not a faith based thing like some religions involve, no faith is required for devotion. It is not related to what you claim you believe, or what you think you think. It is beyond self and ego.

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"When enlightened teachers

talk about truth,

they are talking about

the truth beyond the mind.



from the perspective of mind,

you look at your job,

your family, your car, your friends,

all of these things appear

to be very real as separate things.


Through the mind you define them

not only as separate things

but how they are in relation to you.


So for you, they are real,

there is no denying it.


But only from the perspective

of the mind do these things

have names and definitions in relation

to a defined "you."


If you look at these things

without the mind,

what are they?


If you cannot define them

with words and emotions,

if you do not define yourself

with words and emotions

what is left?


Only awareness is left.

A sense of all-pervading consciousness.


Not awareness

and these objects,

just awareness.


There is not even a sense

of you and awareness.

It is all of the same awareness,

the same consciousness.


The idea of you

opposed to something else

no longer exists.


Everything is of one limitless conscious energy.


So your experience

from the perspective of mind

is real.


But it's reality

is only limited to the mind.


Beyond thinking it has no truth.


So when you find freedom from the mind,

which is to say freedom

from your identification with thoughts,

this mind perspective is no longer

the ultimate reality for you.


You can still enter into it,

and experience it,

but you are not defined by it.


You exist beyond it

as consciousness.


You can step in and out of

the mind perspective

without ever being bound by it,

without ever being imprisoned by it.


Your dominant experience

of yourself is energy,

energy that has no boundaries,

no heaviness or conflict.


The body is there,

the mind is there,

but it no longer defines you.








Learn How You Can Experience Your Natural State

Of Unconditional Love, Peace & Bliss

Simply By Listening to A Unique CD

For Free Samples Visit the Enlightened Spirituality CD Website

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Hi Kip,


Very nice.


I would like to caution though, that the Manifest is just as real as the Mystery is.


The light post is still there even though I didn't see it because I was watching some pretty lady walking down the sidewalk.


Peace & Love!

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I agree, the pursuit of a perfect mind or body is an unrealistic waste.

Too many people forsake what they have trying to be what they are not, like trying to become a god of light or some other ego inflated attainment concept.

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Hi Wolf,


Nice post.


I know what you are talking about. Been there, done that.


BTW I really don't like the word 'enlightenment' because it is so non-descript. A few years ago I exchanged that word with one I feel more comfortable with: Awareness.


Be well!

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Hi Wolf,


Nice post.


I know what you are talking about. Been there, done that.


BTW I really don't like the word 'enlightenment' because it is so non-descript. A few years ago I exchanged that word with one I feel more comfortable with: Awareness.


Be well!


Yes, awareness is a much better word, at least because it is simple and explanatory whereas 'enlightenment' is a word everyone seems to have there own interpretation of leading to many long winded food fights! However if the word is qualified well enough..ok.


Wolf..i may be wrong and/or misunderstanding you but your post reads a little like you feel 'tainted' by anything 'other' and are under the impression there is some kind of 'pure' 'you' . All 'things' are 'conditioned' my friend..relax.. B)

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Wolf..i may be wrong and/or misunderstanding you but your post reads a little like you feel 'tainted' by anything 'other' and are under the impression there is some kind of 'pure' 'you' . All 'things' are 'conditioned' my friend..relax.. B)


Hi Resonance,


I'm glad you added that. I wanted to add something like that to my post but I really don't want people here to think that I think that I am a "know-it-all".


It is true, everything in the universe, all things, are conditioned by the processes of Tzujan including Tao (which is a non-thing). Human life, I think, is among the most conditioned things in the universe (afterall, we are among the most recent manifestations in the universe).


And I will agree with your suggestion that a "pure you" is something very, very rare, if one exists at all. I think that the best we can do is to remove those conditioned aspects of ourself that prevent us from finding inner peace and contentment.


Be well!

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