
Spiritual Disclaimer (Hilarious)

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Spiritual Disclaimer

Notice is hereby given:


BY CONTINUING BEYOND THIS POINT. the reader acknowledges and agrees that the state of Spiritual Enlightenment discussed herein conveys upon the seeker-aspirant-victim no benefits. boons. blessings. or special powers and bears little or no resemblance to assorted New Age or Eastern varieties widely dispensed under the same name. Orgasmic euphoria. orgiastic bliss. obscene wealth. perfect health, eternal peace. angelic ascension, cosmic consciousness. purified aura. astral projection. pan-dimensional travel. extrasensory perception. access to akashic records. profound wisdom. sagely demeanor, radiant countenance, omniscience. omnipotence. omnipresence and opening of the third eve are not likely to result. Tuning. harmonizing. balancing. energizing, reversing or opening of the chakras should not be expected. The kundalini serpent dwelling at the base of the spine will not be awakened. poked. prodded. raised, or otherwise molested.


NO PROMISE OF SELF-ADVANCEMENT. self-esteem. self-aggrandizement. self-gratification. self-satisfaction or self-improvement is made or implied. Likewise. self-indulgent. self-involved. self-centered. self-absorbed. and self-serving persons will not find satisfaction herein. The reader should construe no assurance of reward. rapture. empowerment. deliverance. salvation, enrichment. forgive-ness. cc eternal rest in a heavenly abode. No raising. altering. transforming, transferring, transposing.transfiguring. transmuting. transcending or transmigrating of consciousness is to be expected.



PURCHASE OR POSSESSION OF THIS BOOK does not grant admittance to idyllic or mythical realms including but not limited to: Atlantis. Elysium. Garden of Eden. Heaven. Never-Never-Land. Nirvana. Paradise, Promised Land. Shambhala. Shangri-la, or Utopia.



THIS BOOK MAKES EXTENSIVE USE of analogy and symbolism. The terms vampire. zombie. caterpillar. butterfly. dreamstate. Maya. and others are used metaphorically. Likewise, any suggestion that the reader should leap from a skyscraper. step into a blazing inferno, perform ritual self-disembowelment ,or bathing in a vat of corrosive acids are not to be taking literally. The reader is advised that cutting off his or her hand, plucking out his or her eye. or chopping off his or her head. may result in bodily injury.



THE. PURSUIT AND ATTAINMENT of Spiritual Enlightenment may entail loss of ego. identity, humanity. mind. friends. relatives. Job. home, children. rat money. jewelry. respect. specificity in time. solidity in space. strict adherence to accepted physical laws, and reason for living.



THE. SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT REFERRED TO herein is a process and product of will and self-determination. It requires no reliance on or cooperation with God. Goddess. Satan. discorporate entities (angelic or demonic). gurus. swamis. seers. sages. holymen. priests. teachers, philosophers. fames. gnomes. pixies. sprites. (wee folk of any sort). or any other agent or agency of non-self authority.



HEART-CENTERED APPROACHES AND QUALITIES generally considered to be of the essence of Spiritual Enlightenment. such as love. compassion. tolerance, grace. tranquility. and pacifism. will beviewed herein as antithetical. misleading. and irrelevant.



THE. SEEKER-ASPIRANT-VICTIM has no need of any spiritual practices or belief systems including but not limited to Buddhism. Kabbalah. Hinduism. Sufism. Taoism. Gnosticism. Mohammadism. Judaism. Christism. Paganism. Occultism. Zoroastrianism. Wicca. Yoga. Tai Chi. Fong Simi. Martial Arts. Magick. or Necromancy


THE SEEKER-ASPIRANT-VICTIM has no need of any so-called spiritual or New Age paraphernalia.

trinkets or amulets including but not limited to crystals. gems. stones, seeds, beads, shells, incense.

candles, aromas, bells. gongs. chimes. altars. Images. or idols. No special clothing. jewelry. adornments.

tattoos. or fashion accessories are necessary to this endeavor.


THE SEEKER-ASPIRANT-VICTIM need not avail him or herself of any of the myriad enlightenment-

inducing procedures and techniques including but not limited to meditation. candle-gazing. mantra

intoning. subjugation to guru. standing on one leg. pilgrimage on belly. unaided flight. drugs.

breathing techniques. fasting. wandering in deserts. self-flagellation. vows of silence, sexual indulgence

or sexual continence.


THE SEEKER-ASPIRANT-VICTIM has no need or use for any spiritual powers. arts or sciences

including but not limited to astrology. numerology, divination, tarot or rune reading. mandala making.

fire-walking, psychic surgery. automatic writing. channeling. pyramid power. telepathy, clairvoyance.

lucid dreaming. dream interpretation. ESP. levitation. bi -location, psychokinesis. or remote viewing.

Furthermore. tricks. stunts or feats such as shooting arrows from horseback, endurance of cold, live

burial. materializing ash or jewelry. walking on fire or glass. laying on glass or nails, piercing of face or

arms, conjuring and rope tricks. have no bearing or merit as regards the Spiritual Enlightenment

discussed herein.


CONFRONTATION WITH PERSONAL DEMONS. the facing of deep-seated fears, and the step-by-

step dismantling of personal identity may result in elevated pulse. high blood pressure. loss of

equilibrium. loss of motor control. loss of pallor and skin tone. loss of hair and teeth. loss of appetite. loss of

sleep. loss of bowel and bladder control. tremors. fatigue. shortness of breath. dry-heaves. acid reflux.

dyspepsia. halitosis. diarrhea. seborrhea. psoriasis. sweating. swelling. and swooning. The emotional

upheaval attendant upon the discovery that one is oneself a fictional character in a staged drama may

result in forlornness, weltschmerz. intolerance. anger. hostility resentment, hopelessness. despondency.

suicidal despair. morbid depression. and a suffocating awareness of life's meaninglessness.


THE SEEKER-ASPIRANT-VICTIM is hereby advised that study of ancient cultures. travel to distant

lands, or learning of foreign languages avails not in the least. and that. for the purposes of under

standing and attaining the Spiritual Enlightenment discussed herein. there is no better place than here

and no better time than now.


THIS BOOK IS NOT INTENDED for human consumption. If ingested, induce vomiting and seek

immediate medical assistance. Avoid inserting this book into bodily cavities. Repeatedly plunging this

book Into the mouth, eyes, ears, nose, vagina or rectum may result in unsightly bulges and a painful

burning sensation. If symptoms persist. consult a qualified metaphysician.


ALL CHARACTERS PI ACES AND EVENTS depicted in this book are entirely fictional insofar as

this book and the universe in which it exists are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to actual people.

places and events is purely the result of resemblance to actual people. places and events.


NO DOLPHINS WERE SWUM WITH in the making of this book. Removal of this warning is illegal

where prohibited by law. Batteries not included. Be careful what you wish for. Jed McKenna action

figure sold separately.

Edited by mwight

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